Assistant professor position, Sorbonne Université, SYRTE laboratory, Paris (section 30).

The Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace (SYRTE) laboratory carries out research in the field of fundamental astronomy, time and frequency metrology and sensor, and history of astronomy. A pioneering institution in their deveopment, it studies different types of cold-atom-based quantum sensors: microwave clocks, optical clocks and inertial sensors (gyrometers, gravimeters, gradiometers, chip-scale interformeters). These sensors have demonstrated a remarkable efficiency for realizing measurement instruments of unprecedented performances, for innovative applications in different disciplinary fields: geophysics, fundamental metrology, tests of fundamental laws of physics, positionning and navigation. In order to overcome sensitivity limits of these sensors, or improve their compactnes to turn them into transportable devices, it is important to utilize ressources offered by quantum mechanics, which have been, so far, little exploited for space-time measurement. These protocols include, as exemples, optimal quantum control, non-demolition measurement and preparation of squeezed states for measurement beyond the standard quantum limit, or even entanglement between different sensors. The SYRTE laboratory wants to hire an Assistant Professor in  quantum physics to work in the specific domain of quantum protocoles applied to cold atoms sensors, in order to improve their limits in terms of sensitivity, and strengthen its position in ahighly competitive domain at the international scale.

Candidates (M/F) may contact the relevant group leaders::

– Optical Frequancy Metrology: contact Jérôme Lodewyck (

– Atomic Interferometry and inertial sensors: contact Franck Pereira Dos Santos (

– Microwave references and timescales: contact Stéphane Guérandel (

or the director of the SYRTE laboratory: Arnaud Landragin (