2nd level Specializing Master’s Programme in Photonics for Data Networks and MetrologyPolitecnico di TorinoData traffic will experience a dramatic growth over the next years driven by 5G access, high-definition video, virtual and augmented-reality contents, and the considerable growth in cloud services due to Big Data Exchange. Photonic data networks will be required to be more and more pervasive and elastic, to supporting the paradigm of Internet of Thing […]
Urgent search of candidates for two Ph-D theses cofunded by CNESDeadline for the applications at CNES: March 31, 2018Two laboratories are searching candidates for a Ph-D theses cofunded by CNES: SYRTE (Franck Pereira) on the subject: New atom interferometry techniques for space gravimetry ⇒ More information: LAAS (Olivier Llopis) on the subject: Application of miniaturized optical frequency combs to the generation of high spectral purity microwave signals ⇒ More information:
6th European Frequency and Time Seminar (EFTS)2018 session: June 25-29 at BesançonThe EFTS is intended to provide education and training, including laboratory practice in a full-week seminar, and targets the broadest audience: Engineers, Ph.D. students, post-docs, young scientists, newcomers, etc. This seminar is original in the following: Broad spectrum of topics related to time and frequency Broad target audience, yet keeping high level education Balance between […]
ANR – JST joint call for two CREST research areas: “Quantum technologies”Deadline for the submission of proposals: April 16th, 2018
JST and the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche; “ANR”) concluded a Framework Agreement in December 2017. The purpose of this Agreement is to foster Japanese-French collaboration in scientific research and to fund joint research projects conducted by Japanese and French partners eligible for funding from each agenc on: Quantum technology: Creation […]
JST and the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche; “ANR”) concluded a Framework Agreement in December 2017. The purpose of this Agreement is to foster Japanese-French collaboration in scientific research and to fund joint research projects conducted by Japanese and French partners eligible for funding from each agenc on: Quantum technology: Creation […]
21st of December (2017) – Thesis defense of Mehdi LangloisDesign and realisation of a cold atom gravity gradiometerMehdi Langlois will defend his thesis on 21st of December at 15:00 on the subject “Design and realisation of a cold atom gravity gradiometer”, realized in SYRTE under the direction of Franck Pereira dos Santos and the supervision of Sébastien Merlet. The defense will take place in the amphitheater of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris […]
EFTF 2018: Call for papersAbstract Submission deadline: December 22nd, 2017April 9th to 12th, 2018 at conference centre of the Museo dell’Automobile in Torino (Italy). The European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) is an international conference and exhibition, providing information on recent advances and trends of scientific research and industrial development in the fields of Frequency and Time. Authors are invited to submit abstracts of recent and original […]
12th of December 2017 (Paris) – PhD defense of Meropi MorfouliFrom precision in time measurement to the theory of universal gravity (1630-1740)Meropi Morfoulie will defend her thesis on 12th December 2017 at 2:30 pm on the subject “From precision in time measurement to the theory of universal gravity (1630-1740)”, realized at SYRTE laboratory under the direction of Christian Bracco and Efthymios Nicolaidis. The defence will take place in Lecturing hall L 361, ENS, 24 rue Lhomond, […]
24th of November 2017 (Paris) – PhD defense of Denis SavoieContinuous and interleaved operation of a cold atom gyroscope and improvement of its stability.Denis Savoie will defend his thesis on 24th November 2017 at 2 pm on the subject “Continuous and interleaved operation of a cold atom gyroscope and improvement of its stability”, realized at SYRTE laboratory under the direction of Arnaud Landragin and co-supervised by Remi Geiger. The defense will take place in the main amphitheater of […]