TOUS LES Associated laboratories

Logiques de l’Agir

The Logiques de l’agir research team studies philosophy of practices with a threefold approach :

– Theory of practices : examination of the essence and structure of practices (ontology of practices), of the ideas emanating from them (intelligence of practices) and an investigation in the theory of social practices (epistemology of human and social science).

– Social and political practices : study of practical configurations in their historical, social and political contexts, in order to clarify the way they affect discourses and actions.

– Scientific and technical practices : examination of the way scientific and technical practices are embedded in their social and political contexts and also modify them. This investigation focuses on medical and environnemental humanities, and also digital humanities.


=> Web portal of expertise and connected sectors to the Time & Frequency domain (CONNEX-TF).

Logiques de l’Agir