EFTF 2018: Call for papers

April 9th to 12th, 2018 at conference centre of the Museo dell’Automobile in Torino (Italy).

The European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) is an international conference and exhibition, providing information on recent advances and trends of scientific research and industrial development in the fields of Frequency and Time.

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of recent and original work of interest to the frequency control communities in the following topics:

  • Group 1: Materials, Resonators & Resonator Circuits
  • Group 2: Oscillators, Synthesizers, Noise, & Circuit Techniques
  • Group 3: Microwave Frequency Standards & Applications
  • Group 4: Sensors & Transducers
  • Group 5: Timekeeping, Time and Frequency Transfer, GNSS Applications
  • Group 6:  Optical Frequency Standards and Applications

Abstracts will be collected through a web-based submission tool.

Abstract Submission deadline: December 22nd, 2017

=> Details on abstract submission and conference information.