The FIRST-TF research federation (Laboratory of Escellence) and the REFIMEVE French Research Infrastucure, are joining together this year for organizing 3 events important for the french Time and Frequency community: their respective General Assemblies, and a workshop on precision synchronization and networks.

These events will be the opportunity for a vast community to network, have scientific exchanges and get the latest informations about FIRST-TF and REFIMEVE.

All the events will take place at Institut Galilée, on the Université Sorbone Paris Nord campus in Villetaneuse.

The dates are the following:

  • September 30, 2024, afternoon: lab visits at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers,
  • October 1, 2024: General Assembly of FIRST-TF
  • October 2,  2024: Workshop on “Precision Synchronization and networks”
  • 0ctobre 3, 2024: General Assembly of REFIMEVE

Lunches for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October are included in the organization. Dinners for the 1st and 2nd of October evening will be organized as joint social events.

Registration is free, but mandatory, for members of structures affiliated to FIRST-TF, REFIMEVE, as well as for invited guests, on this link:

Series of 3 seminars on CSOs at FEMTO-ST (February 1-8-15, 2024)

FEMTO-ST is pleased to organize a series of 3 seminars on February 1, 8 and 15, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, entitled:

Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator: 30 years of Research at the FEMTO-ST Institute

by Vincent Giordano, CNRS Research Director at the FEMTO-ST Institute.

This series of lectures can be attended in the Jules Hagg lecture hall at Supmicrotech-ENSMM (Besançon, France) or online at MS TEAMS.

=> More details

Workshop on Standardization of Galileo Timing Receivers (Prague, February 2, 2024, 10:00-13:00 CET)

The primary objective of the workshop is to present the ongoing standardisation activities for timing receivers.

The availability of accurate and secure timing information is crucial for a range of strategic sectors. This is especially the case for critical infrastructures, like telecommunication networks, energy distribution grids, financial markets. All of these will benefit from the future Galileo Timing Service.

In a joint effort, EUSPA and the European Commission will host  a workshop dedicated present the ongoing standardisation activities for timing receivers, aimed at the publication of the first ever Standard in 2024, a key component of the upcoming Galileo Timing Service. The workshop will provide a great opportunity for discussing with Stakeholders on the benefits for Timing and Synchronisation (T&S) applications, and on the user needs of the Timing community.

The workshop will be hybrid, taking place online and at EUSPA HQ.

=> More details

UFFC-JS 2024 (Taipei, September 22-26, 2024)

The 2024 IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Joint Symposium will take place September 22 – 26, 2024 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei, Taiwan. This joint conference celebrates the 70th anniversary of the IEEE UFFC Society.

The following conferences will be involved:

  • International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)
  • International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF)
  • International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS)
  • Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop (PFM)

=> Plus de détails.

=> Call for paper.

EFTF 2024 (Neuchâtel, June 25-27, 2024)

The European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) is the Europe’s leading technical conference for time and frequency products and related technologies. The congress brings together researchers and technologists from manufacturers, service providers, operators, application developers, National Metrology laboratories, defense timing, and standards bodies to share the latest information and promote the development of precise time and frequency systems and components.

The conference will comprise invited plenary presentations as well as parallel oral and poster presentations. Last held in Neuchâtel in 2014, the 2024 edition of the conference will once again be held at the University of Neuchâtel, in the beautiful lakeside city of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. The main conference venue is the Aula de Jeunes Rives. This will mark the 37th edition of EFTF.

=> More details.

WRC-23 approves the adoption and implementation of Continuous Universal Time Coordinated UTC

The ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 20 to December 15, 2023, approved the adoption and implementation of UTC Continuous Universal Time as the internationally recommended reference time scale. Successful negotiations focused on the importance of making UTC a continuous time scale, and on the revision of Resolution 655 (WRC-15) concerning the definition of a time scale and the broadcasting of time signals using radiocommunication systems. The main results include :

  • Recognition of Resolution 2 of the 26th CGPM (2018) on the definition of UTC and Resolution 4 of the 27th CGPM (2022) on the use and future evolution of UTC. The latter aims to provide a continuous reference time scale for a century;
  • Recognition of the results of studies carried out by Working Party 7A and published in Report ITU-R TF.2511, dealing with the various aspects of the current reference time scale and those that could be defined in the future, including their implications and applications;
  • The continuation of the fruitful collaboration between the BIPM and the ITU-R, in preparation for the decision of the 28th meeting of the CGPM (2026) concerning the new maximum tolerance for UT1 – UTC and its date of application;
  • The continuation the study of the content and structure of time signals to be broadcast using radiocommunication systems, including wireline technologies, using the combined technical expertise of the organizations concerned, in order to produce new and revised ITU-R reports and recommendations, including but not limited to a revised version of Recommendation ITU-R TF.460-6 on standard frequency and time signal emissions.

Contact LNE-SYRTE: Joseph Achkar <>
CEPT European Coordinator on UTC at WRC-23 and Chairman of ITU-R Working Group 7A

FIRST-TF 2023 General Assembly and TF & Q Workshop: registration now open!!!

The FIRST-TF 2023 General Assembly will take place on November 8 and 9 at the Hôtel Le Saint-Paul in Nice. It will be followed by a workshop dedicated to “Quantum Technologies and Time-Frequency”, on November 10, 2023 in Nice, at the Hôtel Le Saint-Paul. 

Attendance at both events is free but registration is mandatory. You can register before October 02, 2023 at the following address:

You will find all the practical information as well as the various programs on this site.

Looking forward to meeting you there!

Prospective of the CNRS INP: Online feedback symposium – September 12 and 13, 2023.

L’Institut de Physique (INP) du CNRS a lancé en mai 2022 un travail sur sa prospective scientifique pour nourrir la réflexion sur l’évolution de la physique à l’horizon 2030.

Comme vous le savez, des groupes de travail questionnent, travaillent, rédigent, animent la réflexion sur 15 différents thèmes ayant été définis en décembre 2022.

Un colloque de restitution auprès de toute la communauté est prévu en ligne les 12-13 septembre 2023. Après une présentation brève du travail de prospective réalisé par les groupes de travail, la communauté pourra commenter et poser des questions sur l’ensemble des textes que les groupes de travail vont faire circuler auprès de leurs contributeurs.

Pour être tenus au courant en avance des textes de restitution, nous vous rappelons qu’il faut s’être inscrit sur le site de l’INP:

Pour assister au colloque de restitution, il vous faudra les 12 et 13 septembre cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous afin de rejoindre le webinaire :

Code secret : r05mWm

Cela vous permettra de suivre les présentations et de poser des questions (écrites) durant les deux jours de l’événement.

Le programme provisoire du colloque de restitution est fourni en pièce jointe: Programme_Colloque_INP-12&13Septembre2023

Après cette phase, l’Institut de physique utilisera les textes proposés et les remarques issues de ce colloque pour élaborer un document de prospective définitif qui sera disponible à la fin de l’année 2023.

Nous vous attendons nombreux en septembre, après une vraisemblable et surement bienvenue pause estivale !

First Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) Meeting, September 14th and 15th, 2023 in Grasse, France

First Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) Meeting, September 14th and 15th, 2023 in Grasse, France

Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (OCA), CNRS – INSU, Université Côte d’Azur (UCA), France

The first LLR meeting wishes to bring the producers, the users and the science behind lunar laser ranging together in order to join efforts and resources, to define goals and enhance the visibility for a LLR community, and to identify synergies and to plan for the future. The goal is to encourage every group to help and form a visible global community.

Registration and contribution :