JOURNEES 2023: TIME AND GENERAL RELATIVITY, 11-13 September 2023, Nice (France)

Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur together with Observatoire de Paris are pleased to announce that the “Journées 2023: Temps et Relativité Générale (Time and General Relativity)” will be held from 11 to 13 September 2023  in Nice  at Université Côte d’Azur and Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur.

The pre-registration with abstract is open here up to June 12th and the link to the registration fees will be open April 4th 2023 on this website up to August 21th.


For more information,


SAVE THE DATE – FIRST-TF 2023 General Assembly & Workshop “Quantum Technologies and Time-Frequency” in Nice!

A double announcement:

FIRST-TF 2023 General Assembly will take place on November 8 and 9 in Nice, at the Hotel Le Saint Paul. It will be followed by a workshop devoted to Quantum Technologies and Time-Frequency, on November 10, 2023 in Nice, at the Hotel Le Saint Paul.

Please note these dates in your notebooks. The program, the logistical details as well as the website for registrations (separate for the 2 events) will be communicated very soon.

Call for Abstract: The 9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, 16-20 Oct 2023, Kingscliff NSW, Australia.

The Call for Abstracts for the 9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology is open since February 12th, 2023. See the symposium Web Page:

To submit an abstract please go to the indico site for the Symposium:

The symposium is intended to serve as an international discussion forum on precision frequency standards throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, and associated precision and quantum metrology. It focuses on the fundamental scientific aspects of the latest ideas, results, and applications in relation to these frequency standards and measurement techniques. More than Seven years after the last symposium, significant progress has occurred across all associated fields.

Following tradition and by design, the conference will consist of a single series of invited talks (~50) and invited poster presentations (>100). Thirty invitations for oral talks have been issued already. The remaining invited oral talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts. The other submitted abstracts, if accepted, will be presented as invited poster presentations.

Speakers already invited are requested to submit an abstract. The book of abstracts will be available on the website before the symposium. All participants are requested to supply a paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

Successful participants will receive a letter of invitation once accepted, and if requested, also a special invitation for visa application.

**Important dates:**

» 26 May: Abstract submission deadline
» 23 June: Invitation issued and opening of registration
» 14 July: Early registration deadline
» 05 September: Late registration deadline
» 16 – 20 October: Symposium
» 20 November: Deadline for accepting manuscripts for the proceedings

Lorentz Center Workshop on Ultracold Quantum Sensing, 17 – 21 April,Leiden, The Netherland.

Lorentz Center Workshop on Ultracold Quantum Sensing, which will take place in Leiden, The Netherlands, 17 – 21 April. To apply, register your interest using this link till the deadline of February 5.

The goal of this workshop is to stimulate discussions of ultracold quantum sensors and their applications, between researchers, industry and potential users. We strive to help guide the development of quantum sensors along the most fruitful paths. The workshop focuses on four topics:

  • Optical clocks
  • Atom interferometry and continuous atomic sources
  • Science with ultracold quantum sensors
  • Industry ultracold quantum sensors and their applications

Confirmed invited speakers:

  • Philippe Bouyer
  • Klemens Hammerer
  • Wolf von Klitzing
  • Thomas Legero
  • Tanja Mehlstäubler
  • Eamonn Murphy
  • Nicola Poli
  • Ernst Rasel
  • Yevgeny Stadnik
  • Jürgen Stuhler
  • James Thompson
  • Wim Ubachs

We have 25 places for participants that would like to contribute to discussions and that will have the possibility to present a poster. In addition a few speaker slots remain to be distributed. The organizing committee will distribute these places shortly after Feb 5. If your application is accepted you can apply for travel and hotel cost support. The exact amount of support will be determined in dependence of available funding and the number of participants in need of support.

5th European GNU Radio days 2023, 29-30 March, SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris

The 5th edition of the European GNU Radio Days will be held March 29 & 30 at SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris with presentations sought around the keyword « synchronization ». Topics related to the free opensource software defined radio framework GNU Radio involving synchronization of the various communication layers, from the radiofrequency signal to distributed acquisition and synthesis hardware to distributed and heterogeneous processing to message passing will be addressed during the presentations. Registration is free but mandatory before February 28, 2023 at

Mads Tønnes’s thesis defense – November 21, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.

Mads Tønnes will defend his thesus on November 21st, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., entitled: “Understanding and exploiting metrological fiber networks for Sagnac sensing, frequency dissemination and geosensing”, prepared at the University of Paris Sciences et Lettres and under the supervision of Sébastien Bize and Paul-Éric Pottie. The defense will take place in the Amphithéâtre de l’IAP, accessible by the Observatory of Paris, 77 avenue Denfert Rochereau, 75014 Paris)

Colloquium on “The phenomenotechnics of time in 2022”, October 27-28, 2022, at the MSHE Ledoux and UFR SLHS, grand salon in Besançon.

This symposium is organized by Sarah Carvallo (Logiques de l’Agir laboratory), Clément Lacroûte (CNRS, FEMTO-ST Institute) and François Vernotte (FEMTO-ST Institute) as part of the FabTemps action carried out by Sarah Carvallo at the MSHE Ledoux.

=> More information here.

FIRST-TF General Assembly 2022: 04 and 05 October 2022 – Besançon

The FIRST-TF General Assembly will take place this year on October 04 and 05, 2022 in Besançon, at the ENSMM site.

This will be an important moment of exchange between laboratories, industries, technical centers and agencies, and the institutions that contribute to the life of the FIRST-TF network. This general assembly will be an opportunity to present the results of projects supported by FIRST-TF and to discuss specific topics. At the end of the first day, we will meet for dinner at a restaurant downtown Besançon, Bistrot La Charette.

See here the FIRST-TF 2022 AG Program in Besançon and practical information

=> More details.