A 2-year Postdoctoral position in precise spectroscopic measurements for fundamental studies available at LPL / LAC

A 2-year postdoctoral research assistant position to be shared between the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests group (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) and the Correlated cold matter group (Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, CNRS & Université Paris Saclay) to develop very sensitive methods to measure the electric dipole moment (EDM) of electrons in atoms or molecules embedded in a cryogenic matrix of rare gas or para-hydrogen. Title: Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies. Starting date: As soon as possible. See Job description here.

JCOM 2022 – Journée du Club Optique Microondes, June 13, 2022 in Besançon

Le Club Optique Micro-ondes compte aujourd’hui environ 150 membres d’une trentaine d’équipes françaises constituant un réseau de chercheurs dans lequel s’impliquent industriels et académiques du domaine à l’interface de l’optique-photonique, des hyperfréquences et du millimétrique. Ce club se réunit une fois par an à l’occasion d’une journée au cours de laquelle des communications sous forme de présentations orales ou d’affiches animent les échanges.

Thématiques de la journée :
Dispositifs optoélectroniques à haut-débit
Photonique intégrée et micro-ondes
Techniques photoniques pour la génération et la distribution de signaux micro-ondes
Traitement, détection et mesure par des systèmes optiques micro-ondes
Techniques et applications photoniques micro-ondes, THz et Antennes
Techniques radio sur fibre, communications fibrées – sans fil, et 5G
Photonique micro-ondes dans les systèmes embarqués
Oscillateurs et Métrologie

Submission deadline: 05/13/2022
Notification Date : 05/27/2022
Registration closing date: 06/08/2022

Link to the event website



PhD position available at ONERA (Châtillon, France)

A PhD position is available at ONERA (Chatillon, France) to work on “Development of a 100 MHz quartz-MEMS resonator for space applications”. Application deadline is March 31, 2022. More information here: https://recrutement.cnes.fr/fr/annonce/1498503-112-development-of-a-100-mhz-quartz-mems-resonator-for-space-applications-92320-chatillon

FIRST-TF Call for projects 2022 is now open; deadline for applications February 15, 2022

The FIRST-TF 2022 Call for Projects is now open. The deadline for submitting applications is February 15, 2022.

This call for projects aims to support teams from the FIRST-TF network on ambitious projects (research projects, projects in partnership with companies, training projects or dissemination of knowledge to the public) and to strengthen collaborations between its members, on themes focused on Time and Frequency metrology, its interfaces and its applications.

This year, the support provided by FIRST-TF may focus on:

• staff (financing of young researcher fixed-term contracts, engineering or technician fixed-term contracts, doctoral mission, no theses funded this year);

• Research / Service / Training equipment (material, components, instrumentation, etc.) including co-financing of medium-heavy equipment;

• operation (missions, invitations to researchers, organization of workshops or conferences, etc.).

The text of the call for projects as well as the response form can be downloaded here:

=> Text of the call for projects.

=> Response form.

For any questions or requests for information relating to this call for projects, please send a message to ao@first-tf.com.