CCTF capacity building activity on resource sharing

We are happy to inform you that the CCTF capacity building activity on resource sharing to improve national and international timekeeping has started!

Following the CCTF recommendations, with the support of the IEEE UFFC society and together with a secondee at the BIPM, Dr Bharath Vattikonda from NPL India, the first courses in Time and Frequency are available on the BIPM e-learning platform.


The course aims to provide knowledge and processing capacity on time transfer through GNSS pseudorange measurements.

It includes a tutorial and interactive open-source software with a dedicated user manual and video demonstration.

Please enroll and start testing the processing of your CGGTTSS file

This will help your evaluation of time transfer links and also the validation of your CGGTTS data before sending to the BIPM.

Please send us any feedback and if you have questions or suggestions, you can contact Bharath at

2) Course that summarizes the CCTF Technical Exchanges organized by the CCTF WG TAI and WG Algorithms

In collaboration with the WG TAI and WG Algorithms we are organizing online technical exchange meetings allowing UTC laboratories to exchange their experience and to support the capacity building and the possibility of collaboration.

The Technical Exchange meetings are recorded, and the videos are publicly available on the BIPM eLearning page

(The presentations are available on the WG TAI dedicated web page for the people that attended the meetings).


As you may remember, the CCTF capacity building programme is based on shared resources, and we would like to start the collection of possible training resources that you may want to make available.

The course aims to offer a large variety of tools, from reference papers, to presentations, tutorials, e-learning course, and open-source software modules to help the education in the field of time and frequency metrology with particular attention to the realization of a time scale UTC(k).

The topics are subdivided in 15 categories, and you will find a presenting page on the BIPM eLearning page

The list of the topics is as follows:

  1. Time and Frequency Overview
  2. Requirements for setting up a UTC(k) Time Scale Lab
  3. Statistical tools for Clock Characterization
  4. Measurement Techniques of Time and Frequency
  5. Time scale Generation and Operation
  6. Timescale Algorithms
  7. GNSS Time Transfer Link
  8. Two Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer Link (TWSTFT)
  9. Time and Frequency Transfer Over Optical Fiber
  10. Data Exchange (Interface Document) with BIPM
  11. BIPM products
  12. Dissemination of UTC(k)
  13. Redundant Laboratory for the back-up generation of UTC(k)
  14. Primary and Secondary Frequency Standards in UTC and UTC(k)
  15. Current Topics Under Discussion at CCTF


Could you please start thinking if you have availability of any material that could be suggested in this list? Would you be available to develop a new tool? Please contact us at to propose your material.

All the other UTC labs will be able to take advantage of what you have developed for your lab!

We would be grateful to have your feedback, at least as a draft, by the end of May 2024

We sincerely hope that the CCTF Capacity building activity based on shared resources may be attractive and useful to all.

Thanks for any feedback to

Marina, Liz, Bharath, Patrizia and Giulio

European Frequency and Time Seminar (Besancon, 1-5 July 2024)

The EFTS is an intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and laboratory sessions. It targets a broad audience: Engineers, Ph.D. Students, Post-doctoral Fellows, Young Scientists, Newcomers, etc.

This seminar is original in the following:

  • Broad spectrum of topics related to time and frequency
  • Broad target audience, yet keeping high level education
  • Balance between academic and applied issues
  • True laboratory sessions (as opposite to demos). The attendees are expected to practice on a wide range of instruments made available.

We plan 23 lectures, 12 H hands-on labs in small groups, visits at the FEMTO-ST Institute and the Observatory of Besancon, social events, and an Astronomy Session on the “exact time” from stars.

Please look at the preliminary Program.

A half-day training session on laser frequency stabilisation and related topics, Wednesday 27 September at SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, Paris site!

Dear collegues,

I have the pleasure to announce a half-day training session on laser frequency stabilisation and related topics. It will be held on Wednesday 27 September from 14:00 to 17:30 at SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, at Paris 14th district. The programme is attached below:

– Cavities for Laser Frequency Stabilization – Uwe Sterr (PTB)
– Spectral Hole Burning  – Yann Le Coq (SYRTE)
– Frequency Combs – Cecilia Clevati (INRIM)

The presentations will be in English.

This is recognized by ED546 Physique en Ile-de-France for doctoral students who wish to count this session towards their training hours. Recognition from other ED can be arranged upon request.

For security reasons, registration on line is compulsory:

Best Regards,
Bess Fang

Summer School on Frequency Standards, Precision and Quantum Measurement, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 9-13 October 2023

The week before the Ninth Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology we are presenting a summer school at the Gold Coast on Frequency Standards, Precision, and Quantum Measurements, for students, early career researchers, and those professionals who want to learn more on the subject. For more information, please see here:

Registration is possible at:

EFTS 2021 – European Frequency and Time Seminar

The EFTS is a no-profit intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and lab sessions. It targets the broadest audience: Engineers, Ph.D. students, post-docs, young scientists, newcomers, etc.
This seminar is unique in the following:

  • Broad spectrum of topics related to time and frequency
  • Balance between academic and applied issues
  • Broad target audience, yet keeping high level education
  • Lab sessions. The participants work themselves in small groups with a wide range of instruments made available.

The high level of training is guaranteed by the world-class Scientific Council and lecturers from the major European and International Institution.

More information.

Les Houches pre-doctoral school on “Quantum simulations with ultracold atomic gases”, September 13-24, 2021.

We are organizing a pre-doctoral school in Les Houches from 13 to 24 September 2021. This school is mainly intended for students at the early stage of their PhD. Depending on availability, a few applications from PhD students at a later stage in their graduate career could also be accepted, as well as junior post-doctorant researchers. It consists in a two weeks master course on the physics of cold atoms including the recent advances in this field. The first week will cover general aspects. The second week will focus more specifically on quantum simulations with cold atoms.

For more information, please visit the website: .

Lectures will be given (in English) by

Franck Pereira Dos Santos (LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, France): Laser cooling and trapping

Ana Maria Rey (NIST-JILA, University of Colorado, USA): Ultra-cold collisions

Mikhail Baranov (University of Innsbruck, Austria): Quantum gases and superfluidity

David Clément (Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique, France): Optical lattices

Monika Aidelsburger (University of Munich, Germany): Periodically driven optical lattices and topology

Hans-Peter Büchler (University of Stuttgart, Germany): Quantum magnetism

Thierry Giamarchi (University of Geneva, Switzerland): Quantum transport

Zoran Hadzibabic (University of Cambridge, UK): Non-equilibrium dynamics

Iacopo Carusotto (University of Trento, Italy): Quantum simulations with quantum fluids of light

The deadline for applications is June 13, 2021. The selection of the applicants will be done at the beginning of July.

The school is planned to be held in-person, but as the situation is always evolving due to the Covid-19, we will keep you updated.