A 1-year Post-doctoral researcher (H/F) position, renewable 1 year, available at FEMTO-ST (Besançon) to work on “Microcell-based optical clocks”.

The candidate will be responsible for:

-Contribution to the development of microcell-based optical clocks.

-Contribution to the design (mecanics/temperature/optics), development and test of integrated microcell-based physics packages.

-Contribution to the test of alkali vapor microfabricated cells (Cs and Rb)

-Metrological characterization of frequency stability performances of lasers stabilized onto microcells through beatnote measurements between two quasi-identical systems or against a cavity-stabilized laser

-Collaboration with a PhD student working on the experiment since 10/2021.

-Contribution to the writing of publications and participation to international conferences

Applications deadline is  Monday, 30 May 2022.

Job description here: postdoc_MHO_2022_en

Apply here: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR6174-RODBOU-001/Default.aspx