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FIRST-TF Calls for projects 2021 are opened ; deadline February 26, 2021
The FIRST-TF calls for projects 2021 are now opened. The deadline is February 26, 2021.
These calls for projects aim to support teams from the FIRST-TF network on ambitious projects (research projects, projects in partnership with companies, training projects or dissemination of knowledge to the public) and to strengthen collaborations between its members, on themes focused on Time Frequency metrology, its interfaces and its applications.
MPORTANT: Like last year, there are 2 parralel calls for projects. The usual “one-year project” call, and in addition, a new “multi-year project” call. There are two distincts forms for these two calls for projects.
In addition, given the administrative constraints exposed at the last General Assembly, we remind you that 2021 is the last year in which the FIRST-TF Labex will be able to allocate thesis funding (1/2 or full).
The texts of the calls and the forms to fill-in can be downloaded here:
FIRST-TF_One-year-project-call-2021 ; FIRST-TF_One-year-project-call-2021_form
FIRST-TF_Multi-year-project-call-2021 ; FIRST-TF_Multi-year-project-call-2021_form
URSI-France : JS 2021 (échéance appel au 29 janvier !) et AG annuelle
La Journée scientifique d’URSI-France se tiendra le mercredi 31 mars 2021 dans un format réduit par rapport aux années précédentes, compte tenu du contexte particulier de la pandémie qui impose le distanciel et n’est pas favorable aux échanges les plus fructueux entre participants et orateurs.
Elle comprendra des exposés invités par des personnalités scientifiques de renom, et des “pitches de jeunes chercheurs”, qui font l’objet d’un appel avec échéance au 29 janvier 2021.
La JS 2021 sera accompagnée comme traditionnellement de la remise de la médaille du CNFRS/URSI-France et de la remise du prix de thèse en radiosciences, en présentiel si le contexte le permet. Les détails seront communiqués ultérieurement
Par ailleurs, l’assemblée générale annuelle d’URSI-France se tiendra, en distanciel, le jeudi 1er avril de 16H à 18H.
Conference: European GNU Radio days 2021, June 24-26, Poitiers (France): call for contribution
It is our pleasure to announce the third meeting centered around the GNU Radio framework held in France (Poitiers). This workshop targets French and European GNU Radio users and developers as a complement to the american GRCon, and welcomes participants from all countries and continents enjoying developing with GNU Radio. Contributions are sought in English as oral presentation/demo/tutorial. Submissions are now open. Last year’s abstracts have been gathered in the book of abstracts of the 2019 edition of the European GNU Radio Days conference. Videos of past presentations and tutorials are online on YouTube.
To submit a contribution using the GRCon template, select Registration on the left menu and then Submissions: deadline 15 April 2021. The expected abstract length is at least 2 pages with a maximum of 8. The accepted manuscripts will be uploaded on Warning: submitting a contribution does not mean registering to the conference, which must be done separately.
Registration is open: participating to the conference is free of charge, but registration is mandatory before May 1st to help organize the meeting
GNU Radio is an increasingly popular framework for Software Defined Radio components and Digital Signal Processing prototyping. As such our goals are as follows:
- Bring together active French and European GNU Radio users, coming from a scientific, technical, amateur or hacker background
- Foster interaction between GNU Radio users
- Share knowledge about GNU Radio development through tutorials, seminars and demos
- Bridge the gap between technical/engineering and scientific/research points of view on topics related to applied research with GNU Radio. Such topics include:
- Software Defined Radio, radio prototyping,
- RF design,
- RADAR design
- Global Navigation Satelite Systems (GNSS) and space communications
- Signal processing in embedded systems,
- GNU Radio development environment,
- New platforms
GNU Radio users and developers are invited to present their experiments and activities. The first day (24th of June) will be devoted to oral presentations, posters and demonstrations. The second day (25th of June) will be dedicated to tutorials and hands-on sessions. June 26th is a joint presentation with SDRA (German ham conference).
T-REFIMEVE winner of the call PIA 3 Equipements Structurants pour la Recherche (ESR/Equipex)
Among the 50 selected projects, the T-REFIMEVE project, coordinated by the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers and co-coordinated by SYRTE, is among the top of the ranking and among the 32 projects ranked A+.
The objective of T-REFIMEVE is to provide the scientific community and industrials with a complete set of timing signals at the best international level that metrology laboratories can provide, taking advantage of the exceptional accuracy of atomic clocks and the guided propagation in optical fibers. More than 30 laboratories and institutes throughout France will be connected. Other laboratories in the vicinity will be able to connect easily at a later date. This situation is unique worldwide.
ANR “Tremplin-ERC Consolidator Grant” T-ERC call 2021
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a funding instrument set up by ANR as part of its Work Programme 2021. T-ERC is open to all ERC research disciplines (LS, PE, SH).
Pacôme Delva is awarded the 2020 Medal of the Academia of Air and Space
Pacôme Delva, Lecturer at Sorbonne University attached to the Theory and Metrology group at the Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace (SYRTE) laboratory of Paris Observatory, and Sven Herrmann, researcher at the ZARM laboratory at the University of Bremen, in charge of the Experimental Gravitation and Quantum Optics group, are rewarded for this work by being awarded the medal of the Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace for their contribution to the verification of one of the principles of general relativity using atomic clocks.
The Government actions for the Preservation of R&D employment
The government intends to pay 80% of the salary of a young graduate or a young doctor hired on a fixed-term contract by a public research laboratory and supervised by research staff.
Virtual internal seminar at FEMTO-ST on “1-PPS generation from a B210 radio frequency frontend and gnss-sdr running on a Raspberry Pi4”
General Assembly Refimeve+ 2020 Videoconference
The event will be fully held online. The registration is free and mandatory. More information here.
Registration 2020 General Assembly of FIRST-TF – Online
Due to the consequences of the Covid-19 situation, the 2020 General Assembly of FIRST-TF will be fully held online the 9th of November, 2020. This is a free from charge event but registration is mandatory. Register for free now