GPS World Webinar: PNT Monitoring to Safeguard Critical Infrastructure

Thursday, September 17, 2020 – Thursday, September 17, 2020
1 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT / 7 p.m. CET

Recent webinars have focused on a variety of proven, resilient technologies to combat GNSS and PNT vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure. In this webinar, we will focus on how PNT monitoring can further protect critical systems from these vulnerabilities through continuous monitoring and improvement. More information: here.

IFCS-ISAF 2020: Call For Paper

We welcome you to IFCS-ISAF2020, a joint meeting that highlights and celebrates the shared interests and expertise of the Frequency Control and Ferroelectrics communities! Whether your interests are in atomic clocks, piezoelectric transducers, MEMS resonators, or other related topics shown below, you’ll find a welcoming and vibrant community of researchers and potential collaborators in Keystone next July.


  • Resonators, & Resonator CircuitsMaterials,
  • Oscillators, Synthesizers, Noise & Circuit Techniques
  • Microwave Frequency Standards & Applications
  • Sensors & Transducers
  • Optical Frequency Standards & Applications
  • Fundamentals of Ferroelectricity and Piezoelectricity
  • Materials Processing, Fabrication, and Integration
  • Characterization and Measurement
  • Ferroelectric-Enabled Applications
  • Integrated Materials and Device Modeling and Design
  • Thin Film Ferroelectrics for MEMS
  • Timekeeping, Time & Frequency Transfer, GNSS Applications

2020 is the 100th Anniversary of the discovery of Ferroelectricity. Check the website for updates on Celebrations during IFCS-ISAF 2020.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: February 17th
  • Acceptance Notification: April 2nd
  • Early Bird Registration Deadline: May 15th

=> More information.

TimeWorld – Congrès international sur le temps

TimeWorld en bref : 60 conférences et 5 tables rondes, 72 ateliers éducatifs et fablabs, 500 m² d’exposition, 3 spectacles d’exception.

Les quatre temps :

  • Le temps mesuré : systèmes de mesure, astrophysique, cryptographie, systèmes de navigation, exploration spatiale, industrie du futur, cybersécurité.
  • Le temps de l’évolution : paléontologie, biologie, géologie, médecine, biosphère, géosphère.
  • Le temps perçu : neurosciences, sociologie, économie, finance, information numérique, mythanalyse.
  • Le temps dans l’art : musique, littérature, science-fiction, cinéma, peinture, photographie, jeux vidéo.

21-22-23 novembre 2019, Cité des sciences et de l’industrie (Paris, France).

=> Plus d’informations, agenda, contenus, billetterie.


CONNEX-TF: your web portal of expertise and connected sectors to the Time & Frequency domain

The CONNEX-TF web portal displays an arranged vision of the thematic Time & Frequency domain.

Users are invited to:
– navigate by Time & Frequency expertise or socio-economical stakes;
– search for specific keywords;
– look up the detailed and summarised cards of the involved structures;
– contribute to keep up to date and to enrich the public information.

According to the selection, users have access to:
– the map of the involved structures;
– the list of the involved structures and their specificities linked to the selection.

The CONNEX-TF project, which is driven by FIRST-TF, fall within the following aims:
– to give a larger visibility to Time & Frequency activities;
– to help with the network’s development, by identifying works to do in partnership;
– to encourage to share information in a national and international context;
– to enable the identification of expertise to develop and of promising sectors.

18th of October 2019 (Paris) – PhD defense of Romain Karcher

Romain CALDANI will defend his thesis on 18th of October 2019 at 10:00 am on the subject “Atom interferometry for simultaneous measurement of g and its vertical gradient”, realized at SYRTE under the supervision of Franck Pereira Dos Santos and Sébastien Merlet.

The defense will take place in the salle de l’Atelier of the Observatoire de Paris (77 avenue Denfert Rochereau, 75014 Paris).