Postdoctoral position of 12 months renewable at SYRTE – Observatoire de Paris, to work on the Comparison of advanced techniques of time and frequency transfer.

A renewable 12-month postdoctoral position is available at SYRTE – Observatoire de Paris, to work on the Comparison of advanced techniques of time and frequency transfer. Application Deadline : 11 May 2023. Interested people can contact Caroline Lim. For more detail, please see here.

PhD thesis on “Génération de paires de qubits intriqués à partir de résonateurs optiques fibrés” at LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, France).

A PhD thesis offer is available at LAAS-CNRS, MOST team (Toulouse, France). Title : Génération de paires de qubits intriqués à partir de résonateurs optiques fibrés”. The thesis will be co-directed by Olivier Llopis (LAAS-CNRS) and Benoit Chalopin (LCAR). Interested candidates should contact O. Llopis (, B. Chalopin (, A. Fernandez ( For more information, please see the Job description and Apply here.

Scientific Software Engineer and Data Scientist – Time Metrology, BIPM, Sèvres (France).

The BIPM seeks to recruit a Software Engineer with knowledge in scientific algorithms, software development, and data analysis to support the generation and publication of the timing products within the Time Department. Full-time 5 year fixed-term contract (with possibility of tenure). Application deadline is May 21st, 2023 (23h59 Paris time). If interested, applications should be sent to For more information, please see the Job description here.

Offre d’alternance CNES : « Essaim de satellites : Horloges et synchronisation », Toulouse

« Contrat d’alternance au CNES pour 1 ou 2 ans. La personne recrutée effectuera ses activités au sein du laboratoire Temps-Fréquence du CNES à Toulouse. Elle contribuera activement au développement d’un banc de test qui permettra de valider des concepts, des algorithmes et des méthodes de synchronisation dans un contexte d’essaim de satellites. Les personnes candidates doivent  postuler directement sur le site de l’annonce : ici.

Date de début : Septembre 2023

JOURNEES 2023: TIME AND GENERAL RELATIVITY, 11-13 September 2023, Nice (France)

Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur together with Observatoire de Paris are pleased to announce that the “Journées 2023: Temps et Relativité Générale (Time and General Relativity)” will be held from 11 to 13 September 2023  in Nice  at Université Côte d’Azur and Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur.

The pre-registration with abstract is open here up to June 12th and the link to the registration fees will be open April 4th 2023 on this website up to August 21th.


For more information,


Chaire Professeur Junior – Artemis Laboratory, Nice

Here in France there is a new initiative called the Chaire Professeur Junior (CPJ). The CPJs are intended for researchers in the first part of their career, with a strong potential to manage and lead a research team, as well as to participate in national, European or international projects. Once hired, the person would be on a tenure-track-like system. After 3 to 6 years they would become a University Professor, or a CNRS Directeur de Recherche.

The Artemis Laboratory in Nice, France has a CPJ position for the development of high power and stabilizer laser systems for gravitational-wave detectors. The position comes with a start-up package of 350k€. See
for a description of the position. For this position at Artemis, the hired person would become a CNRS Directeur de Recherche after tenure. The application procedure can be found at:

The application deadline is April 14.

Please contact me ( if you need more information or would like to discuss.

SAVE THE DATE – FIRST-TF 2023 General Assembly & Workshop “Quantum Technologies and Time-Frequency” in Nice!

A double announcement:

FIRST-TF 2023 General Assembly will take place on November 8 and 9 in Nice, at the Hotel Le Saint Paul. It will be followed by a workshop devoted to Quantum Technologies and Time-Frequency, on November 10, 2023 in Nice, at the Hotel Le Saint Paul.

Please note these dates in your notebooks. The program, the logistical details as well as the website for registrations (separate for the 2 events) will be communicated very soon.

A one year postdoc position in experimental Precise Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT), at the University of Alabama (USA)

The Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Alabama encourage applications for a Postdoctoral Associate. The successful candidate will perform research at the interface between experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics, and precise Positioning, Navigation, Timing, and Frequency (PNTF) with the supervision of professor Thejesh Bandi and a wide spectrum of internal and external collaborations. The position can be extended up to a period of 3 years, on a yearly renewal basis based on the performance. Start date of review of applications: March 30th 2023, and will continue until the position is filled. For more information, please see the Job description here.