JCOM 2022 – Journée du Club Optique Microondes, June 13, 2022 in Besançon

Le Club Optique Micro-ondes compte aujourd’hui environ 150 membres d’une trentaine d’équipes françaises constituant un réseau de chercheurs dans lequel s’impliquent industriels et académiques du domaine à l’interface de l’optique-photonique, des hyperfréquences et du millimétrique. Ce club se réunit une fois par an à l’occasion d’une journée au cours de laquelle des communications sous forme de présentations orales ou d’affiches animent les échanges.

Thématiques de la journée :
Dispositifs optoélectroniques à haut-débit
Photonique intégrée et micro-ondes
Techniques photoniques pour la génération et la distribution de signaux micro-ondes
Traitement, détection et mesure par des systèmes optiques micro-ondes
Techniques et applications photoniques micro-ondes, THz et Antennes
Techniques radio sur fibre, communications fibrées – sans fil, et 5G
Photonique micro-ondes dans les systèmes embarqués
Oscillateurs et Métrologie

Submission deadline: 05/13/2022
Notification Date : 05/27/2022
Registration closing date: 06/08/2022

Link to the event website



From Quantum to Cosmos-7: NASA 2022 Fundamental Physics Experiments in Space Workshop: Mar 29-31, 2022

NASA’s From Quantum to Cosmos-7 Workshop will be held in person Mar 29-31, 2022, at the Watergate Hotel, 2650 Virginia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037, USA. This will continue the tradition of Q2C workshops started in 2006.

Detailed information is contained in the attached Flyer.

The workshop website – http://icpi.nasaprs.com/FPWS2022 – includes detailed registration, abstract submission, and venue information. Please take a moment to register your interest for the workshop. There is no registration fee to participate.

Abstract Deadline is Jan 31, 2022 and presentation acceptance letters will be sent Feb 28, 2022.

2021 FIRST-TF General Assembly – Paris: Registrations are now open!

The FIRST-TF General Assembly will take place on October 21 and 22, 2021 in Paris at the Paris Observatory site.

Participation at the General Assembly is free but registration is mandatory. Please, register before September 30, 2021: Register for the FIRST-TF 2021 GA here

Practical information as well as the GA program can be viewed (very soon) here: https://first-tf.com/the-network/presentation/general-assemblies/


PhD defense by Lucas Groult – July 7st 2021 at 2PM

Lucas Groult will defend his thesis on July 7th 2021, entitled: “Conception d’un piège de Paul microfabriqué pour le développement d’une horloge optique compacte, à ion piégé Yb+”, prepared at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, in collaboration with FEMTO-ST and under the supervision of Yann Kersalé. The defense will be  in the amphithéâtre Jules Haag – ENSMM – 26, Rue de l’Epitaphe – Besançon.

EQTC 2021 – EU Quantum Flagship Virtual Conference

The annual conference of the EU Quantum Flagship programme, European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC) 2021, will be held virtually 29 November – 2 December 2021. We invite you to contribute to the EQTC 2021 programme through a number of options.

Call for submissions


  • Scientific and Technical presentations at parallel sessions
  • Poster presentations
  • Presentations by SMEs and Start-ups on Success Stories
  • Workshop/tutorial sessions

Please visit www.eqtc.org for further information.

EQTC 2021 will provide full coverage of the most prominent and recent advances in European and International quantum technology activities across a wide range of topics including basic sciences, communication, computing, simulation and sensing/metrology, infrastructure development and education & training.

 Key dates

  • Conference
    • 29th November to 2nd December, 2021
  • All submissions open
    • Monday, 3rd May 2021
  • Abstracts for presentations (talks and posters)
    • Deadline for submission: Monday, 21st June 2021 (Anywhere on Earth)
    • Notification of acceptance: Monday, 2nd August 2021
  • Proposals for workshop/tutorial sessions
    • Deadline for submission: Monday, 21st June 2021 (Anywhere on Earth)
    • Notification of acceptance: Monday, 2nd August 2021
  • Registrations
    • Open: Monday, 3rd May 2021
    • Deadline for workshop organisers and presenters (talks and posters): Monday, 16th August 2021 (Anywhere on Earth)
    • Deadline for early-bird academics: Monday, 27th September 2021 (Anywhere on Earth)

EQTC 2021 is a forum to highlight the state-of-the-art in quantum technologies both in Europe and from around the world, and will provide networking opportunities for the European and International academic and industrial quantum technologies communities.

Please visit www.eqtc.org for further information on EQTC 2021.


EFTS 2021 – European Frequency and Time Seminar

The EFTS is a no-profit intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and lab sessions. It targets the broadest audience: Engineers, Ph.D. students, post-docs, young scientists, newcomers, etc.
This seminar is unique in the following:

  • Broad spectrum of topics related to time and frequency
  • Balance between academic and applied issues
  • Broad target audience, yet keeping high level education
  • Lab sessions. The participants work themselves in small groups with a wide range of instruments made available.

The high level of training is guaranteed by the world-class Scientific Council and lecturers from the major European and International Institution.

More information.

NASA Workshop Announcement: High Performance Clocks in Space for Fundamental Physics/Science

The Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) will hold a workshop on June 17, 2021, at 8-11 am Pacific Time (15-18 UTC) with two principal goals: (i) seeking community input on possible future missions focused on precision measurements/tests of fundamental physics using high performance clocks in space and (ii) organizing the preparation of white papers in response to the upcoming Call from the Decadal Survey Committee. Central to the discussion will be a recent mission concept (Fundamental physics with an Optical Clock Orbiting in Space) that proposes to place an optical clock in an elliptical orbit to test General Relativity, but all types of clocks-in-space-based fundamental physics research are encouraged (gravitational wave detection, dark matter searches, drifts of fundamental constants, etc.). Also encouraged will be the development of essential supporting technologies including time transfer, optical clocks, and space-qualifiable lasers.

The Workshop will begin with several brief presentations on science possibilities for optical clocks in space with generous time allotted for follow-up questions and discussions. We will conclude this first session with a presentation on the FOCOS mission concept followed by discussion. Following a short overview on the white paper process, we will then have break-out sessions focused on organizing authors and topics for potential white paper submissions. NASA/JPL scientists will be on hand to answer questions.

Attendees are encouraged to register one week in advance and submit one PowerPoint slide describing their white paper focus interests, which they will be able to present during the break-out sessions. The slides will be used to help organize the break-out sessions around the topics of greatest interest to the attendees and to jump start the white paper process.

Expected Workshop output: We hope the workshop will help to generate many interesting and high quality white paper submissions in the space clock science area as well as to identify potential lead authors for various topic areas.

Workshop website/registration: NASA Workshop: High Performance Clocks in Space for Fundamental Physics/Science (google.com)

Workshop materials (templates, reference documents to be added as available): High-Performance Clocks in Space – Google Drive. The meeting link for the June 17th workshop will be provided in a future announcement closer to the Workshop date.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to seeing you at the Workshop.