Job offers

October 2024 : Post doc at SYRTE (Paris) on ultra-sensitive quantum gravimetry =>More details.

June 2024 Permanent research engineer at the CNRS: electronics for the LISA and Virgo projects at ARTEMIS, Côte d’Azur Observatory => Select poste #40

June 2024 SILENTSYS is hiring: Short internship for engineering students, Job offer marketing & communication, Job offer photonics sales engineer

June 2024 Postdoctoral researcher position in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis, Royal Observatory of Belgium => More details

June 2024 Postdoc or engineer position for LISA data preprocessing at SYRTE (Paris) => More details

April 2024 Post-doctorate position, 1 year, FEMTO-ST (Besançon, France) : “Development of a stabilized laser on a sub-Kelvin Fabry-Perot cavity”. Contact: More details

March 2024 Work-study contract for 1 year at CNES (Toulouse). “Satellites constellation: clocks and synchronisation”. more information

February 2024 Research Engineer position with expertise in instrumentation to coordinate the construction and commissioning of the MIGA instrument (Gravitational Antenna based on Atomic Inetrferometry) at the LSBB site. This fixed-term contract will start as soon as possible at the LSBB Laboratory in Rustrel, Vaucluse, in the Parc Naturel Régional du Luberon in Provence, for a renewable period of 12 months. Contact : More details

February 2024 Postdoctorate position: Hydrogen deceleration for its first observation of the Gravitational Quantum States: Full time postdoctorate, mainly experimental position. 12 months contract (possibility of extension). Start date: February 2024 January 2025.Location: Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, ENS, Collège de France. 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris. More details

January 2024 Navigation GNSS Engineer at Rokubun (Spain): Job opening at Rokubun (Spain) to fill a research position (PhD required) in the topic of satellite positioning, partially funded by the Spanish Science Ministry. The application deadline is set for February 14th, 2024, and should you be granted the position, the anticipated start date would be in the Summer of 2024. More details.

January 2024 Physical Optics Engineer CNES (Toulouse): You will take part in the european development of  a spatial atomic interferometer, in particular the definition of the metrological performance for the future space model. You will also take part in the performance validation campaigns for subsystems of the LISA mission for gravitational wave detection and to the development of associated optical ground stations.

December 2023 R&D electronics engineer at AR Electronics (Besancon): AR Electronique develops and manufactures in Besançon (France) a wide range of time-frequency products, covering quartz resonators (AT, SC), high-stability oscillators (XO, VCXO, TCXO, OCXO), piezoelectric filters (BAW resonators, all types), as well as numerous systems and frequency sources with very diverse characteristics. AR Electronique is currently looking for an R&D electronics engineer to meet the needs of its growing business. Contact:

October 2023: A 2-year post-doctoral position is available at the ETH, Zurich, to work on “Laser spectroscopy of Exotic Atoms”. Contract start date: to be filled immediately. If interested, please contact, Prof. Dr. Aldo Antognini, For more detail, please see the job description: PostDoc_position-HyperMu_2023_2.

October 2023: Different PhD and Postdoc positions in the Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors team SYRTE (Observatoire de Paris), Paris. These positions are funded by the French Quantum Plan and other national and international research projects. Details on the positions listed below, as well as associated contact names, can be found at and also here PhDandPostdocPositionsatSYRTE_2023.

October 2023: Project engineer for Equipex+ T-REFIMEVE, at LPL, Sorbonne Paris Nord University. This is a 2-year fixed-term contract, renewable, Research Engineer level, category A+. The project engineer will participate in the scientific and technical development of the Equipex+ T-REFIMEVE, in particular for the deployment, operation and maintenance of the fiber links of the REFIMEVE network. She/He will also contribute to the coordination with the partners using the equipment and to the management of T-REFIMEVE. Contract start date: to be filled immediately. If interested, please contact Pr Anne AMY-KLEIN, head of T-REFIMEVE, and send your applications (CV and cover letter) to For more information, see the job description: 2023 09 28 poste ingénieur projet T-REFIMEVE.

September 2023: Project manager position for the Equipex T-REFIMEVE, at the Laboratory of Laser Physics at University Sorbonne Paris Nord, in collaboration with SYRTE. This is a 2-year fixed-term contract, renewable, Research Engineer level, category A+. Contract start date: to be filled immediately. If interested, please contact Pr Anne AMY-KLEIN, head of T-REFIMEVE, and send your applications (CV and cover letter) to and For more information, see the job description: 2023 09 01 poste chef de projet T-REFIMEVE.

August 2023: A 1-year Postdoctoral Research position available in the Time & Frequency department, OHMS team at FEMTO-ST institute (Besançon, France). Title: Development of a stabilized laser on a sub- Kelvin Fabry-Perot cavity”. If interested, please send CV, cover letter and at least 1 reference letter to Dr. Jonathan GILLOT. Starting date: no earlier than November 1, 2023. For more details, please see the job description: offre post-doc dicav.

June 2023: A PhD position – CASSINI Project – 2023, is available at C2N, Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies, Palaiseau (France). Title : “Clock And Sensor Stability Improvement in NEMS-based Instruments”. This position is possibly convertible into a two-year postdoctorate position. Interested candidates should contact Alexis BRENES ( et  Jérôme JUILLARD ( Starting by September 2023 would be ideal. For more details, please see the job description: PhD position – C2N – 2023 – CASSINI.

May 2023: PhD student position in experimental ultra-high precision molecular spectroscopy, LERMA, CNRS – Observatoire de Paris – Sorbonne Université, Paris. Title : “High-Precision laser spectroscopy of ozone in the UV for atmospheric applications”. If interested, please contact Christof JANSSEN For more details, see the Job description.

May 2023: A 3-year Instrumentation engineer (M/W) position is available at the SYRTE (Observatoire de Paris) to work on the Horizon Europe project “Qu-Test”. Such a project aims to create an open infrastructure supporting the European industry for the characterization and testing of components, subsystems and instruments exploiting quantum technologies. Application Deadline : 15 June 2023. For more details, please see the job description here.

May 2023: A 3-year Engineer or Physicist position in time & frequency, opto-electronics, laser physics or telecommunication is available at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The Goal: development of time and frequency dissemination through the Belgium optical fiber networks. If interested, please send a cv and a motivation letter to Pascale Defraigne with a copy to Bruno Bertrand. Application Deadline: May 31, 2023For more details, please see the job description here Job-offer_BOOSTED.

April 2023: One-year secondment: “Time and Frequency Capacity Building Coordinator”,at BIPM. Applications should be sent by 31st May 2023 (23:59 Paris time) to Patrizia TavellaStarting date: Beginning September 2023. See more information here.

April 2023: Postdoctoral position of 12 months renewable at SYRTE – Observatoire de Paris, to work on the “Comparison of advanced techniques of time and frequency transfer”. Application Deadline : 11 May 2023Interested people can contact Caroline Lim. For more information, please see here.

April 2023: A PhD thesis offer is available at LAAS-CNRS, MOST team (Toulouse, France). Title : Génération de paires de qubits intriqués à partir de résonateurs optiques fibrés”. The thesis will be co-directed by Olivier Llopis (LAAS-CNRS) and Benoit Chalopin (LCAR). Interested candidates should contact O. Llopis (, B. Chalopin (, A. Fernandez ( For more information, please see the Job description and Apply here.

March 2023: Scientific Software Engineer and Data Scientist – Time Metrology”, BIPM, Sèvres (France). Full-time 5 year fixed-term contract (with possibility of tenure). Application deadline is May 21st, 2023 (23h59 Paris time). Expected starting period: September 1, 2023. If interested, applications should be sent to For more information, please see the Job description here.

March 2023: Offre d’alternance CNES : « Essaim de satellites : Horloges et synchronisation », Toulouse. « Contrat d’alternance au CNES pour 1 ou 2 ans. La personne recrutée effectuera ses activités au sein du laboratoire Temps-Fréquence du CNES à Toulouse. Elle contribuera activement au développement d’un banc de test qui permettra de valider des concepts, des algorithmes et des méthodes de synchronisation dans un contexte d’essaim de satellites. Les personnes candidates doivent  postuler directement sur le site de l’annonce : ici. Start date: September 2023.

March 2023: Chaire Professeur Junior – Artemis Laboratory, Nice. The Artemis Laboratory in Nice, France has a CPJ position for the development of high power and stabilizer laser systems for gravitational-wave detectors. The position comes with a start-up package of 350k€. Application deadline is April 14, 2023. For more information, please see the Job description here. If interested, please contact:

February 2023: Professor or Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Experimental Gravitational Wave Research at ETH Zurich. Application deadline is April 16, 2023. For more information, please see the Job description here.

February 2023: Postdoc position in experimental Precise Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT), at the University of Alabama. The position can be extended up to a period of 3 years, on a yearly renewal basis based on the performance. Start date of review of applications: March 30th 2023, and will continue until the position is filled. For more information, please see the Job description here.

February 2023: A permanent position of Research Engineer in photonics, shared between the TF department and the Optics department of FEMTO-ST will be advertised in the spring. If interested, please contact: TFYann Kersalé; 0381402763; Jacques Millo; 0381402924
OpticsMaxime Jacquot; 0363082416. For more information, please see the Job description here.

February 2023: A PhD thesis offer is available in the Time & Frequency department, OHMS team at FEMTO-ST institute (Besançon, France). Title: Ultra-stable microcell based optical clock. Interested candidates should contact Rodolphe Boudot and apply here CNES funding application for candidates, before 16 March 2023. For more information, please see the job description PhDThesis-Subject-FEMTO.

February 2023: A position of IT Infrastructure Manager F/H, on a one-year fixed-term contract renewable once, is open at SYRTE, Paris Observatory, Paris campus. The position is expected to become permanent. Starting date of the contract : as soon as possible. For more information, see the Job description. Interested candidates can send their CV and a letter of motivation to: Pascal Blondé, Arnaud Landragin, Info SYRTE, Marine Pailler,Recrutements observatoire.

February 2023: PhD thesis offer available in the Time & Frequency department, OHMS team at FEMTO-ST institute (Besançon, France). Title: “Clock laser influence on single ion optical clocks frequency stability”. More information here and here.

January 2023: A 15 months postdoctoral research position at the Laser Physics Laboratory to work on “continuous superradiant lasing from an atomic beam”. Start date: As soon as possible. If interested, please Job description here and contact Martin Robert-de-Saint-Vincent.

January 2023: Lecturer position (30th section) open at the University of Rennes for the start of the academic year 2023. The recruited candidate will carry out his research activities at the FOTON Institute in Rennes (DOP team) in the field of photonics and his teaching at the UFR SPM. If interested please contact now Marc VALLET, DOP team manager, (+33) 2 23 23 62 04, For teaching profile, please contact now Janine EMILE, director UFR SPM(+33) 2 23 23 62 45, For more information, see the job description: fiche de poste MCF 30ème FOTON-DOP.

January 2023: Senior Researcher in Atomic Clock and Fundamental Physics, at JPL Quantum Sciences and Technology Group, Pasadena, California.  Start date: As soon as possible. If interested, please see  Job description here.

December 2022: Project manager position for the Equipex T-REFIMEVE, at the Laboratory of Laser Physics at University Sorbonne Paris Nord, in collaboration with SYRTE. This is a 2-year fixed-term contract, renewable, Research Engineer level, category A+.  Contract start date: as soon as possible. If interested, please contact Pr Anne AMY-KLEIN, head of T-REFIMEVE, Applications (CV and cover letter) to and For more information, see the job description: poste chef de projet T-REFIMEVE.

November 2022: 3-year Research Assistant position in the Satellite Geodesy group of the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Bern (AIUB), to work on GNSS data analysis. Application deadline is December 23, 2022. See the Job description here.

September 2022: Permanent Contract position as a Research Engineer in Physics, M/F, is available at WAINMAG, Ploemeur (56), Brittany, France. Start date: As soon as possibleIf interested, please send a CV and a cover letter to See the Job description here.

September 2022: Project manager position for the Equipex T-REFIMEVE, available at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, Villetaneuse Campus. Initial contract of 1 year with a budgeted multi-year renewal. Starting date: as soon as possible. Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to See Job description here

July 2022: A 1-year Postdoctoral Research position in “Fiber Interferometer for Laser Frequency Metrology” available at the Laboratoire ARTEMIS, Nice (France). Applications start on September 2022. See the Job description here. If interested, please send a CV and a cover letter to Dr. Fabien Kéfélian

July 2022: Permanent position as a Research Engineer in “Micro-Technologies (M/F)”, available at ONERA Châtillon (Ile-de-France). Start date: As soon as possibleSee the job description here and how to apply here.

July 2022: Permanent contract as a Research Engineer in “Design of micro-nano systems (M/F)”, available at ONERA Châtillon (Ile-de-France). Start date: As soon as possibleSee the job description here and how to apply here.

June 2022: Scientific collaborator position for a 2-year contract at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, for remote atomic clock comparisons using the GNSS signals. Application deadline is July 08, 2022. See here for job description and how to apply.

June 2022: Microwave Electronics Product Architect specializing in Local Oscillators permanent position available at Thales Alenia Space, Toulouse. Start date: As soon as possible. See here for job description and how to apply.

June 2022: Financial manager and accountant position available on fixed-term contract for one year, renewable, at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (CNRS et USPN), Villetaneuse campus. The position may lead to the opening for a competition of a CNRS civil servant position. Expected starting date: September 1, 2022. See job description here. Apply here.

June 2022: Postdoctoral position in experimental optics at ARTEMIS (Nice) to work on “Mitigation of Optomechanical Parametric Instability in next generation of Gravitational Wave Detectors”. Contract period: 12 months with possibility of 18 additional months. Expected starting period: September 2022. Please see Job description and instructions on how to apply.

May 2022: A 2-year Postdoctoral Research position available at LPCCaen in Normandy (France) to work on Correlated noises propagation study at TDI level for spatial interferometer LISA”. Application deadline is June 09, 2022. For any questions, please contact  Yves LEMIEREStart date: July 1st or as soon as possible. For more information, please see here.

May 2022: Research and Teaching Assistant position in GNSS available at the University of Liege (Belgium) for 2 years. At the end of this 2-year period, the contract may be renewed 2 times for a period of 2 years (i.e. a total of 6 years). Application deadline is June 15, 2022. Applications (scientific CV and motivation letter) should be sent to For more information, please see Job description here.

May 2022: 12 months period (with possibility of 12 additional months) Postdoctoral position available at FEMTO-ST in Besançon to work on “Microcell-based optical clocks”. Application deadline is June 20, 2022. More information on the position here: postdoc_MHO_2022_en. Apply  here:

May 2022: Scientific Software Engineer position available in the Time Department at the BIPM, Sèvres (France). Application deadline is June 10, 2022. More information on duties, employment  conditions, expected qualifications and experience, as well as on the application process: Job description here.

April 2022: One or more postdoctoral research positions available at the Laboratory of Space Systems and Optomechanics (LASSO) at Texas A&M University. LASSO’s research involves technology development related to LIGO, LISA, as well as current NASA efforts for future geodesy space missions, among other areas.The positions are available now and will remain open until they are filled. You can Apply here.

April 2022: Two PhD positions in the field of quantum technologies at PTB (Germany). Application deadline is May 2, 2022. See Job description here.

April 2022: A 3-year Assistant professor/tResearch staff position at the National Laboratory FAMO (Poland), to work on “Ultracold molecules for fundamental interactions sensing”. This project is devoted to developing a new molecular sensor to allow the study of fundamental interactions. Application deadline is April 20, 2022. See Job description here.

April 2022: A 3-year Research Scientist (f_m_x) position available at GFZ (Potsdam) to support our GNSS Analysis Center and our long-term work within the Galileo Geodetic Reference Service Provider. Start date: As soon as possible. Application deadline is April 20, 2022. See Job description here.

March 2022: A 2-year Postdoctoral Research position in Mid-infrared photonics & precise spectroscopic measurements available at the Laboratoire de physique de l’ENS, (ENS) and the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (LPL, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord), to work on “High-sensitivity, high-resolution ultra-broadband heterodyne detection using high-speed room-temperature quantum well detectors”. Starting date: As soon as possible. See Job description here.

March 2022: A 2-year Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available in the Cold Atoms in Bordeaux group at LP2N to work on “Multi-axis atom interferometry for inertial navigation”. Starting date: As soon as possible. See Job description here.

March 2022: A 2-year Postdoctoral Research position in Experimental Atomic and Molecular Physics available at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (LPL, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) and the Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (CNRS & Université Paris Saclay), to work on “Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies”. Starting date: As soon as possible. See Job description here.

February 2022: Scientific collaborator for a 2-year contract at the Royal Observatory of Belgium, for remote atomic clock comparisons using the GNSS signals. Application deadline is March 15, 2022. See More information here.

February 2022: PhD and Postdoc positions in the Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors team SYRTE (Observatoire de Paris), Paris. These positions are funded by the French Quantum Plan and other national and international research projects. Details are here PhDandPostdocPositionsatSYRTE.

February 2022: “Staff Research Technologist” position available at JPL who will help lead clock mission science study, requirement definition, capability development, and technology maturation and validation activities in the coming years. Starting date: As soon as possibleSee Job description here.

February 2022: PhD position at ONERA (Châtillon, France) to work on “Development of a 100 MHz quartz-MEMS resonator for space applications”. Application deadline is March 31, 2022. See More information here.

January 2022: Permanent Time/Frequency project manager position available at Syrlinks in Cesson-Sévigné (Brittany). Starting date: As soon as possible. See Job description here.

January 2022: Project manager position for the Equipex T-REFIMEVE, available at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, Villetaneuse Campus. Initial contract of 1 year with a budgeted multi-year renewal. Starting date: as soon as possible. Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to and See Job description here

January 2022: Temporary IT Manager of a research laboratory and interfacing and automation of experimental devices position, at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, Villetaneuse Campus. Starting date: As soon as possible. Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to See Job description here. For more information, please contact MAGOT Marine.

December 2021: 18 months Lidar Instrumentation Development Engineer position available at ONERA (Palaiseau site) to work mainly on new projects relating to the development of Rayleigh and Raman UV lidars for aeronautical and environmental applications. The person recruited will be involved in two related activities, one related to the aeronautics sector for autonomous aircraft and the other to the energy sector for securing installations. Starting date: As soon as possible. More information here.

December 2021: 12 months period (with possibility of 12 additional months) Postdoctoral position available at LP2N in Bordeaux to work on “Ultra low noise laser and optical levitation”. More information here. Applicants may send a cv, reference and cover letter to Giorgio Santarelli, Yann Louyer and Adele Hilico

December 2021: Openings for both graduate students and postdocs at NIST, Boulder.The Fiber Sources and Applications Group at NIST, Boulder has openings both for graduate students and postdocs with a background in optics and/or electrical engineering for projects focused on the application of optical frequency combs to time-frequency transfer and ranging. More information here.

December 2021: Postdoctoral positions available at NIST Boulder. The Atomic Devices and Instrumentation Group at NIST currently has openings for one or more post-doctoral research associates with a background in atomic physics, laser science or photonics. Projects include MEMS alkali cell fabrication, atomic magnetometry, high-performance compact clocks, atom interferometers and other compact and chip-scale instruments. Non-US citizens are welcome. More information on the NIST ADI group can be found at More information here. Applicants may send a cv and cover letter to John Kitching.

November 2021: One-year position (renewable) of IT Manager of a research laboratory and interfacing and automation of experimental devices, at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, Villetaneuse Campus. Starting date: As soon as possible. Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to See Job description here. 

November 2021: Time-Frequency Research Engineer position available at UAR THETA, Besançon. This position is offered by CNRS internal mobility, FSEP (Fonctions Susceptibles d’Etre Pourvues), and therefore reserved exclusively for CNRS agents (civil servants and  permanent contract). It will be published on the CNRS website ( between December 6 and January 17. See the job description for more details Profil_IGR_TF_FSEP_UAR_THETA_3245. For any additional information, please contact the director of the unit: Philippe Rousselot.

November 2021: Project manager position for the Equipex T-REFIMEVE, available at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, Villetaneuse Campus. Initial contract of 1 year with a budgeted multi-year renewal. Starting date: January 1, 2022. Applications (CV and cover letter) should be sent to and See Job description here.

October 2021: Two post-doctoral positions in the field of miniature atomic sensors are available at IEMN Central laboratory, Villeneuve d’Ascq (France). Starting date: December 2021. More information here.

October 2021: Permanent Electronics Engineer position at WAINVAM-E, Ploemeur, Brittany, France. WAINVAM-E bridges the gap between high-potential academic research and usable technology solutions. This transformation process is made possible by facilitating cross disciplinary collaboration between scientists, and then connecting them with business-oriented professions. Starting date: As soon as possible. More information here.

September 2021: Frequency & Timing Engineer position available at VisionSpace Technologies GmbH, Darmstadt (Germany) to assist operations of European Space Agency – Operations Centre in Germany. He/She will be in charge of designing and procuring frequency and timing systems for a huge network of antennas. More information here.

September 2021: 12 months Engineer software development and GNSS data processing position available at the Toulouse Environment Geosciences laboratory. Application deadline is September 27, 2021. More information here.

September 2021: Postdoctoral position available in the OHMS team at FEMTO-ST (Besançon, France) to study a new generation of ultra-stable optical Fabry-Perot cavity. Application deadline is September 28, 2021. More information here.

September 2021: Phenomenologist or data analysist experienced in tests of fundamental physics with high precision
sensors for a fiveyear position at the Royal Observatory of Belgium
. Application deadline is September 30, 2021. More information here.

September 2021: Senior Physicist postion available for 5 years  in Quantum Technologies at IPAS at University of Adelaide, Australia. Application deadline is September 30, 2021. More information here.

September 2021: 7 months “Administrative Management and Operational Support Officer M/F” position available at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Villetaneuse. Application deadline is September 17, 2021. More information here.

September 2021: Lecturer position in the Centre for Cold Matter, to work in the Quantum Optics & Laser Science Group in the Department of Physics at Imperial College London. Application deadline is September 26, 2021. More information here.

August 2021: 3 years postdoctoral position in “instrumentation for gravitational wave detectors” available at Nikhef, National Institute for Subatomic Physics, the Netherlands. Application deadline is October 1st, 2021. More information here.

August 2021: Trapped ion optical clock scientist available at the Time and Frequency Department at NPL, Teddington, United Kingdom. Application deadline is September 05th, 2021. More information here.

August 2021: Frequency Comb Scientist position available at the Time and Frequency Department at NPL, Teddington, United Kingdom. Application deadline is September 05th, 2021. More information here.

August 2021: Physicist position for laser interferometric sensor concepts available at DLR-SI Institute in Hannover, Germany. Application deadline is August 11th, 2021. More information here.

August 2021: Physicist position available at BIPM, Sèvre (France). Application deadline is October 15th, 2021. More information here.

July 2021: European Commission has published a new Call for Tenders on TED: “Preparation of Standards for Galileo Timing Receivers”. The intent of this call for tenders is to progress on the standardisation process for Galileo timing receivers. The target users are all Galileo Timing users, with special focus on critical infrastructures and critical applications. The future standard will need to take into account the specificities of the Galileo Timing Service. The tender documentation can be found here: Deadline for submission of Tenders is 08/09/2021.

July 2021: Physicist / Engineer position for Development of Ultrastable Laser Systems (m/f/d) available at TOPTICA Photonics, Munich (Germany). More information.

July 2021: 24 months Postdoctoral position in “frequency comb generation at 2 μm” available at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon (France). More information. For additional information, please contact : Aurélien Coillet

July 2021: “Computational scientist” permanent position to support computational research efforts at the University of Rhode Island, USA. A (partial) remote working scenario is a possibility as well. More information here.

July 2021: One year contract (renewable) of IT department manager of a research laboratoryat the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN) – Campus de Villetaneuse. Application deadline is July 11th, 2021. More information.

June 2021: 2 years Postdoctoral position available at the Cavendish Laboratory (Department of Physics, University of Cambridge) to investigate “non-equilibrium physics of homogeneous ultracold atomic gases”. Application deadline is July 15th, 2021. More information here and here.

June 2021: PhD position at the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity division (AEI) in Potsdam to work on “modeling gravitational waves from merging black holes in the small-mass ratio limit”. Application deadline is August 25th, 2021. More information here. Apply here.

June 2021: 8 months “Administrative Management and Operational Support Officer M/F” position available at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Villetaneuse. Application deadline is 02 July 2021. More information here and here.

June 2021: “Pedagogical engineer position in electronics (F / M)” at ENSSAT, Lannion and. Application deadline is August 27th, 2021 and should include a letter of motivation and a curriculum vitæ. More information here and here.

June 2021: Three years Postdoctoral position available in the Quantum Engineering Group at LCAR (Université Toulouse 3) and the Photonics Group at LAAS (CNRS). The Research Associate will work on “Development of on-chip atomic sources for inertial sensors”. Start date: in 2021. More information.

June 2021: One-year secondee position as a “Developer in GNSS time/frequency transfer” at BIPM, Sèvre (France). Application deadline is June 20th, 2021. More information.

May 2021: One year “Researcher position in geoscience for space altimeter calibration using kinematic GNSS” is available in “Geodesy-Geophysics” team of the “Toulouse Environmental Geosciences” joint research unit of the Midi Pyrénées Observatory in Toulouse (France). More information.

May 2021: Researcher-Engineer permanent position entitled : “Time transfer over optical fiber links”, is available at LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris. More information.

May 2021: PhD Student position available in the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests group (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord). Title: “Frequency metrology and fundamental sciences with cold molecules”. Start date: October 1st, 2021. More information.

May 2021: CIFRE PhD thesis offer involving Thales AVS-MIS and the FEMTO-ST laboratory is available at the SPIM doctoral school of the Bourgogne Franche-Comté University. Title: “Horloge atomique à cellule de Cs compacte de haute-performance”. Start date: End of 2021 – beginning of 2022 at the latest. More information.

May 2021: Permanent Laser Engineer position available at Muquans, a very high technology French SMB in Talence (France). Available start date is July 2021. More information.

May 2021: Several Post-doc, PhD, master student positions are availble at Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (Garching, Germany). More information here and here.

May 2021: PhD Student position available at FEMTO-ST institute (Besançon, France). Title: “High-stability microcell-based optical frequency reference”. Application deadline is June 21st, 2021. More information.

April 2021: PhD Student position available in the Time & Frequency department, at FEMTO-ST institute (Besançon, France). Title: “Laser spectroscopy of a trapped single ion on a chip”. Application deadline is June 1st, 2021. More information.

 April 2021: Permanent Research and Teaching assistant position at the Physics Department of the University of Liège (Belgium). The candidate shall work in close collaboration with the cold atomic Physics group. Application deadline is May 1st, 2021. More information.

April 2021: A PhD thesis position is available in ARTEMIS Lab, Nice, France, on the topic of Laser interferometry and frequency metrology. Start date: September 2021. More information.

April 2021: CIFRE PhD thesis offer available at Muquans, a very high technology French SMB in Talence (France). Title: “Etude des performances ultimes d’une horloge atomique compacte à atomes refroidis par laser”. Start date: September-November 2021. More information.

April 2021: Post-doc fellowship available in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) to work on “Spectral Hole Burning for Quantum Metrology: from Ultra-stable Lasers to Quantum Correlations”. Application deadline is April 28th, 2021. More information here and CNRS website.

April 2021: PhD thesis offer available in the PhD school in Physics, within the Experimental Gravitation Wave group of the University of Padova (Italy). Application deadline is May 12th, 2021. More information.

April 2021: PhD thesis offer available in the ARTEMIS LISA team at the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur in Nice (France). Title: “Implementation and characterization of a demonstrator for the measurement of Tilt-to-Length coupling for the LISA space mission”. More information.

March 2021: PhD thesis offer available in the Time & Frequency department, COSYMA team at FEMTO-ST institute (Besançon, France). Title: “Study and realization of new sensors dedicated to the environment from innovative piezoelectric substrates POI type (Piezoelectric-on-Insulator)”. More information.

March 2021: PhD thesis offer in integrated quantum photonics available at Strathclyde University, UK. Title : “Quantum properties of integrated frequency combs for applications in computing, communications and sensing”. More information here and here.

March 2021: Permanent Engineer position of Time / Frequency for Satellite Navigation (M / F), at Thales Alenia Space (Toulouse), in the Navigation Algorithm Engineering Departement. More information.

March 2021: PhD Student position available at the GFZ, Potsdam, to work in the project “NextGNSS4GGOS” – Next generation GNSS constellations for GGOS-compliant geodetic solutions. Application deadline is April 18, 2021. More information.

March 2021: 2 years “Rising Scholar Postdoctoral Fellowships” in the Department of Physics, University of Virginia (USA). Application deadline is April 12, 2021. More information.

March 2021: Geodetic Engineer position available in the BE-GM Group at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Application deadline is March 26, 2021. More information.

March 2021: Two years Postdoctoral position available at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in the Time Department, to work in the work area time dissemination and time scale comparison. More information here and here.

March 2021: PhD position available in the Théorie et Métrologie group at SYRTE (Paris), to work on “Searching for dark matter in the lab with optical cavities and atomic clocks”. More information.

February 2021: Postdoctoral positions available in the Atomic Devices and Instrumentation Group at NIST to work in the areas of atomic magnetometry, atom-nanophotonic interactions, compact cold atom instruments and Rydberg atom sensors. More information.

January 2021: PhD position available in Space Geodesy and Geodynamics research group at the Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), to work on “application of VGOS, the next generation geodetic VLBI system, for geoscience research”. More information.

January 2021: Postdoctoral position available in Space Geodesy and Geodynamics research group at the Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), to work on “space geodesy and geoscience research that is based on and makes use of the geoscientific measurements performed with the observational techniques at Onsala Space Observatory”. More information.

January 2021: One year (renewable once) Postdoctoral position available in the MOSAIC team at FEMTO-ST (Besançon, France) Micro Nano Sciences & Systems department, to work on “Microfabrication and characterization of alkali vapor cells and micro-optical components for miniaturized atomic clocks.” More information.

January 2021: The University of Hamburg is inviting applications for several (3-year) PhD positions through the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe (in collaboration with DESY). More information.

December 2020 : PhD position available at the Laboratory: Pôle R&D – Géoazur – Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Nice) to work on “Time and Distance Metrology base on free-space laser Communication link”. More information.

December 2020 : 5 months internship available at the Laboratory: Pôle R&D – Géoazur – Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Nice) to work on “Time and Distance Metrology base on free-space laser Communication link”. More information.

December 2020 : Postdoctoral position available in the Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors Team at SYRTE (Paris, France) to work on “Enabling technologies for multifunction guided atom interferometers on atom chips”. More information.

December 2020 : Postdoctoral position available in the Atom Interferometry and Inertial Sensors Team at SYRTE (Paris, France) to work on “Quantum Control for Atom Interferometry”. More information.

December 2020 : One year Research Engineer position in optics, photonics, lasers, general physics, at the ARTEMIS laboratory, a joint research unit of CNRS, Côte d ́Azur University (UCA) and Côte d’Azur Observatory (OCA). More information.

December 2020 : Three years GRAPPA Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Amsterdam. More information.

November 2020 : One year (renewable for one additional year) Research engineer position in embedded software defined radiofrequency (SDR) digital signal processing (DSP), at FAST-LAB joint laboratory between the company Gorgy Timing and the Time & Frequency department FEMTO-ST institute (Besançon). More information.

November 2020 : 12 months period (renewable for 12 additional months) postdoctoral position at LP2N (Bordeaux, France), to work on “Visible&UV lasers based on Neodymium doped fibers.” More information.

October 2020 : Permanent Research Engineer position at Thales Research and Technology, to work on “Cold atom quantum sensors”, Palaiseau (France). More information.

October 2020 : Permanent academic position in the field of Quantum technologies at UCLouvain (Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). More information.

October 2020 : 1 year postdoctoral position to work on high finesse Fabry-Perot cavities at the Laboratoire des Matériaux Avancés (LMA) in Lyon (France).  This position could be extended twice (total 3 years). More information.

September 2020 : 3 years postdoctoral position at CEA Saclay (France), to work on “Radio detection of axion dark matter”. More information.

September 2020 : Permanent position as Specialist in Atomique Clock at Thales, Vélizy (France). More information.

September 2020: 12 months (possibly 2 years) postdoctoral position in the group Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental tests of Laser Physics Department (LPL) to work on “Ultrastable frequency transfer through international optical fiber links”. More information.

August 2020: Permanent Research Engineer position in data processing and spatial instrumentation for geodesy, at ONERA (France).  More information.

August 2020: 36 months postdoctoral position in Antihydrogen Physics to work on the spectroscopy system, Swansea University (United Kingdom). The position will be based at CERN. More information.

August 2020 : 46 months postdoctoral position in Antihydrogen Physics to work on both antihydrogen spectroscopy and antihydrogen gravity measurements, Swansea University (United Kingdom). The position will be based at CERN. More information.

August 2020: Two postdoctoral positions in the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, (Prague, Czech Republic). More information.

August 2020: Two PhD positions in Astronomy, Cosmology and Particle Physics at the University of Stavanger (Norway). More information.

August 2020: Postdoctoral position in Astronomy, Cosmology and Particle Physics at the University of Stavanger (Norway). More information.

August 2020: Research Officer on Frequency and Time at the Metrology Research Centre, (Ottawa, Canada). More information.

August 2020: Postdoctoral position on “Taking a three-photon Coherent Population Trapping resonance to its ultimate performance” at the Univerity Aix-Marseille (France).  More information.

August 2020: PhD position on “solitons in microresonator based optical frequency combs” at the University of Sussex (Brighton, UK). More information.

August 2020: Postdoctoral position on “Transfer of optical Frequency references” at FEMTO-ST, Besançon (France).  More information.

July 2020: Postdoctoral position in Atomic Quantum Technology at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK). More information.

Juillet 2020: Postdoctoral position at L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Chernogolovka, Russia. More information.

Juillet 2020: 1 Postdoctoral position and 2 PhD positions at the University of Hamburg. More information.

July 2020 : Postdoc at FEMTO-ST (Besançon, France). Subject: transfert of optical frequency references. More information.

June 2020 : CNRS Research Engineer at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (Villetaneuse), in the Metrology, Molecules ans Fundamental tests team. The work will be on the REFIMEVE+Equipex. More information.

May 2020 : R&D engineer, Products and systems at Syrlinks (France). More information.

May 2020 : Researcher and PhD position for physicists or engineers at PTB (Braunschweig, Germany). More information.

May 2020: Project engineer, Spacial Geodesy, CLS (Toulouse France). More information.

May 2020: Software development engineer (5-year contract, full time appointment) for the Time Department of BIPM (Sevres, France).  More information.

April 2020: short-term (up to 10 months) post doc position on opto-mechanics for future gravitational wave detector at University of Hamburg. More information.

April 2020: Postdoc on  relativistic  quantum metrology at University of Tübingen (Germany). More information.

April 2020: Postdoc at LP2N (Bordeaux) on the development of low-nouse lasers. More information.

April 2020: Engineer (indefinite term) in hyperfrequency development and characterization at CNES (French space agency), Toulouse (France). More information.

April 2020: Post-doc on “Ultra-stable and frequency comb tunable fiber lasers in the visible and mid-infrared” at LP2N (Bordeaux, France). More information.

April 2020: Post-doc on “Superradiance on ytterbium clock transition for frequency metrology” at FEMTO-ST (Besancon, France). More information.

April 2020: PhD on “Superradiance on ytterbium clock transition for frequency metrology” at FEMTO-ST (Besancon, France). More information.

March 2020: Assistant professor (section 30: dilute systems and optics) at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, formerly known as Paris 13), in the group “Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests”. Teaching in th physics department of  the Galilée Institute (Licences and masters, engineering school Sup Galilée). All informations in the “Galaxie” website for university staff. More information.

March 2020: PhD on “New concept of vibrating gyrometer/gyroscope” at ONERA, the french aerospace lab (Châtillon, France). More information.

March 2020: FIRST-TF project manager. Fixed term CNRS engineer position, FIRST-TF Research Federation. More information.

February 2020 (update 11 May): Researcher (indefinite term, full time appointment) for the Time Department of BIPM (Sevres, France).  More information.

February 2020: PhD on CPT miniature atomic clock at FEMTO-ST (Besancon, France). More information.

February 2020: Postdoc on transportable ion clock at NRC (Canada). More information.

February 2020: Engineer in hyperfrequencies synthesis at CNES (French space agency).  More information.

January 2020: Two Postdoc at University of Florida related to LISA. see here and here.

January 2020: PhD in precision spectroscopy of cold molecules at LPL (Villetaneuse, France). More information

December 2019: Project science lead at Teledyne e2v (UK). The Project Science Lead will be a key member of the growing Quantum Technology team at Teledyne e2v to provide support and expertise on the various activities of Quantum Sensor development. This work will be focussed on the gravity sensors aspect of Quantum technology. More information

December 2019: Vacancies EGO Optics team. Instrument Scientists or Optical Engineers, fixed term of one year with good chance to become permanent staff positions. More information

November 2019: Postdoctoral position at SYRTE (Paris) on iodine-stabilized lasers. More information

November 2019: PhD position at ETH Zurich for a PhD on LISA data analysis. More information

November 2019: Two PhD positions are available on fundamental tests based on precision (frequency comb) spectroscopy of trapped He+ ions, molecular hydrogen and quantum-degenerate meta-stable helium at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, group led by Kjeld Eikema. More information

November 2019: Postdoctoral position in experimental gravitational-wave physics, University of Padova (Italy). Contact : giacomo.ciani at

November 2019: Aerospace Project Research Associate (LISA project), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (Kanagawa, Japan)

October 2019: Développeur Intégrateur Logiciel / Ingénieur développement logiciel, Gorgy Timing (Grenoble, France).

October 2019: Responsable d’exploitation SCPTime, Gorgy Timing (Grenoble, France). ⇒ Plus d’informations

September 2019: Postdoctoral position on the subject “Development of compact 2-photon-standards and micro-integrated gas-cells (system on chip)”, Joint HU-Berlin/FBH laboratory (Berlin, Germany). ⇒ More information on this offer

September 2019: Postdoctoral position in Gravitational Wave Astronomy with an emphasis on Bayesian Inference and AstroStatistics, Montana State University (Bozeman, MT, USA). ⇒ More information on this offer

September 2019: Postdoctoral Fellow and PhD candidates in Theoretical quantum optics at the interface with gravity, AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden). ⇒ More information on these offers (post-doctoral fellow, PhD candidates)

September 2019 : Post-doctoral position TRT Compact clock, Thalès TRT and SYRTE (Paris, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

August 2019: Product Line Manager Time & Frequency, Oscilloquartz (Neuchâtel, Switzerland). ⇒ More information on this offer

August 2019: Post-doctoral positions on experimental projects involving optical frequency combs, advanced laser physics, photonics and precision spectroscopy, Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (Garching, Germany). ⇒ More information on this offer

August 2019: Junior Research Group Leader for the research group focusing on Novel Frequency References, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Braunschweig, Germany). ⇒ More information on this offer

August 2019: Post-doctoral position on the subject “Ultra-cold atoms in an all optical bubble shaped trap”, LP2N laboratory (Bordeaux, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

July 2019: Post-doctoral position on the subject “Instabilities in a magneto-optical trap”, PhLAM laboratory (Villeneuve d’Ascq, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

June 2019: PhD position on the subject “Metrology and statistics: from clocks to millisecond pulsars”, Institut FEMTO-ST (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

June 2019: Time & Frequency Specialist Engineer – Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project, SKA Organisation headquarters (Manchester, United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on this offer

June 2019: PhD & teaching position in the Geodesy and GNSS service, Unité de Géomatique, Université de Liège (Liège, Belgium). ⇒ More information on this offer

May 2019: PhD position on the subject “Ultra-compact transportable ULE cavity”, Institut FEMTO-ST (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

May 2019: PhD position on the subject “Matériaux piézoélectriques: synthèse, caractérisations, propriétés physiques et calculs DFT”, Institut Charles Gerhardt (Montpellier, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

May 2019: Scientific collaborator for GNSS activities, Observatoire Royal de Belgique (Bruxelles, Belgique). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2019: Postdoctoral and PhD positions in the subject “Matter wave interferometry in a Sagnac interferometer for rotation sensing”, Cold atoms group at Nottingham (Nottingham, United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2019: PhD position in the subject “Laser spectroscopy of muonic atoms”, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (Paris, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2019: Assistant Professor in Space Geodesy, Chalmers University of Technology / Onsala Space Observatory (Gothenburg, Sweden). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2019: PhD position on the subject “High-stability microcell-based optical frequency reference”, Institut FEMTO-ST (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2019: Post-doctoral research associates with a background in atomic physics, laser science or photonics, Atomic Devices and Instrumentation Group at NIST (Boulder, Colorado, USA). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2019: Tenure-Track Faculty Position in GNSS Satellite Positioning, Département des sciences géomatiques de l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada). ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2019: Postdoctoral Research Associate for Trapped-ion Quantum Control Engineering, University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia). ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2019: Post-doc on the subject “Tunable narrow linewidth laser in the visible range”, LP2N laboratory (Talence, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2019: Post-doc or Research engineer position in optical instrumentation on the subject “Metrology of light scattered by optical components for LISA”, Institut Fresnel (Marseille, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2019: Post-doc position in optical simulation activities with stray light in the LISA instrument, ARTEMIS laboratory (Nice, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

February 2019: Permanent position in the field of Geo information Sciences and Technologies, ACTE team, LaSTIG laboratory, “Centre de Compétences” LAREG, École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques (ENSG-Géomatique), Institut national de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN) (Saint-Mandé, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

February 2019: Assistant professor in “Oscillateurs, Horloges, Métrologie et Systèmes” team of the Time-Frequency department  in FEMTO-ST institute, at École Nationale supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

February 2019: PhD position on the subject “Contribution of the Galileo system to fundamental geodetic products for the study of the Earth system”, GET (Toulouse, France), CNES funding ⇒ More information on this offer

February 2019: Post-doctoral position on the subject “Atom inertial sensors from ground to space”, ONERA (Palaiseau, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

January 2019: PhD position on the subject “Traitement du signal innovant pour la télédétection par GNSS”, ISAE-TéSA (Toulouse, France), CNES funding. ⇒ More information on this offer

January 2019: PhD position on the subject “Réflectométrie GNSS par mesure de phase de porteuse – Application à l’altimétrie précise à haute résolution”, Laboratoire Géomatique & Foncier (Toulouse, France), CNES funding. ⇒ More information on this offer

December 2018: Masters internship + PhD thesis on the subject “Ultra-compact transportable ULE cavity”, FEMTO-ST Institute (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

November 2018: Post-doctoral position on the subject “QND measurement on lattice atom interferometry with an optical clock transition”, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). ⇒ More information on this offer

November 2018: Post-doctoral position on cold atoms gravimetry, on the FET-OPEN NEWTON-g project (Sicily, Italy). ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2018: Research Engineer, expert on experiment development, on Oscillator-IMP platform (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2018: Post-doctoral position on the subject “Femtosecond GHz frequency combs with arbitrary temporal burst shaping for high intensity laser processing”, LP2N and CELIA laboratories (University of Bordeaux, Talence, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2018: Electronics Engineer, Amplitude Systèmes (Talence, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2018: Scientific project manager – Quantum technologies, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (Paris, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2018: Post-doctoral research associates with a background in atomic physics, laser science or photonics, in the Atomic Devices and Instrumentation Group at NIST (Boulder, USA). ⇒ More information on this offer

August 2018: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Atomic & Molecular Physics, to work on creating spin-squeezed states in strontium optical clocks, in the Atmol Research Section in Durham University (United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on this offer

July 2018: Research Scientist in Quantum Sensors, for Science and Technology Facilities Council (United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on this offer

July 2018: Junior Professorship in Experimental Quantum Technologies, at Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (in Braunschweig and Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany). ⇒ More information on this offer

July 2018: Postdoc position for the development of transportable optical clocks and their field use for the determination of geodetic height differences, at Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB (Braunschweig, Germany). ⇒ More information on this offer

May 2018: Postdoc position: Cavity control of rare earth ions, at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2018: “Research Engineer” position in photonics/lasers, spatial gravitationnal waves sensor LISA, at ARTEMIS laboratory (Nice, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2018: One post-doctoral position and one doctoral position on the subject “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock”, in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2018: Doctoral position on the project “Study and mitigation of Parametric Instabilities in Advanced Virgo”, at Artemis laboratory. (Nice, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2018: Assistant professor in “Composants et Systèmes Micro Acoustiques” team of the Time-Frequency department  in FEMTO-ST institute, at École Nationale supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

February 2018 : Post-doc atomic/laser Physics at Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen. ⇒ More information on this offer

January 2018: Assistant professor on interferometry, laser noise measurement and reduction, at Université de Nice (Sophia Antipolis) and Artemis laboratory (Nice, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

January 2018: Project leader on an atomic optical lattice clock, in collaboration with INRIM (Italy), at Ben-Gurion University (Be’er Sheva, Israel). ⇒ More information on this offer

January 2018: Physicist in time metrology domain, on the subject “Helping the development of new time transfer methods and their use in the UTC”, at BIPM (Sèvres, Paris area, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

January 2018: Research Fellow in Portable Atomic Clocks, at University of Sussex (Pevensey, United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on this offer

December 2017: Time-Frequency engineer position (CDI) on micro atomic clocks domain, at Tronics Microsystems (Crolles, Isère, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

December 2017: Postdoctoral position on the projet “Modeless semiconductor laser for signal processing”, at Institut d’Électronique et des Systèmes (Montpellier, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

December 2017: Two doctoral positions in quantum logic spectroscopy, at PTB (Braunschweig, Germany). ⇒ More information on these offers (optical clocks and quantum logic spectroscopy of molecules)

November 2017: Post-doctoral position on the project “Single ion source from laser ionization of cesium atoms”, at Laboratoire Aimé-Cotton (Orsay, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2017: Project leader on photonics, at Laboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais LNE (Paris, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2017: Research engineer position on “Characterization of the REFIMEVE+ fiber link”, at FEMTO-ST laboratory (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2017: Post-doctoral position on the project “Ultrastable frequency transfer through optical fiber links”, at LPL and LNE-SYRTE (Paris area, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

September 2017: PhD positions in Ultrafast Science, at International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics (Hamburg, Germany). ⇒ More information on this offer

September 2017: Assistant Professor in Experimental Quantum Physics/Technology, at University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on this offer

September 2017: Research or Higher research scientist or research scientist in Optical frequency metrology, at NPL (Teddington, United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on this offer

August 2017: Post-doc position at “Quantum Optics and Unit of Length” Department, PTB (Braunschweig, Germany). ⇒ More information on this offer

August 2017: Research Assistant/Associate in Antarctic GNSS Geodesy at Newcastle University (United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on this offer

August 2017: Research engineer position on geolocalisation and software engineering at GEOLOC laboratory (Nantes, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

July 2017: Research engineer position on photonics/lasers, at ARTEMIS laboratory (Nice, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

July 2017: Post-doc position on the project “Searching for Dark Matter with a network of atomic clocks” at SYRTE laboratory (Paris, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

July 2017: Post-doc position on the project “Study of the instabilities of a magneto-optical trap” at PhLAM laboratory (Lille, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

June 2017: Post-doc position on “MAC@C60” project at FEMTO-ST laboratory (Besançon, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

May 2017: Post-doc position in ultracold atomic physics, at LPL (Villetaneuse, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

May 2017: Two post-doc positions on “Research and Development in chip-scale devices for quantum technologies”, at NPL (Teddington, United Kingdom). ⇒ More information on these offers

May 2017: PhD position on “From trapped bulk-acoustic-wave cavities to optomechanics”, at FEMTO-ST laboratory (Besançon, France) in collaboration with LKB laboratory (Paris, France). ⇒ More information on this offer

Avril 2017: Manager R&D at OPNT (start-up of VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands). ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2017: PhD position at FEMTO-ST laboratory, Besançon, on the subject “Conception d’un laser stabilisé en fréquence sur une cavité Fabry-Pérot à très basse température”. ⇒ More information on this offer

April 2017: Postdoc position in atom interferometry and test of fundamental physics at the SYRTE laboratory, Paris. ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2017: Post-doc position on “Nano-mechanical hybrid quantum systems based on rare-earth doped crystals”, SYRTE, Paris, in collaboration with the Institut Néel, Grenoble. ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2017: PhD and post-doc positions at LPL (Villetaneuse) on high-precision spectroscopy and fundamental tests ; ⇒ More information on this PhD offer ; ⇒ More information on this post-doc offer

March 2017: Post doc at Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of the QUEST Institute (Germany) in the field of optical clocks ; ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2017: Research Fellow in Portable Atomic Clocks Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex – School of Mathematical and Physical ; ⇒ More information on this offer

March 2017: Post doc at NPL (UK) on Yb+ optical atomic clock. ⇒ More information on this offer (click on “Higher Research Scientist – Optical Atomic Clocks”)

December 2016: Director of the time department at The BIPM maintains the world time scale (UTC). ⇒More information on this offer

November 2016: CDI –  IT development engineer at The BIPM maintains the world time scale (UTC) ⇒ More information on this offer

November 2016: Post-doc position at LNE-SYRTE  (contact : Joseph ACHKAR) on the subject “Study and development of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) transmitter and receiver for two-way satellite time and frequency transfer (TWSTFT) applications” ⇒More information on this offer

October 2016Post-doc position at LPL (contact : Christophe Daussy) on the subject “Thermométrie par élargissement Doppler.” ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2016Post-doc position at LPL (contact: Anne Amy-Klein): Hybrid ultrastable links for clocks comparison. ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2016: CDD position “Ingénieur de Recherche” at LPL (contact: Anne Amy-Klein) on the subject “Développement et implémentation d’un réseau fibré pour du transfert de fréquence ultra-stable sur le réseau RENATER.” ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2016Post-doc position at LKB: Atom inteferometry using a Bose-Einstein condensate. ⇒ More information on this offer

October 2016: Post-doc position at LKB: Precision measurements with cold trapped H2+ molecular ions. ⇒ More information on this offer

September 2016: CDD position “Ingénieur d’études” (24 months) at SYRTE on the subject “Conception, suivi de la fabrication, assemblage et tests de dispositifs mécaniques, ultravides et opto-mécaniques.” ⇒ More information on this offer

September 2016: Post-doc position at UTINAM on the subject “Application of the cross-spectrum method to the timing of millisecond pulsars” ⇒ More information on this offer

May  2016: Open post-doc position at SYRTE (Paris) on the subject  ”Guided matter-wave atom chip interferometer”  ⇒More information on this offer