Thesis defense of Paul Dumont on Dec. 8th, 2016, at 13:30, Institut d’Optique, Palaiseau

Paul Dumont will defend his thesis on Dec. 8th, 2016 at 13:30, Institut d’Oprique (Palaiseau) on the subject “Dual-frequency optically-pumped semiconductor laser for atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping of cesium atoms”. This work has been realized at LCF – Laboratoire Charles Fabry under the supervision of Gaelle Lucas-Leclin and Patrick Georges. This thesis has been co-funded by FIRST-TF.

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Ariane 5 launch with 4 Galileo satellites on board on 17th November 2016 at 14:06 (Paris time)

Ariane 5 ES (VA 233) will be launched with 4 GALILEO satellites on-board. These 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th satellites have been named Antonianna, Lisa, Kimberley, et Tijmen, following a competition organized by the European Commission to give the opportunity to the children winners of the contest to give their name to GALILEO components. The launch can be followed in real time at the address:
The webcast start time will be in 2 parts: 13:46 to 14:30, then 17:30 to 18:30 (Paris time)

Workshop du GDR-AF/IFRAF – Cold Atoms and Quantum Technologies – AFTQ 16

The workshop is jointly organized by the GdR Atomes Froids and IFRAF – Institut Francilien pour la Recherche sur les Atomes Froids. Confirmed invited speakers include P. Bouyer, A. Browaeys, J. Dalibard, M. Greiner, C. Klempt, J. Lodewyck, A. Rauschenbeutel and J. Ye.

Registration is free, but please register quickly so that we know how many visitors to expect, calibrate the lunch buffet etc. The deadline for registration is Friday, November 25.

There will be a poster session, for which contributions are welcome. As space is limited, we suggest to limit to one poster per team.

Registration and poster submission:

Looking forward to seeing you on December 02,

Robin Kaiser
Michèle Leduc
Jakob Reichel

Defense of Thesis “Condensat de Bose-Einstein par refroidissement évaporatif dans un piège dipolaire pour la métrologie par interférométrie atomique”

The Defense will take place of UPMC – 4 Place Jussieu – 75005 Paris.

This research work fulfilled as part of my PhD project involved to design, build and characterise a new experimental setup based on an atom source by evaporative cooling in an optical dipole trap. It goes after the improvement of the uncertainty on the measurement of  the ratio h/m between Planck’s constant and the rubidium atom mass, reducing the Gouy phase and wavefront curvature.
In a first step we have studied several optical configurations to optimise the dipole trap loading: the 50 W beam at 1070 nm is shaped in a double 93 μm waist reservoir and one crossed 20 μm waist dimple. After having optimised and caracterised the evaporative process, we obtained one Bose-Einstein condensate.
Furthermore, for Raman interferometry, we set up a new laser system at 1560 nm based on frequency doubling. We developed a double cervo loop: on the one hand, it allows to phase lock the two laser sources, and on the other hand to correct phase noise accumulated in fibered amplifiers.
Today, our new experimental setup is ready to perform atom interferometry on a Bose-Einstein condensate.

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