
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to retain “leap second”New reference time scale to be considered by World Radiocommunication Conference in 2023The ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15), currently in session in Geneva from 2 to 27 November, has decided that further studies are required on the impact and application of a future reference time-scale, including the modification of coordinated universal time (UTC) and suppressing the so-called “leap second”. ⇒ More information      
PhD defense of Alexis BONNIN : ” Dual-Species Atom Interferometry and Applications to Inertial Measurements “PhD defense of Alexis BONNIN : " Dual-Species Atom Interferometry and Applications to Inertial Measurements "Alexis BONNIN will defend his PhD thesis , entitled “Dual-Species Atom Interferometry and Applications to Inertial Measurements”, which work was accomplished in ONERA . The defense will take place on Monday, 23 of November 2015 at 14:00 in Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (Salle Balmer), Orsay. Summary : In the emerging issue of testing the Equivalence Principle […]
PhD defense of Fabien Théron : “Development of a cold atom gravity gradiometer and a telecom doubled laser device for onboard applications”On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 14:00 in Institut d'Optique Graduate School (Auditorium), Palaiseau.Fabien Théron will defend his PhD thesis , entitled “Development of a cold atom gravity gradiometer and a telecom doubled laser device for onboard applications”, which work was accomplished in ONERA . The defense will take place on Friday, Friday, 27 of November 2015 at 14:00 in Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Auditorium), Palaiseau. Summary : […]
PhD defense of Indranil Dutta : “Stability Improvement of a Sagnac Cold Atom Interferometer: towards Continuous Operation”The first defense of a PhD student co-funded by FIRST-TF !Indranil DUTTA will defend his PhD thesis , entitled “Stability Improvement of a Sagnac Cold Atom Interferometer: towards Continuous Operation”, which work was accomplished in SYRTE under the supervision of Arnaud Landragin. The defense will take place on Friday, 20 of November 2015 at 14:30 in Paris Observatory (Salle de l’IAP). Summary on the thesis […]
PhD defense : “Modal analysis of an ultrafast frequency comb: from classical to quantum spectral correlations”Monday 19th October at 14:00, in the amphitheater Herpin, building Esclangon, at Université Pierre et Marie CurieValerian Thiel will defend his PhD thesis, , entitled “Modal analysis of an ultrafast frequency comb: from classical to quantum spectral correlations”, which work was accomplished in Laboratoire Kastler Brossel under the supervision of Nicolas Treps. It will take place on Monday the 19th of October in the amphitheater Herpin, building Esclangon, at Université Pierre […]
Evaluation of FIRST-TF in 2015Very positive conclusions of the Labex FIRST-TF by an international committee in Spring 2015.As the other Labex of the French “Programme Investissements d’Avenir” (PIA) , FIRST-TF has been evaluated in 2015 by an international committee. The conclusions drawn from this evaluation are very positive: they point out the federative role of FIRST-TF for the T/F community and the efficiency of the supports to collaborative projects in Research, Training, […]
New book “The Quantum Physics of Atomic Frequency Standards: Recent Developments”Authors : Jacques Vanier, Cipriana Tomescu

Written by Jacques Vanier and Cipriana Tomescu, this book reviews conventional atomic frequency standards as described in the previous two volumes. It describes the development that has been done since the 1990s in improving conventional frequency standards. It covers the research and development done in the optical range to implement an optical frequency standard. It […]
New web site for FIRST-TFVisit FIRST-TF website and discover the activities of this cluster of excellence in research, innovation, trainig and popularization.   For any comment or question : contact(at)