
International Conference on Quantum metrology and Sensors9th-3th of December 2019, Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris (France)The ‘International Conference on Quantum Metrology and Sensing’ IQuMS 2019 will be held at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France from the 09th to the 13th of December 2019. It will present an up to date perspective on this thriving field of quantum science and technology. The conference will notably cover the topics of atomic clocks and inertial sensors; sensors […]
Noël Dimarcq appointed as President of the CCTFInternational Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM)The CIPM (International Committee for Weights and Measures) appointed Noël Dimarcq as President of the Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF) on its 108th meeting, in March 2019. Noël Dimarcq is Deputy Director of the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur and was elected to the CIPM at the 26th meeting of the CGPM in […]
Serge Galliou (FEMTO-ST) laureate of the 2019 W. G. Cady AwardFor pioneering the development of extremely high-Q cryogenic Bulk Acoustic Resonators for sensing, oscillators, and fundamental applications.The 2019 W. G. Cady Award goes to Dr. Serge Galliou, “for pioneering the development of extremely high-Q cryogenic Bulk Acoustic Resonators for sensing, oscillators, and fundamental applications”. The W. G. Cady Award recognizes outstanding contributions related to the fields of crystal resonators, frequency control, frequency synthesis, noise measurement and sensor devices. => More information.
Jérôme Lodewyck (SYRTE) laureate of the EFTF Young Scientist Award 2019For outstanding contributions to the development of Sr optical lattice clocks and of applications of optical frequency standards to timekeeping.The EFTF Young Scientist Award 2019 goes to Dr. Jérôme Lodewyck ,”for outstanding contributions to the development of Sr optical lattice clocks and of applications of optical frequency standards to timekeeping”. The EFTF Young Scientist Award is conferred in recognition of a personal contribution that demonstrated a high degree of initiative and creativity and led […]
Patrizia Tavella (BIPM) laureate of the European Frequency and Time AwardFor her engagement and key achievements in time and frequency dissemination at both scientific and educational levels.The European Frequency and Time Award 2019 goes to Dr. Patrizia Tavella, “for her engagement and key achievements in time and frequency dissemination at both scientific and educational levels”. The European Frequency and Time Award recognizes outstanding contributions in all fields covered by the EFTF. => More information.
8th of February 2019 (Marseille) – PhD defense of Mathieu CollombonThree-photon dark resonance in a cloud of stored Calcium ionsMathieu Collombon will defend his thesis on 8th of February 2019 at 11:00 am on the subject “Optimization of a force sensor based on ultracold atoms trapped in a vertical lattice”, realized at PIIM, under the direction of Martina Knoop. The defense will take place in the “Thesis room”, on the St-Jérôme campus in Marseille. […]
25ème Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique08-12 juillet 2019, Cité des Congrès de Nantes (France)Lundi 8 juillet 2019 de 16h30 à 18h30 : Session parallèle 1.4 “Mesures de précision avec des peignes de fréquences optiques”. Cette session a pour objectif de présenter les derniers résultats obtenus grâce aux peignes de fréquence optique qui sont à la fois des outils de calibration absolue incontournable et des sources d’excitation pour des […]
Appel à projets 2019 FIRST-TF en coursDate limite pour l'envoi des demandes de soutien : 14 février 2019Cet appel à projets vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux (projets de recherche, projets en partenariat avec les entreprises, projets de formation ou de diffusion des savoirs vers le public) et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps Fréquence, sur ses […]