
Numerical certification document from LNE about accurate, tracable and secure time distribution architecturesThe Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’essais (LNE), has released  it first certification document for accurate tracable and secure distribiution of time references. Find the document here
15th-16th january 2020 : LISA France days
The next LISA FRANCE days will take place at CNES Paris Les Halles the 15th and 16th of January 2020. Register at (free but mandatory) : Deadline for registration: Monday the 6th of January 2020.
29th of June to 3rd of July 2020 in Besançon: European Frequency and Time SeminarThe EFTS is an intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and laboratory sessions. It targets a broad audience: Engineers, Ph.D. Students, Post-doc Fellows, Young Scientists, Newcomers, etc. Registrations will open the first working day of February. Please contact for pre-registrations. More informations here.
Workshop: Time and Money 2020 – 28 janvier 2020 (NYSE)DLT and Timing  at the  New York Stock Exchange When it comes to financial transactions, time synchronization accuracy of all connected elements in a trading system is a critical, yet difficult, challenge.  Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is transforming trade and trade financing creating disruption in spaces typically occupied by traditional information repository methods and ledgers. […]
Conference: European GNU Radio Days 2020 (22nd and 23rd of June 2020, Poitiers, France)GNU Radio is an increasingly popular framework for Software Defined Radio components and Digital Signal Processing prototyping. As such our goals are as follows: * Bring together active French and European GNU Radio users, coming from a scientific, technical, amateur or hacker background * Foster interaction between GNU Radio users Share knowledge about GNU Radio […]
Thursday 21st novembre 2019 (Paris) – “Optical atomic clocks: new sensors for monitoring geodynamic processes”By Pacôme Delva (Observatoire de Paris) et Guillaumle Lion (IPGP Géodésie) Thursday the 21st of novembre 2019 at 11H00 – Salle 310 – IPGP – ÎLOT CUVIER Abstract : The measurement of time has always been closely related to the observation of the Earth. Today, the best optical atomic frequency standards can reach inacurracies around […]
National Colloquium: GNSS for scienceFebruary 4, 2020 - Toulouse (France)The Midi-Pyrénées observatory organizes a national colloquium (conferences and poster exhibition) entitled “GNSS for science”, on February 4, 2020 at the Concorde Amphitheater, building U4, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse. Free but mandatory registration and poster submission before 2019/12/31 on Call for papers: Authors of research on scientific applications of GNSS methods are invited to […]
20th of December 2019 (Paris) – PhD defense of Nicolas GallandNicolas GALLAND will defend his thesis the 20th of December 2019 in Paris Paris, on: “Towards optomechanical systems and high precision measurements with rare-earth doped crystals”, preâred at Institut NEEL and SYRTE under the supervision of Signe Seidelin and Yann Le Coq. The defense will taker place the 20th décembre à 2pm, in the IAP […]