Working Groups

Working Groups have been created under FIRST-TF umbrella to address specific subjects, to share knowledge and know-how and to identify new domains to explore. Do not hesitate to contact the coordinators for any question on these working groups.

  • Digital Electronics for T/F

    This working group aims to share knowledge around digital electronic systems associated with FIRST-TF and to promote the emergence of collaborative projects which can be funded by FIRST-TF.

    Coordinators: Pierre-Yves BOURGEOIS, FEMTO-ST (pierre-yves.bourgeois(at) ; Michel LOURS, SYRTE (michel.lours(at) ; Eric MEYER, UTINAM (eric.meyer(at) ; Fabrice WIOTTE, LPL (fabrice.wiotte(at)


    Access to this working group website


    ⇒ To participate or ask any question, please email:


  • CPT Clocks

    This working group aims to share information on CPT (Coherent Population Trapping) clocks.

    Coordinators: Rodolphe BOUDOT, FEMTO-ST (rodolphe.boudot(at), Stéphane GUERANDEL, SYRTE, (stephane.guerandel(at), Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin, LCF (gaelle.lucas-leclin(at)


    ⇒ Access to this working group website

    ⇒ To participate or ask any question, please email:


  • Loss of GNSS signals

    Aware of the vulnerabilities of global satellite navigation systems (GNSS: Beidou, Galileo, Glonass, GPS, etc.) and their use, which has become ubiquitous in a large number of activities, FIRST-TF has decided, in partnership with a consortium of ministries supported by the Ministry of Economic and Solidarity Transition, to finance an impact study at the national level on this subject. (see the page on the impact study of the loss of GNSS signals)