Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer: first use of a Software Defined Radio receiver in UTC calculation

Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer, improved by the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) receiver, has been used for Circular T calculation for the first time in March 2020. The comparison between the French and German local realizations of UTC, UTC(OP) and UTC(PTB), was performed using SDR receivers, a method that replaces part of the time-transfer hardware with high-speed digitization and software data processing. This significantly improves the 1-day stability of the time comparison.

=> informations (or here in french)

National Colloquium: GNSS for science

The Midi-Pyrénées observatory organizes a national colloquium (conferences and poster exhibition) entitled “GNSS for science”, on February 4, 2020 at the Concorde Amphitheater, building U4, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse.

Free but mandatory registration and poster submission before 2019/12/31 on

Call for papers: Authors of research on scientific applications of GNSS methods are invited to present them in the form of posters. To submit a poster, send a summary of approximately 500 words (1 A4 page) in French. Abstracts will be distributed during and after the colloquium.

Evening tribute to Richard Biancale: Monday, February 3 from 19 hours, Osete Room, Espace Duranti, 6 Rue Lieutenant-Colonel Pélissier, Toulouse. The Midi-Pyrénées Observatory, its parent institutions and the scientific networks of the French geodesy will pay tribute to Richard Biancale. Lecture by Georges Balmino (emeritus researcher at CNES).

This event is organized by the Midi-Pyrénées Observatory with the support of its parent institutions (CNRS, IRD, Paul Sabatier University, CNES, Météo-France), and by the COMET-PDS, the G2, the GRGS, the CNFGG and the AFT.