15th of October 2019 (Paris) – PhD defense of Romain Karcher

Romain KARCHER will defend his thesis on 15th of October 2019 at 2:00 pm on the subject “Implementation of an ultra-cold atom source to improve the accuracy of an atomic gravimeter”, realized at SYRTE under the supervision of Franck Pereira Dos Santos and Sébastien Merlet.

The defense will take place in the amphitheater of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), accessible through the Observatoire de Paris at 77 avenue Denfert Rochereau, 75014 Paris.

Conférence “La fiabilité du Temps : Trajectoire, Recherche et Industrie”

Rencontre entre industriels et chercheurs de toutes disciplines.
Partage d’expériences sur les enjeux industriels et sociétaux autour de la valeur “temps”.
Focus recherche sur une technologie innovante et la notion de temps légal.

La Fédération de Recherche Innovacs et SCPTime ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la rencontre Recherche – Industrie “La fiabilité du Temps : Trajectoire, Recherche, Industrie”, le 14 novembre 2019 de 17h45 à 19h30 (Cocktail networking à 19h00). Elle aura lieu dans l’Amphithéâtre Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation, Université Grenoble Alpes, 339 avenue Centrale – 38400 Saint-Martin d’Hères.

Intervenants :

  • Sébastien Teot – Directeur SCPTime
  • Dorothée Fournier – Docteure en STAPS, Laboratoire SENS
  • Univ. Grenoble Alpes
  • Jean-Michel Friedt – Docteur en Sciences de l’Ingénieur, Institut FEMTO-ST, Univ. de Franche-Comté
  • Yannick Nouel – Ingénieur Métrologue – Certification, Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’essais (LNE)

=> Inscription.

Journées scientifiques 2020 d’URSI-France – Appel à communications

Les Journées Scientifiques 2020 d’URSI-France, sous l’égide de l’Académie des Sciences, auront pour thème « Réseaux du futur : 5G et au-delà ». Ces journées se tiendront sur le site de Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, à Palaiseau, les 11,12 et 13 mars 2020.

En cette année de lancement de la Cinquième Génération de réseau radio-mobiles (5G), URSI-France a décidé de dédier ces journées aux réseaux du futur, appelés à transformer la société en profondeur au travers d’usages très innovants. Avec la 5G, les réseaux sans fil auront pour la première fois été conçus dès le départ dans le but de rendre possible à la fois les communications personnes-personnes, personnes-machines et machines-machines, donnant accès à une multitude de services reposant sur les données. Les développements technologiques propres à la 5G, la montée en fréquence, les évolutions prévisibles qui nécessiteront de déborder du cadre de la 5G pour aller vers la génération suivante, continueront à stimuler des efforts importants et de nouveaux axes de recherche, impliquant le monde académique et l’industrie. Cependant, si chaque nouvelle génération de réseaux mobiles se traduit par une complexification et un enrichissement des services proposés, elle induit aussi des craintes liées à la multiplication des sources de rayonnement électromagnétique, aux expositions associées et à la consommation énergétique . Il importe donc, sur l’ensemble de ces aspects, d’avoir une vision objective, propre à la démarche scientifique.

Dans ce contexte, les journées scientifiques 2020 d’URSI-France s’articuleront autour de sessions orales et posters. La plupart des sessions seront introduites par des conférenciers invités, présentant l’état de la technique et/ou des développements récents, suivies par des communications ayant fait l’objet d’une sélection par le Comité scientifique. Les supports seront en Anglais, les présentations orales pouvant être en anglais ou en français

Principaux thèmes :

  • Conception et mesures d’antennes
  • Propagation et couche physique
  • Nouvelles approches pour la conception, le dimensionnement, l’optimisation et la Gestion des réseaux
  • Photonique
  • Environnement électromagnétique, caractérisation des exposition et efficacité énergétique

Dates clés :

  • 15 décembre 2019 : Date limite de soumission des résumés
  • 16 janvier 2020 : Notification aux auteurs
  • 7 février 2020 : Date limite de soumission des articles complets
  • 21 Février 2020 : Notification aux auteurs de l’acceptation des articles complets
  • 11-13 mars 2020 : Journées scientifiques

=> 1er appel à communications.

=> Plus d’informations.

EFTF 2020 – Call for Papers

The European Frequency and Time Forum is an international conference and exhibition, providing information on recent advances and trends of scientific research and industrial development in the fields of Frequency and Time.

For the third time in its history the conference will be hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA) in ESTEC, the largest ESA establishment which is a hub and test center for European space activities.

We are pleased to announce that the abstract submission is now open. We hereby invite you to submit abstracts on the following topics, grouped in the following areas:

  • Materials, Resonators, and Resonator Circuits
  • Oscillators, Synthesizers, Noise, and Circuit Techniques
  • Microwave Frequency Standards
  • Sensors and Transducers
  • Timekeeping, T&F Transfer, Telecom and GNSS applications
  • Optical Frequency Standards and Applications

You are kindly invited to submit abstracts via the online submission system, please click here.

Abstracts shall be submitted by 19th November 2019 (23:59 CET). Notification of whether your abstract  is accepted in the programme will be given by 10th January 2020.
The proceedings will be distributed after the conference in digital format and IEEE.

Please find further details on the conference website that will be kept up to date during the conference preparation.

23th of September 2019 (Palaiseau) – PhD defense of Isadora Perrin

Isadora PERRIN will defend her thesis on 23th of September 2019 at 2:00 pm on the subject “Développement expérimental d’un capteur inertiel multi-axe à atomes froids hybride embarquable”, realized at ONERA under the supervision of François Nez (LKB) and the supervision of Yannick Bidel (ONERA).

The defense will take place in the Auditorium of Institut d’Optique Graduate School (2 avenue Augustin Fresnel, Palaiseau).

23th of September 2019 (Paris) – PhD defense of Léo Morel

Léo MOREL will defend his thesis on 23th of September 2019 at 2:00 pm on the subject “High sensitivity matter-wave interferometry: towards a determination of the fine structure constant at the level of 10E-10”, realized at LKB, under the direction of Saïda Guellati-Khelifa and Pierre Cladé.

The defense will take place in the IMPMC conference room (corridor 22/23, 4th floor, room 401), Jussieu campus of Sorbonne Université.

The defense will be in English.


The fine structure constant can be determined from the measurement of the ratio h/m between the Planck constant, h, and the mass of an atom, m. The comparison of the experimental value of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron or the muon with their theoretical values predicted by the Standard Model using this value of the fine structure constant allows a very precise test of this model.
My thesis work focused principally on the measurement of the h/m ratio of rubidium-87 using a new experimental device. We installed the laser device for atom interferometry, to interrogate a cloud of cold atoms produced by optical molasses. Combining an interferometer using Raman transitions and the Bloch oscillation technique, we demonstrated an unprecedented sensitivity on the measurement of h/m corresponding to a relative statistical uncertainty of 8.5 x 10 -11 in 48 hours of integration, or 4.3 x 10 -11 on the fine structure constant.
This sensitivity has allowed us to experimentally study a variety of systematic effects. We simultaneously carried out modelling work that contributed to the implementation of protocols to compensate for the biases induced by systematic effects. We present a preliminary assessment of the error budget associated with these effects.

Proposals for IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium IFCS Awards

Three IEEE awards are presented annually at the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium: the Cady Award, the Rabi Award, and the Sawyer Award.

Scope of Awards:

The W. G. Cady Award

The W. G. Cady Award is to recognize outstanding contributions related to the fields of piezoelectric or other classical frequency control, selection and measurement; and resonant sensor devices.

The I. I. Rabi Award

The I. I. Rabi Award is to recognize outstanding contributions related to the fields of atomic and molecular frequency standards, and time transfer and dissemination.

The C. B. Sawyer Memorial Award

The C. B. Sawyer Memorial Award is to recognize entrepreneurship or leadership in the frequency control community; or outstanding contributions in the development, production or characterization of resonator materials or structures.

=> Details about Award Descriptions and Nomination Procedures.

=> Questions regarding IEEE UFFC-S awards and proposals should be addressed to the IEEE IFCS Awards Chair, Awards Chair, James Camparo.

IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (19-23 July 2020 – Keystone, Co, USA)

17th of September 2019 (Paris) – PhD defense of Mengzi Huang

Mengzi HUANG will defend his thesis on 17th of September 2019 at 2:00 pm on the subject “Spin squeezing and spin dynamics in a trapped-atom clock”, realized at SYRTE and LKB under the supervision of Carlos Garrido Alzar and Jakob Reichel.

The defense will take place in the amphitheater of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP).

The defense will be in English, in front of a jury composed of Monika Schleier-Smith, Morgan Mitchell, Ludovic Pricoupenko and Rodolphe Boudot.


Atomic sensors are among the best devices for precision measurements of time, electric and magnetic fields, and inertial forces.
However, all atomic sensors that utilise uncorrelated particles are ultimately limited by quantum projection noise (QPN), as is already the case for state-of-the-art atomic clocks. This so-called standard quantum limit (SQL) can be overcome by employing entanglement, a prime example being the spin-squeezed states. Spin squeezing can be produced in a quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of the collective spin, particularly with cavity quantum electrodynamical (QED) interactions.

In this thesis, I present the second-generation trapped-atom clock on a chip (TACC) experiment, where we combine a metrology-grade compact clock with a miniature cavity-QED platform to test quantum metrology protocols at a metrologically-relevant precision level. In a standard Ramsey spectroscopy, the stability of the apparatus is confirmed by a fractional frequency Allan deviation of 6E-13 at 1 s. We demonstrate spin squeezing by cavity QND measurement, reaching 8 (1) dB for 1.7E4 atoms, currently limited by decoherence due to technical noise. Applying these spin-squeezed states in the clock measurement is within reach.

Cold collisions between atoms play an important role at this level of precision, leading to rich spin dynamics. Here we find that the interplay between cavity measurements and collisional spin dynamics manifests itself in a quantum amplification effect of the cavity measurement. A simple model is proposed, and is confirmed by initial measurements. New experiments in this direction may shed light on the surprising many-body physics in this sytem of interacting cold atoms.

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement”

Quantum technologies are one of the major future challenges for research and science, but also a major opportunity for industry with respect to innovation and high technology. Indeed, quantum technologies and devices have already started to have an impact in industry, and several large companies are now developing new quantum devices or have started to integrate already existing devices into their products.

The exploitation of quantum effects in customised systems can lead to devices with superior performance and capabilities for sensing, measuring and imaging. The aim of this Special Issue on Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement of the European Physical Journal Quantum Technology is to present cutting-edge research in the context of all these R&D quantum technology domains, as well as to highlight activities aiming to develop the necessary standardisation and metrological infrastructure for the characterisation and certification of the new quantum-based devices.

We invite you to submit articles for this special issue. Topics include, but are not limited to:

· Quantum Sensing with Colour Centres
· Quantum Imaging and Quantum Bio-Imaging
· Quantum-enhanced measurements in atomic systems
· Quantum-enhanced measurements in solid state systems
· Non-Classical light for quantum optical technologies and quantum enhanced measurement
· Entangled light sources and their characterisation and application
· Lattice and single trapped ion optical atomic clocks and optical combs
· Optical fibre link for Clock network Quantum Communication Testbed
· Technologies and Metrology for QKD
· Micro- and nanofabrication of quantum devices
· Josephson Junctions and Circuits
· Single-electron devices and fermionic quantum optics
· Quantum Hall effect and magneto-transport measurements
· Single photon sources and detectors technologies and metrology
· Entanglement-enhanced measurements and spectroscopy
· Quantum opto-mechanical resonators and quantum thermodynamics
· Quantum electrical transport and current sources
· Atomic-based sensors, e.g. quantum gravimeters, quantum gyroscopes, etc.
· Metrology of components for Quantum Computing

The special issue will be published as a Topical Collection in the framework of the Continuous Article Publication scheme allowing the usual EPJ Quantum Technology fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically by the editors of the Special Issue.
Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021.

=> Editorial information.

=> More information regarding the EPJ Quantum Technology (2018 impact factor: 2.84).

15th of July 2019 (Villetaneuse) – PhD defense of Dang Bao An TRAN

Dang Bao An TRAN will defend his thesis on 15th of July 2019 at 10:30 am on the subject “Widely tunable and SI-traceable frequency-comb-stabilised mid-infrared quantum cascade laser: application to high precision spectroscopic measurements of polyatomic molecules”, realized at LPL, under the direction of Anne Amy-Klein and Benoît Darquié.

The defense will take place in Copernic Amphitheatre – Institut Galilée, Université Paris 13 (access).

The defense will be in English.

=> Abstract and venue information.