Chaire Professeur Junior – Artemis Laboratory, Nice

Here in France there is a new initiative called the Chaire Professeur Junior (CPJ). The CPJs are intended for researchers in the first part of their career, with a strong potential to manage and lead a research team, as well as to participate in national, European or international projects. Once hired, the person would be on a tenure-track-like system. After 3 to 6 years they would become a University Professor, or a CNRS Directeur de Recherche.

The Artemis Laboratory in Nice, France has a CPJ position for the development of high power and stabilizer laser systems for gravitational-wave detectors. The position comes with a start-up package of 350k€. See
for a description of the position. For this position at Artemis, the hired person would become a CNRS Directeur de Recherche after tenure. The application procedure can be found at:

The application deadline is April 14.

Please contact me ( if you need more information or would like to discuss.