12 June 2025 – JCOM 2025 – LAAS-CNRS Club Optique Micro-ondes day, Toulouse
The Club Optique Micro-ondes has around 150 members from some 30 French teams, forming a network of researchers involved in industrial and academic fields at the interface of optics-photonics, microwave and millimeter waves. The club meets once a year for a one-day event, during which oral and poster presentations are given.
JCOM 2025 Conference: Thursday June 12, 2025
Deadline for submission of paper proposals: Wednesday April 30, 2025
Notification of acceptance + program: Friday May 16, 2025
More details here:
10 March 2025 – Online workshop: SENSEI presentation
SENSEI – Smart European Networks for Sensing the Environment and Internet quality, is a projet funded by the European Union and aimed to develop devices and technologies to turn the global telecommunication fibre network into a pervasive distributed sensor and make the network more resilient and efficient.
On March 10th, SENSEI will be presented to colleagues, stakeholders and potential collaborators in a 2.5 hour-long online workshop. The workshop will start with technical talks from Consortium members, focusing on earlier research achievements feeding into SENSEI, and will then focus on the project overview, followed by an open discussion.
Participation is free upon registration
Program and registration [opening soon]:
16-20 October 2023 – 9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology.
The 9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held at the Mantra on Salt Beach Resort, Kingscliff, NSW, Australia, 16-20 October 2023. For more detail, please see here.
10-12 July 2023-45th NIST Time & Frequency Seminar.
The 45th NIST Time and Frequency Seminar will be conducted on 10-12 July 2023. Registration details and Agenda to follow. Please send any question or concerns to
April 17-21, 2023 -Lorentz Center Workshop on Ultracold Quantum Sensing in Leiden, The Netherland
To apply, register your interest using this link till the deadline of February 5.
The goal of this workshop is to stimulate discussions of ultracold quantum sensors and their applications, between researchers, industry and potential users. We strive to help guide the development of quantum sensors along the most fruitful paths. The workshop focuses on four topics:
- Optical clocks
- Atom interferometry and continuous atomic sources
- Science with ultracold quantum sensors
- Industry ultracold quantum sensors and their applications
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Philippe Bouyer
- Klemens Hammerer
- Wolf von Klitzing
- Thomas Legero
- Tanja Mehlstäubler
- Eamonn Murphy
- Nicola Poli
- Ernst Rasel
- Yevgeny Stadnik
- Jürgen Stuhler
- James Thompson
- Wim Ubachs
We have 25 places for participants that would like to contribute to discussions and that will have the possibility to present a poster. In addition a few speaker slots remain to be distributed. The organizing committee will distribute these places shortly after Feb 5. If your application is accepted you can apply for travel and hotel cost support. The exact amount of support will be determined in dependence of available funding and the number of participants in need of support.
October 20-21, 2022 – ACES Workshop 2022
We are pleased to invite you to attend the ACES Workshop 2022. The event will be held at the École Normale Supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm – Paris, on 20-21 October. The registration is now open. We warmly encourage all participants to submit abstracts. Workshop information is available at the website and also on the official workshop announcement here : ACES_Workshop_Announcement
Mar 29-31, 2022 – From Quantum to Cosmos-7: NASA 2022 Fundamental Physics Experiments in Space Workshop.
NASA’s From Quantum to Cosmos-7 Workshop will be held in person Mar 29-31, 2022, at the Watergate Hotel, 2650 Virginia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037, USA. This will continue the tradition of Q2C workshops started in 2006.
Detailed information is contained in the attached Flyer.
The workshop website – – includes detailed registration, abstract submission, and venue information. Please take a moment to register your interest for the workshop. There is no registration fee to participate.
Abstract Deadline is Jan 31, 2022 and presentation acceptance letters will be sent Feb 28, 2022.
September 20th to 22nd, 2021 – International online workshop on “Novel movements for clocks and sensors ” organised by the EMPIR projects USOQS and CC4C. More information here and here.
June 17, 2021 – NASA Workshop Announcement: High Performance Clocks in Space for Fundamental Physics/Science
The Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) will hold a virtual workshop on June 17, 2021, at 8-11 am Pacific Time (15-18 UTC) with two principal goals: (i) seeking community input on possible future missions focused on precision measurements/tests of fundamental physics using high performance clocks in space and (ii) organizing the preparation of white papers in response to the upcoming Call from the Decadal Survey Committee. Central to the discussion will be a recent mission concept (Fundamental physics with an Optical Clock Orbiting in Space) that proposes to place an optical clock in an elliptical orbit to test General Relativity, but all types of clocks-in-space-based fundamental physics research are encouraged (gravitational wave detection, dark matter searches, drifts of fundamental constants, etc.). Also encouraged will be the development of essential supporting technologies including time transfer, optical clocks, and space-qualifiable lasers.
The Workshop will begin with several brief presentations on science possibilities for optical clocks in space with generous time allotted for follow-up questions and discussions. We will conclude this first session with a presentation on the FOCOS mission concept followed by discussion. Following a short overview on the white paper process, we will then have break-out sessions focused on organizing authors and topics for potential white paper submissions. NASA /JPL scientists will be on hand to answer questions.
Attendees are encouraged to register one week in advance and submit one PowerPoint slide describing their white paper focus interests, which they will be able to present during the break-out sessions. The slides will be used to help organize the break-out sessions around the topics of greatest interest to the attendees and to jump start the white paper process.
Expected Workshop Output: We hope the workshop will help to generate many interesting and high quality white paper submissions in the space clock science area as well as to identify potential lead authors for various topic areas.
Workshop materials, including a list of relevant topics and White Paper templates, will be available at: More information will be added as available.
Workshop Point-of-Contact: Dr. Chris Oates, NIST:
June 04, 2021 – Day of Club “Optique and micro-ondes 2021” of SFO.
This day is organized by the CNAM and will be held online. More information will be available soon.
=> Site of “Optique et micro-ondes” de la SFO
October 5-8, 2020 – Online Workshop on “Next-generation quantum clocks”
The USOQS and CC4C European project organize an on-line training course on “Next-generation quantum clocks”. You are welcome to register and attend.
=> More information and here.
January 28, 2020 – Time and Money 2020: Workshop on Time Sync Requirements and Distributed Ledger Technologies in the Financial Sector at New York Stock Exchange (New York, USA)
=> Signup here to receive event updates.
=> More information.
October 28-29, 2019 – ACES Workshop (Paris, France)
March 25-28, 2019 – Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems: “Time and Synchronization Across Industries: A 2020 Vision” in San Jose (California, USA)
The Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems (WSTS) is approaching 30 years of bringing together leading experts to discuss the latest timing and synchronization topics. Over this period, time synchronization has evolved from a niche application to an underpinning technology across Power, Telecommunication, Finance and many other industries and applications.
WSTS has tracked and helped the evolution of precision timing over these decades. This has allowed experts to meet and offers the opportunity to explore cross-industry innovation, as an array of timing technologies become increasingly essential to many sectors.
We particularly welcome presentations offered by the users of synchronization, especially new innovations/applications which provide an important perspective on the needs for timing and on related challenges.
For submitting a Presentation abstract, you will find that we seek either those that are relevant to a specific sector or technology area, and those that are sector independent.
Sector-related talks must choose:
- Telecom (e.g., 5G)
- Electric Grid/Power Industry
- Financial Services
- Transportation/Automotive
- Cyber-Physical Systems (Industrial Internet, Factory Automation, Computing,
Sensor Data Fusion) - Broadcasting and Multi-Media
- Other
For sector independent talks choose:
- Sources of Timing: GNSS, Network Links, Oscillators (Atomic, Qu, MEMS, Other)
- Timing Security/ Assured Timing
- Measurement/ System Validation
- Other
Presenting at this event positions your ideas in front of the top professionals in the timing and sync community. Please submit an abstract no later than Friday, October 5, 2018, to have your concepts considered.
December 10-11, 2018 – Workshop “Use-cases from quantum technologies for sensing and metrology” at Institut Néel (Grenoble, France)
A first of his kind, this workshop aims to explore the use-cases from quantum technologies for sensing and metrology applications. The chosen method is based on a prospective analysis associating quantum technology experts, and technology prescribers in their field (research, industry or market), able to define the relevant performances, needs and ultimately markets.
Six technology areas will be considered, covering both use cases in research (may involve high-tech industry, or academia), where the highest performances are targeted, where the market sizes can be small and the cost may play a secondary role, and use cases for the end-user, where the typical market sizes are very large, the costs have to be low and the device sizes have (often) to be small. These areas are:
- Quantum enhanced magnetometry
- Gravimeters
- Detecting microwave radiations, and applications
- Detecting radiation at single photon level, and applications
- Time references
- Quantum enhanced interferometry, and applications
Be at the forefront of thinking about the impact of quantum technologies on sensors and metrology!
⇒ More information and registration
December 5-6, 2018 – Workshop “Atomic interferometry” in Toulouse (France)
This international workshop, dedicated to the use of cold atoms for atomic interferometry, represents as well the yearly national event promoted by the “GdR Atomes Froids” for 2018.
There are no registration fees, but travel and accommodation are not supported by the organization.
You have the opportunity to present posters during all the workshop. A poster session is planned on Wednesday evening. If you want to present a poster, please submit a short summary once registered.
⇒ More information and registration
October 22-24, 2018 – Joint workshop for EMPIR energy and environment calls at LNE (Paris, France)
LNE will be hosting a workshop to collect ideas for new topics for next years’ EMPIR energy and environment calls. This workshop is intended for all stakeholders and NMI experts intending to submit potential research topics and/or to provide suggestions for new ideas that need investigating.
We welcome everyone (whether intending to co-ordinate a project or not) to contribute to the discussions and help identify the key research topics – this is very important to ensure all project submissions align with stakeholder needs and provide sufficient impact to industry.
Please note that there are two separate sessions for energy and environment. Delegates do not need to join both sessions.
⇒ More information and registration
29 – 30 June 2017 – Workshop “ACES workshop: Fundamental and applied science with clocks and cold atoms in space” at University of Zürich, Switzerland
The colloquium will bring together the scientific community interested in the results of ACES/PHARAO in all domains, from theoretical physics to cold atoms and application in geodesy and atmospheric studies. It will consist of invited and contributed presentations on the details of ACES, data analysis and scientific applications. Whilst centered on ACES/PHARAO the colloquium is open to more general contributions on theory and experiments in any of the related subject areas. The aim is to prepare within the broad scientific community for the upcoming launch (2018) and scientific exploitation of the data.
The workshop will include both review and contributed talks and will be organized only in plenary sessions, with ample time for discussion.
More details can be found on the web site of the conference:
28 May – 2 June 2017 – Workshop “Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions” at Ecole de physique des Houches
This workshop, organized by Olivier Dullieu (LAC) and Laurent Hilico (LKB), follows the workshops organized in Sandbjerg (Denmark) in 2011, Arosa (2013) and Bad Honnef (2015), and focuses on cold molecular ion physics.
Within a five half-days program with invited and selected oral contributions as well as poster sessions, it will address recent experimental and theoretical achievements in molecular ion spectroscopy, molecular ion-neutral collisions, cold chemistry, quantum logic protocols towards precision measurements and fundamental constant determination.
The participation of young researchers in the field is strongly encouraged. The attendance is limited to 70 persons, so early registration is recommended.
The website of this conference supplies further information about registration, deadlines, venue and submission of contributions. It can be found It can be found at
3-5 April 2017 – Workshop ESA MTT – Microwave Technology and Techniques, ESTEC / Noordwijk
This workshop will be a unique opportunity to meet with partners and actors of the domain, to review sate of the arts development on the field, to identify key applications for microwave devices, to identify future key enabling technologies, to detect trends and issues, mainly in areas such RF, frequency generation, Microwave photonics, Microwave technologies, Navigation, etc…
Submission of abstracts is due by October 1st, 2015. See details for submission on MTT’s web site.
The French national network (GDR) on Cold Atoms and IFRAF organize their second workshop on Cold Atoms and Quantum Technologies (Atomes Froids et Technologies Quantiques), at ENS Paris on Friday, December 2, 2016. Following a first meeting in 2013, this one-day workshop will highlight the state of the art of cold atom experiments in the context of future quantum technologies. The program features invited talks by world-leading experts, covering quantum sensing, quantum communication, and quantum simulations and computing and with ultracold atoms. There will also be a poster session.
Confirmed invited speakers include:
Markus Greiner
Carsten Klempt
Arno Rauschenbeutel
Jun Ye
Philippe Bouyer
Antoine Browaeys
Jean Dalibard
Jérôme Lodewyck
The workshop will be held in Salle Dussane, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 24 rue Lhomond, Paris.
Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required. The registration website will soon be announced in a follow-up message.
Scientific Committee: Christophe Salomon, Ekkehard Peik, Franck Pereira dos Santos, Peter Zoller
Organizing Committee: Jakob Reichel, Michèle Leduc, Robin Kaiser
Sponsors: IFRAF, GDR Atomes Froids, Dim NanoK
11 oct. 2016 – Workshop “Photonics and Precision Measurements”
The topic of this workshop is around the role of optical components and sub-systems in instruments and experiments for extreme precision measurements. This workshop, which is organized in CNRS (Paris) in collaboration with FIRST-TF, will allow different communities to meet and to exchange: components developers, users in precision measurement experiments, laboratories, industry. The objective is to identify the user requirements on one hand, and the potentialities of specific components on the other hand, to trigger new collaborative projects.
More information on this workshop coming soon.
10 oct. 2016 – Workshop “Compact and miniaturized atomic clocks”
This workshop, organized by the FIRST-TF working group MINICLOCKS, will address various scientific and technological topics on compact and miniaturized atomic clocks. This workshop will take place in CNES (Paris).
More information on this workshop coming soon.
28-29 sept. 2016 – Workshop “Atom Interferometry and Space Geodesy”
This workshop will take place in CNES (Paris).
⇒ Informations and registrations
20-22 sept. 2016 – ESA Industry Space Days
This workshop will take place in ESTEC (Noordwijk, Pays-Bas).
10 jun 2016 – Day 2016 of Club “Optique and micro-ondes” of SFO
This day is organized by Observatoire of Nice by Michel Lintz and Fabien Kéfélian (ARTEMIS) , Clément Courde (Géoazur).
⇒The web site of the day of the optical club and microwave is now on-line
⇒ Site of Club “Optique et micro-ondes” of SFO
8 April 2016 – Workshop “Optical clocks: quantum engineering and international timekeeping”
This workshop is organized by two EMRP project consortia QESOCAS and ITOC, as a satellite meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum, on April 8th 2016 at the University of York (UK).
More information at
22-24 feb. 2016 – International Workshop on Ultra-cold Group II Atoms
This workshop, whose topic is theory and experiments with ultra-cold alkaline-earth atoms (Sr, Yb, Hg, Mg, Ra…), will take place on 22-24 Feb. 2016 at Paris Observatory.
Please feel free to come and attend the workshop in the amphitheatre of IAP.
The detailed program can be found at
17th Féb 2016 – the direct dectectoin of gravitational waves
Following the annoucement of the direct detection of gravitational waves, a one day meeting is organized on 17th Feb. 2016. The seminars will address the detectors, the observed signals, the consequences on astrophysics and fundamental physics.
This meeting will take place on Wednesday 17th Feb. 2016, starting at 09:30, in the amphitheatre Turing, Sophie Germain Building, Paris-Diderot University.
=> More information
=> Associated articles