
A GPS review paper “Physical applications of GPS geodesy: a review”It will be openly available until the end of 2016 and can be obtained from:
Workshop “Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions”This workshop, organized by Olivier Dullieu (LAC) and Laurent Hilico (LKB), follows the workshops organized in Sandbjerg (Denmark) in 2011, Arosa (2013) and Bad Honnef (2015), and focuses on cold molecular ion physics. Within a five half-days program with invited and selected oral contributions as well as poster sessions, it will address recent experimental and […]
Thesis defense of Paul Dumont on Dec. 8th, 2016, at 13:30, Institut d’Optique, PalaiseauSubject : Dual-frequency optically-pumped semiconductor laser for atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping of cesium atoms Paul Dumont will defend his thesis on Dec. 8th, 2016 at 13:30, Institut d’Oprique (Palaiseau) on the subject “Dual-frequency optically-pumped semiconductor laser for atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping of cesium atoms”. This work has been realized at LCF – Laboratoire Charles Fabry under the supervision of Gaelle Lucas-Leclin and Patrick Georges. This thesis […]
Ariane 5 launch with 4 Galileo satellites on board on 17th November 2016 at 14:06 (Paris time)Follow the launch in real timeAriane 5 ES (VA 233) will be launched with 4 GALILEO satellites on-board. These 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th satellites have been named Antonianna, Lisa, Kimberley, et Tijmen, following a competition organized by the European Commission to give the opportunity to the children winners of the contest to give their name to GALILEO components. The launch […]
Workshop du GDR-AF/IFRAF – Cold Atoms and Quantum Technologies – AFTQ 16On Friday, December 02, 2016, 9am to 6:30pm, in Salle Dussane, ENS, ParisThe workshop is jointly organized by the GdR Atomes Froids and IFRAF – Institut Francilien pour la Recherche sur les Atomes Froids. Confirmed invited speakers include P. Bouyer, A. Browaeys, J. Dalibard, M. Greiner, C. Klempt, J. Lodewyck, A. Rauschenbeutel and J. Ye. Registration is free, but please register quickly so that we know how […]
Defense of thesis : “Miniaturization of OCXO oscillators for space applications”Defense by Nikolay Vorobiev on 29 of november at 14:00 , at ENSMM (Besançon)The defense will take place in Amphithéâtre Mesnage, ENSMM, 26 rue de l’Epitaphe, Besançon   More information
Defense of thesis : “Propagation of atoms in a magnetic waveguide on a chip”Defense by Satyanarayana BADE on 18 of november at IAP (Paris)The defense will take place of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris” (IAP). Entrance : 77 avenue Denfert Rochereau – 75014 Paris The defense will be in english More information
Defense of thesis “Long term stability of a cold atom gravimeter and limit of the rejection technic of systematics effects”Defense by Pierre Gillot on 4 of november at IAP (Paris)The defense will take place of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris” (IAP). Entrance : 77 avenue Denfert Rochereau – 75014 Paris More informations