Author: YLC
Application Deadlin : March 18, 2024 – FIRST-TF Call for projects 2024
The 2024 FIRST-TF call for project is now open. DUe to the end of the current LabEx funding note the unusual terms of the call:
This year, the funding from FIRST-TF will be exclusively for projects already funded previously by FIRST-TF and involving:
– extending contract of post-doc / young researcher, currently employed by CNRS and previously funded by FIRST-TF, for a maximum of 30k€. A full cost simulation is required, and the extension cannot lead to an end of contract later thanJune 30th 2025.
– equipment or small material for Research/Service/Teaching for an existing project previously funded by FIRST-TF (repair, extension, upgrade,…). New operation of teaching/outreach are, however, accepted. The maximum per project is 15k€ and a quote is required. Billing will need to occur before June 30th 2025.
for requests, contact:
Work-study contract for 1 year at CNES (Toulouse)
Assistant professor position, Sorbonne Université, SYRTE laboratory, Paris (section 30).
The Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace (SYRTE) laboratory carries out research in the field of fundamental astronomy, time and frequency metrology and sensor, and history of astronomy. A pioneering institution in their deveopment, it studies different types of cold-atom-based quantum sensors: microwave clocks, optical clocks and inertial sensors (gyrometers, gravimeters, gradiometers, chip-scale interformeters). These sensors have demonstrated a remarkable efficiency for realizing measurement instruments of unprecedented performances, for innovative applications in different disciplinary fields: geophysics, fundamental metrology, tests of fundamental laws of physics, positionning and navigation. In order to overcome sensitivity limits of these sensors, or improve their compactnes to turn them into transportable devices, it is important to utilize ressources offered by quantum mechanics, which have been, so far, little exploited for space-time measurement. These protocols include, as exemples, optimal quantum control, non-demolition measurement and preparation of squeezed states for measurement beyond the standard quantum limit, or even entanglement between different sensors. The SYRTE laboratory wants to hire an Assistant Professor in quantum physics to work in the specific domain of quantum protocoles applied to cold atoms sensors, in order to improve their limits in terms of sensitivity, and strengthen its position in ahighly competitive domain at the international scale.
Candidates (M/F) may contact the relevant group leaders::
– Optical Frequancy Metrology: contact Jérôme Lodewyck (
– Atomic Interferometry and inertial sensors: contact Franck Pereira Dos Santos (
– Microwave references and timescales: contact Stéphane Guérandel (
or the director of the SYRTE laboratory: Arnaud Landragin (
Call for ideas CNES R&T and PhD thesis 2021
Arnaud Landragin (SYRTE) receives the CNRS medal of innovation 2020
Arnaud Landragin, research director at CNRS and director of SYRTE (CNRS, OP-PSL, SU, LNE) has been granted the “medal of innovation 2020” by CNRS, for his work on high precision instruments based on matterwave interferometers and his role as a co-founder of the Muquans company. More information here et here.
FIRST-TF Calls for projects 2020 are opened ; deadline April 10th 2020 [Update COVID19]
The FIRST-TF calls for projects 2020 are now opened. The deadline is April 3rd 2020 April 10th 2020 [Update COVID 19].
IMPORTANT: this year, we introduce 2 parralel calls. The usual “one-year project” call, and in addition, a new “multi-year project” call. There is two distincts forms for these two calls.
The texts of the calls and the forms to fill-in can be downloaded here :
[note COVID 19: in case of difficulties in transmitting the “signature pages”, an email to from the direction of the structure involved will also be accepted]
“One-year project” call 2020 ; “One-year project” form 2020
“Multi-year projects” call 2020 ; “Multi-years projects” form 2020
REFIMEVE+ General Assembly, 1-2 April 2020 in Grenoble (France) [UPDATE COVID19: event Postponed]
The REFIMEVE+ project (fiber network of frequency reference distribution at ultra-high performance ) will take placeat the LIPhy laboratory (Grenoble) the 1st et 2nd of Avril 2020 [COVID19 : the event is postponed].
This general assembly is opened to REFIMEVE partners and every people interested in joining the project.
An on-line registration form and a preliminary program will be distributed soon.
Important subjects that will be discussed are : progress of the network, realization and performance of the Paris-Grenoble link, connexion between the Refimeve+ network and Italy, on-going applications.
Registration for EFTF 2020 is now open
The “European Frequency and Time Forum” (EFTF) conference will take place in Noorwijk (Netherlands) 20-23 April 2020. Registratio is now open, and the “early birds” fee available untilFebruary 13th.
==> information
22nd to 28th of August 2020 : NCSLI/CPEM 2020 (Denver, CO, USA)
The NCSLI/CPEM 2020 Workshop & Symposium will be hosted in Denver, Colorado, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. This year Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) will be hosted concurrently with the NCSLI Annual Conference. The 2020 conference theme is “The SI Unleashed — Bridging Science & Metrology”.
==> informations
29th of August – 5th of Septembre 2020 : URSI GASS (Rome, Italy)
The XXXIII General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI) will be held at Sapienza University Campus (Rome, Italy). The GASS of URSI are held at intervals of three years to review current research trends, present new discoveries and make plans for the future research and special projects in all areas of radio science.
==> informations