12th of November 2018 (Besançon) – PhD defense of Guillaume Wong

Guillaume WONG will defend his thesis on 12th of November 2018 at 2:00 pm on the subject “Design of self-encapsulated surface acoustic wave sensors in intermediate frequencies into a prestressed environment”, realized in SYRTE under the direction of Bernard DULMET and Thomas BARON.

The defense will take place in the amphitheater J-J Gagnepain at TEMIS Sciences (Besançon).

Jury :
– M. CRUNTEANU STANESCU Aurelian – Chargé de Recherche CNRS, XLIM – Rapporteur
– M. AUBERT Thierry – Maître de Conférences HDR, Centrale-Supélec – Rapporteur
– M. THERON Didier – Directeur de Recherche CNRS, IEMN – Examinateur
– M. CHOLLET Franck – Professeur des Universités, Université de Franche-Comté – Examinateur
– M. DULMET Bernard – Professeur des Universités, E.N.S.M.M – Directeur de thèse
– M. BARON Thomas – Ingénieur de Recherche HDR, E.N.S.M.M – Codirecteur de thèse

The defense will followed by a buffet at Time and Frequency Department in ENSMM.

Abstract: This thesis is part of the research and development of surface elastic wave components for the harsh environments exceeding 600°C. The objective is the realization of surface elastic waves self-encapsulated components which can reach a temperature of 900 ° C. In this work, we introduce a modulization method allowing a finite element finite resolution of an inhomogeneous bias. This method allows to directly calculate the bias problem and to extract the parameters calculated with the perturbation method as well as other parameters. This method contributes to the improvement of the realism of numerical simulations of structures subjected to wide variations of environmental parameters. We describe in this manuscript the approach of the study, the design, the realization and the tests of unencapsulated surface wave resonators for air annealing cycles up to 900 ° C as well as a bench of measurements allowing to perform the measurements in situ. We also discuss the design and implementation of the encapsulation of these resonators by an innovative technology by Wafer-Level Packaging for high temperatures.

26th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM)

The 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) will take place in Versailles in November 2018. At this meeting, we expect the CGPM to approve a resolution to revise the definitions of the International System of Units, the SI, which is based on the second, the metre, the kilogram, the ampere, the kelvin, the mole and the candela (the SI base units).

Over the last 50 years, scientists have measured constants of nature, such as the speed of light and the Planck constant, with increasing accuracy; indeed the metre was already redefined back in 1983 in terms of the speed of light. The inherent stability of these constants make them ideal for underpinning new definitions of the SI units and preparing the measurement system to meet the future demands of science and technology.

If the resolution is approved, the SI will be based on seven physical constants, and thus inherently stable. Most notably, this will mark the end of the last remaining physical artefact in the SI system – a cylinder of metal known as the International Prototype of the Kilogram.

The work needed to reach this point has taken many years, and has been a truly international effort. The universality of access that it will afford has been a long-standing goal for the metric system, dating back more than 200 years.

=> More information.

Assemblée Générale 2018 de REFIMEVE+

La 5ème Assemblée Générale de REFIMEVE+ se tiendra les 20 et 21 novembre 2018 dans les locaux de FEMTO-ST de l’ENSMM à Besançon. C’est l’un des partenaires de REFIMEVE+, déjà raccordé au signal métrologique.

Comme les années précédentes, cet événement s’adresse en priorité aux partenaires académiques et industriels du projet mais aussi à tous les acteurs qui s’intéressent au temps fréquence, à la métrologie et à toutes leurs applications liées.
Quelques sujets importants qui seront abordés :

  • La première réalisation d’un lien fibré métrologique utilisant des équipements industriels ;
  • Avancées du projet de supervision à distance du réseau REFIMEVE+ ;
  • Avancées du déploiement des équipements REFIMEVE+ sur le réseau RENATER ;
  • Prolongation du consortium REFIMEVE+ au-delà de 2019.

Une séance de posters est prévue.

=> Plus d’informations et inscription (gratuite, obligatoire).

Conférence-débat : Le nouveau système international d’unités (SI) fondé sur un choix de constantes physiques fondamentales

L’émergence d’une métrologie quantique a permis de rattacher toutes les unités de base à des constantes fondamentales de la physique. Un nouveau système d’unités a donc été proposé à la Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures de novembre 2018 qui supprime en particulier le kilogramme étalon matériel des unités de base. Cette évolution permet de garantir une universalité, une pérennité et une meilleure reproductibilité des mesures. Le choix des constantes va assurer une cohérence au nouveau système fondé essentiellement sur les progrès de l’interférométrie atomique et de la métrologie électrique quantique. Les développements de ces disciplines et leurs applications en métrologie seront discutés au cours de cette séance.

Conférence-débat de l’Académie des sciences, le 4 décembre 2018 de 14h30 à 16h45, dans la Grande salle des séances de l’Institut de France : “Le nouveau système international d’unités (SI) fondé sur un choix de constantes physiques fondamentales”.

Christian Bordé et Christophe Salomon – de l’Académie des sciences

Christian Bordé, de l’Académie des sciences
Pierre Cladé, du Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB), groupe Metrology of Simple Systems and Fundamental Tests
Wilfrid Poirier du Laboratoire national de mtrologie et d’essais (LNE), pôle de métrologie électrique
Sébastien Bize, Systèmes de référence temps-espace (SYRTE), équipe métrologie des fréquences optiques

=> Inscription obligatoire avant le 4 décembre 2018.

Call for abstracts – PTTI Meeting (January 29-31, 2019 – Reston, VA, USA)

The Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications (PTTI) meeting is an annual conference sponsored by ION with a technical program designed to disseminate and coordinate PTTI information at the user level, review present and future PTTI requirements, inform government and industry engineers, technicians, and managers of precise time and frequency technology and its problems, and provide an opportunity for an active exchange of new technology associated with PTTI.

In 2019, PTTI will be co-located with the ION International Technical Meeting, in Reston, Virginia.

A commercial exhibit and pre-conference tutorials are held in conjunction with the conference.

Tutorials will be offered on January 28; technical sessions will take place January 29-31.

PTTI Sessions:

  • Alternative Techniques in Time Dissemination
  • Fiber Link Time Transfer
  • GNSS Time and Frequency Transfer
  • Ground Based Time and Frequency Transfer
  • Laboratory Reports and Activities
  • Next Generation Clocks
  • PTTI Applications in Space
  • Space and Terrestrial Clocks
  • Time Scales and Algorithms
  • Timing Applications in Financial Markets

Abstracts due October 10, 2018

=> More information.

Call for papers – Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems (March 25-28, 2019 – San Jose, CA, USA)

The Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems (WSTS) is approaching 30 years of bringing together leading experts to discuss the latest timing and synchronization topics. Over this period, time synchronization has evolved from a niche application to an underpinning technology across Power, Telecommunication, Finance and many other industries and applications.

WSTS has tracked and helped the evolution of precision timing over these decades. This has allowed experts to meet and offers the opportunity to explore cross-industry innovation, as an array of timing technologies become increasingly essential to many sectors.

We particularly welcome presentations offered by the users of synchronization, especially new innovations/applications which provide an important perspective on the needs for timing and on related challenges.

For submitting a Presentation abstract, you will find that we seek either those that are relevant to a specific sector or technology area, and those that are sector independent.

Sector-related talks must choose:

  • Telecom (e.g., 5G)
  • Electric Grid/Power Industry
  • Financial Services
  • Transportation/Automotive
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (Industrial Internet, Factory Automation, Computing,
    Sensor Data Fusion)
  • Broadcasting and Multi-Media
  • Other

For sector independent talks choose:

  • Sources of Timing: GNSS, Network Links, Oscillators (Atomic, Qu, MEMS, Other)
  • Timing Security/ Assured Timing
  • Measurement/ System Validation
  • Other

Presenting at this event positions your ideas in front of the top professionals in the timing and sync community. Please submit an abstract no later than Friday, October 5, 2018, to have your concepts considered.

=> More information.

Call for contributions – Second French GNU Radio Days (17-18 June 2019 – Besançon)

It is our pleasure to announce the second meeting centered around the GNU Radio framework held in France (Besancon).  This workshop targets French and European GNU Radio users and developers. Contributions are sought in English.

The workshop will take place on the 17th and 18th June, 2019, at the ENSMM engineering school facilities, Besancon – France (see last year’s program to get a hint of addressed topics).

Submissions open at https://gnuradio-fr-19.sciencesconf.org/

Registration will open January 1st 2019.

GNU Radio is an increasingly popular framework for Software Defined Radio components and Digital Signal Processing prototyping. As such our goals are as follows:

  • Bring together active French and European GNU Radio users, coming from a scientific, technical, amateur or hacker background
  • Foster interaction between GNU Radio users
  • Share knowledge about GNU Radio development through tutorials, seminars and demos
  • Bridge the gap between technical/engineering and scientific/research points of view on topics related to applied research with GNU Radio. Such topics include:
    • Software Defined Radio, radio prototyping,
    • RF design,
    • RADAR design
    • Signal processing in embedded systems,
    • GNU Radio development environment,
    • New platforms

GNU Radio users and developers are invited to present their experiments and activities. The first day (17th of June) will be devoted to oral presentations, posters and demonstrations. The second day (18th of June) will be dedicated to tutorials and hands-on sessions.

Contributions might for instance address the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Cognitive Radio, Digital Communication and Agile Spectrum Sharing
  • RADAR systems and specifically passive radar
  • Front-end analog characterization
  • Design of Signal Processing algorithms as GNU Radio blocks
  • Identification and decoding of signals, including satellite communication systems
  • Security aspects of Radiocommunications
  • Coupling GNU Radio to Soc FPGA
  • Various physical measurements (GNSS, Radioastronomy)
  • … your own favorite field here

=> More information about this session.

Joint meeting of the ESA Topical Teams: “ACES & General Relativity” and “ACES & Geodesy, clocks and time transfer”

The next joint meeting of the ESA Topical Teams: ACES & General Relativity and ACES & Geodesy, clocks and time transfer will be held at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, between Oct. 22, 2018 and Oct. 24, 2018. This meeting focuses on the utilization of ACES and highly accurate clocks in space, both from a point of view of space geodesy and fundamental physics. Topics of interest are:
1. The application and potential of highly accurate Clocks in Space such as ACES
2. Tests of the Einstein Equivalence Principle (EEP)
3. Laser Time Transfer using Satellites such as ACES and T2L2
4. Future applications of coherent time in space geodesy
5. The distribution of accurate time and frequency for metrology and geodesy

The colloquium will bring together the scientific community interested in the applications of highly accurate space clocks like ACES/PHARAO in all domains, from theoretical physics to cold atoms and application in geodesy and atmospheric studies. Furthermore we look at the scientific potential of near lossless links among high performing ground clocks and satellite clocks, both in time and frequency.

The meeting will consist of invited and contributed presentations on the details of ACES, data analysis and scientific applications. Whilst centered on ACES/PHARAO the colloquium is open to more general contributions on theory and experiments in any of the related subject areas. The aim is to prepare within the broad scientific community for the upcoming launch (2020), the  scientific exploitation of the data and the development of new applications in space geodesy.

The workshop will include both review and contributed talks with ample time for discussion.

=> Information and registration website.

EPS Edison-Volta 2018 Prize for Alain Brillet

The European Physical Society (EPS), the Fondazione Alessandro Volta and Edison S.p.A. have awarded the 2018 European Physical Society Edison Volta Prize to:

  • Alain Brillet (Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, CNRS, Université de la Côte d’Azur, Nice, France)
  • Karsten Danzmann (Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik and Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany)
  • Adalberto Giazotto † (INFN, Pisa, Italy) and
  • Jim Hough (University of Glasgow, UK)

“for the development, in their respective countries, of key technologies and innovative experimental solutions, that enabled the advanced interferometric gravitational wave detectors LIGO and Virgo to detect the first gravitational wave signals from mergers of Black Holes and of Neutron Stars.”

The EPS Edison Volta Prize promotes excellence in research and is given in recognition of outstanding research and achievements in physics. The Prize is given biennially to individuals or groups of up to three people. The laureates receive a medal, which is a faithful reproduction of the Medaglia Premio dell’ Associazione per l’Incremento del Commercio in Como: a portrait of Alessandro Volta together with the saying: Alexandro Voltae Novocomensi, i.e. (dedicated) to Alessandro Volta from Novum Comum, which was the old name given to the city of Como by Julius Caesar.

The Prize was established in 2011 and was awarded for the first time in 2012 to R. D. Heuer, S. Bertolucci and S. Myers from CERN, Geneva and in 2014 to J.-M. Raimond from the Laboratory Kastler Brossel at the Collège de France, Paris. It was also given to three principal scientific leaders of the ESA’s Max Planck Mission in 2015 in the frame of the International Year of Light 2015: N. Mandolesi, University of Ferrara, J.-L. Puget, Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Université Paris Sud & CNRS, and J. Tauber, Directorate of Science and Robotic ESA (NL).

=> More information

Call for contributions – First GNU Radio French days (2-3 July 2018 – Lyon)

It is our pleasure to announce the first meeting centered around the GNU Radio framework held in France (Lyon). This workshop targets Frenchand European GNU Radio users and developpers. Contributions are sought in French or (preferably) English. The workshop will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of July, 2018, at INSA Lyon (France).

GNU Radio is an increasingly popular framework for Software Defined Radio components and Digital Signal Processing prototyping. As such our goals are as follows:

  • Bring together active French and European
  • GNU Radio users, coming from a scientific, technical, amateur or hacker backgroundF
  • oster interaction between GNU Radio usersShare knowledge about GNU Radio developpement through tutorials, seminars and demos
  • Bridge the gap between technical/engineering and scientific/research points of view on topics related to applied research with GNU Radio.

Such topics include:

  • Software
  • Defined Radio, radio prototyping,RF design,
  • RADAR design
  • Signal processing in embedded systems,
  • GNU Radio development environment,
  • New platforms

Contributions might for instance address the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Cognitive Radio, Digital Communication and Agile SpectrumSharing
  • RADAR systems and specifically passive radar
  • Front-end analog characterization
  • Design of Signal Processing algorithms as GNU Radio blocks
  • Identification and decoding of signals, including satellite communication systems
  • Security aspects of Radiocommunications
  • Coupling GNURadio to Soc FPGA
  • Various physical measurements (GNSS, Radioastronomy)
  • … Your own favorite field here

GNU Radio users and developers are invited to present their experiments and activities. The first day (2nd of July) will be devoted to oral presentations, posters and demonstrations. The second day (3rd of July) will be dedicated to tutorials and hands-on sessions.

Contributions will be selected according to:

  • Originality
  • Quality of the experimental process
  • Reproducibility of the experiments and learning potential for other users
  • A live demonstration or video is highly appreciated

Submissions of contributions:

  • One page extended abstract (PDF format), describing the contribution itself and the desired presentation format (oral, poster and/or demo).
  • Deadline: 20 of May
  • Submission via the website: https://gnuradio-fr-18.sciencesconf.org/