International Workshop on Ultra-cold Group II Atoms22-24 Feb. 2016 in Paris Observatory This workshop, whose topic is theory and experiments with ultra-cold alkaline-earth atoms (Sr, Yb, Hg, Mg, Ra…), will take place on 22-24 Feb. 2016 at Paris Observatory. Please feel free to come and attend the workshop in the amphitheatre of IAP. The detailed program can be found at => More information on workshops
Seminars on the direct dectectoin of gravitational wavesOn 17th Feb. 2016 at Paris-Diderot UniversityFollowing the annoucement of the direct detection of gravitational waves, a one day meeting is organized on 17th Feb. 2016. The seminars will address the detectors, the observed signals, the consequences on astrophysics and fundamental physics. This meeting will take place on Wednesday 17th Feb. 2016, starting at 09:30, in the amphitheatre Turing, Sophie Germain […]
Next FIRST-TF general assembly24th March 2016, University Paris 13, Villetaneuse The next FIRST-TF general assembly will take place on 24th March 2016 in University Paris 13 (Villetaneuse). It is open to all FIRST-TF members. Agenda: presentation of highlights and projects funded by FIRST-TF, discussions. => More informations on the program & registration
Defense of thesis to Édouard RICHARD – “Study and realization of a new spatio-temporal reference system based on inter-satellite links in a GNSS constellation”The Wednesday, 27 of January 2016 at 14:30 in l’amphithéâtre de l'IAP (Observatoire de Paris)Edouard RICHARD will defend his thesis on the subject : “Study and realization of a new spatio-temporal reference system based on inter-satellite links in a GNSS constellation” The defense will take place on westeday Wednesday, 27 of January 2016 at 14:30 in l’amphithéâtre de l’IAP (Observatoire de Paris).(Paris) This thesis performed under the supervision of […]
“CASCADE LASER COMPONENTS & SYSTEMS: TECHNOLOGY AND MARKET TRENDS”A new TEMATYS' reportTematys is pleased to announce the release of its new report “Cascade Laser Components & Systems: Technology and Market trends”. Today, advances in cascade lasers (CL) are revolutionizing infrared spectroscopy and OEMs can count on two mature alternatives: interband cascade lasers (ICLs) that are expected to be a cost killer in the 3-6µm spectrum, and […]
Proceedings of the 5th Galileo Science Colloquium available onlineThe official Proceedings of the 5th Galileo Science Colloquium which took place from the 27th to the 29th of October 2015 at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany are now available online at: The Posters/Presentations and/or Papers can be downloaded in PDF format.
PhD defense of Irina BALAKIREVA “Non-linear dynamics of Kerr optical frequency combs”On Wesnesday 9 December 2015 - 14:00, Amphithéâtre Jean-Jacques Gagnepain (bât. Témis Sciences), 15B avenue des Montboucons, Besançon.More information on thesis defenses
Launch of LISA PATHFINDERA technological mission for the detection of gravitational wavesESA’s LISA Pathfinder lifted off earlier on Thursday, 3rd Dec. on a Vega rocket from Europe’s spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, on its way to demonstrate technology for observing gravitational waves from space. ⇒ More information