Conference: European GNU Radio Days 2020 (22nd and 23rd of June 2020, Poitiers, France)

GNU Radio is an increasingly popular framework for Software Defined
Radio components and Digital Signal Processing prototyping. As such our
goals are as follows:

* Bring together active French and European GNU Radio users, coming
  from a scientific, technical, amateur or hacker background 
* Foster interaction between GNU Radio users Share knowledge about GNU
  Radio development through tutorials, seminars and demos 
* Bridge the gap between technical/engineering and scientific/research 
  points of view on topics related to applied research with GNU Radio. 
  Such topics include: 
    Software Defined Radio, radio prototyping, 
    RF design, 
    RADAR design 
    Global Navgation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and space communications
    Signal processing in embedded systems,
    GNU Radio development environment,
    New platforms

GNU Radio users and developers are invited to present their experiments
and activities. The first day (22nd of June) will be devoted to oral
presentations, posters and demonstrations. The second day (23rd of
June) will be dedicated to tutorials and hands-on sessions.
