POST-DOC OFFER at FEMTO-ST– Besançon, France

Development of a stabilized laser on a sub-Kelvin Fabry-Perot cavity

Laboratory: FEMTO-ST– Besançon, France

Summary: Ultra-stable lasers have a central role in numerous scientific experiments for high precision measurements: atomic spectroscopy, diffusion of time & frequency signals by optical fiber, detection of gravitational waves and dark matter research. The performances are currently reaching fractional frequency stabilities below 10-16 at 1 second of integration. However, it is still insufficient for many applications including fundamental physics tests and optical atomic clocks. To overcome the current limits, the proposed offer consists in studying as finely as possible the behavior of a Fabry-Pérot cavity at 1 K, which will be used to stabilize a laser in frequency.

Offer details:

  • Prerequisites : PhD in Physics
  • Desired skills: Optical frequency metrology, Gaussian optics in free-space, Analog, digital and radio-frequency electronics, Control theory and locking/feedback techniques, Instrumentation, Cryogenic and ultra-high vacuum, Analysis and interpretation of noise and sources of noises
  • Contract duration : 1 year
  • Salary : approximately €2300 net
  • Procedure : Send CV, cover letter and at least 1 reference letter to

=> More details

Several Postdoc positions at SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, Paris.

Several Postdoc positions in the Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors team SYRTE (Observatoire de Paris), Paris. These positions are funded by the French Quantum Plan and other national and international research projects. Details on the positions listed below, as well as associated contact names, can be found at  and also here PostdocPositionsatSYRTE_2023.

Death of Christian Bordé, member of SYRTE and LPL.

We are sad to announce the death of our colleague Christian Bordé, member of SYRTE and LPL. He passed away peacefully on Wednesday August 30, surrounded by his close family.

We will remember him for his immense contribution to metrology and interferometry. We had the chance to share a festive moment with him for his 80th birthday a few months ago and keep a last memory of a very happy moment with him.

Rodolphe Boudot (FEMTO-ST) received the 2020 EFTF Young Scientist Award

The EFTF Young Scientist Award 2020 goes to Dr. Rodolphe Boudot ,”for his outstanding contributions to the development of high-performance compact and miniature CPT atomic clocks.”
The EFTF Young Scientist Award is conferred in recognition of a personal contribution that demonstrated a high degree of initiative and creativity and led to already established or easily foreseeable outstanding advances in the field of time and frequency metrology. The award honours a person under the age of 40 at the date of the opening session of the EFTF conference.


PhD defense by Alexandre Bouvier – May 31st 2021 at 10AM

Alexandre Bouvier will defend his thesis on May 31st, 2021, entitled: “Studies on the mid-term effects of the Double-Modulation CPT clock”, prepared at the University of Paris Sciences et Lettres and under the supervision of Stéphane Guérandel.
The defense, in French, will be  in the salle du Levant of the Observatoire de Paris (77 avenue Denfert Rochereau, 75014 Paris). 
Follow the defense

FIRST-TF Calls for projects 2021 are opened ; deadline February 26, 2021

The FIRST-TF calls for projects 2021 are now opened. The deadline is February 26, 2021.

These calls for projects aim to support teams from the FIRST-TF network on ambitious projects (research projects, projects in partnership with companies, training projects or dissemination of knowledge to the public) and to strengthen collaborations between its members, on themes focused on Time Frequency metrology, its interfaces and its applications.

MPORTANT: Like last year, there are 2 parralel calls for projects. The usual “one-year project” call, and in addition, a new “multi-year project” call. There are two distincts forms for these two calls for projects.

In addition, given the administrative constraints exposed at the last General Assembly, we remind you that 2021 is the last year in which the FIRST-TF Labex will be able to allocate thesis funding (1/2 or full).

The texts of the calls and the forms to fill-in can be downloaded here:

FIRST-TF_One-year-project-call-2021 ; FIRST-TF_One-year-project-call-2021_form

FIRST-TF_Multi-year-project-call-2021 ; FIRST-TF_Multi-year-project-call-2021_form

URSI-France : JS 2021 (échéance appel au 29 janvier !) et AG annuelle

La Journée scientifique d’URSI-France se tiendra le mercredi 31 mars 2021 dans un format réduit par rapport aux années précédentes, compte tenu du contexte particulier de la pandémie qui impose le distanciel et n’est pas favorable aux échanges les plus fructueux entre participants et orateurs.

Elle comprendra des exposés invités par des personnalités scientifiques de renom, et des “pitches de jeunes chercheurs”, qui font l’objet d’un appel avec échéance au 29 janvier 2021.

La JS 2021 sera accompagnée comme traditionnellement de la remise de la médaille du CNFRS/URSI-France et de la remise du prix de thèse en radiosciences, en présentiel si le contexte le permet. Les détails seront communiqués ultérieurement
Par ailleurs, l’assemblée générale annuelle d’URSI-France se tiendra, en distanciel, le jeudi 1er avril de 16H à 18H.