Workshop du GDR-AF/IFRAF – Cold Atoms and Quantum Technologies – AFTQ 16

The workshop is jointly organized by the GdR Atomes Froids and IFRAF – Institut Francilien pour la Recherche sur les Atomes Froids. Confirmed invited speakers include P. Bouyer, A. Browaeys, J. Dalibard, M. Greiner, C. Klempt, J. Lodewyck, A. Rauschenbeutel and J. Ye.

Registration is free, but please register quickly so that we know how many visitors to expect, calibrate the lunch buffet etc. The deadline for registration is Friday, November 25.

There will be a poster session, for which contributions are welcome. As space is limited, we suggest to limit to one poster per team.

Registration and poster submission:

Looking forward to seeing you on December 02,

Robin Kaiser
Michèle Leduc
Jakob Reichel