23th of September 2019 (Paris) – PhD defense of Léo MorelHigh sensitivity matter-wave interferometry: towards a determination of the fine structure constant at the level of 10E-10Léo MOREL will defend his thesis on 23th of September 2019 at 2:00 pm on the subject “High sensitivity matter-wave interferometry: towards a determination of the fine structure constant at the level of 10E-10”, realized at LKB, under the direction of Saïda Guellati-Khelifa and Pierre Cladé. The defense will take place in the IMPMC conference […]
Proposals for IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium IFCS Awards19-23 July 2020 – Keystone, Co, USAThree IEEE awards are presented annually at the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium: the Cady Award, the Rabi Award, and the Sawyer Award. Scope of Awards: The W. G. Cady Award The W. G. Cady Award is to recognize outstanding contributions related to the fields of piezoelectric or other classical frequency control, selection and measurement; […]
17th of September 2019 (Paris) – PhD defense of Mengzi HuangSpin squeezing and spin dynamics in a trapped-atom clockMengzi HUANG will defend his thesis on 17th of September 2019 at 2:00 pm on the subject “Spin squeezing and spin dynamics in a trapped-atom clock”, realized at SYRTE and LKB under the supervision of Carlos Garrido Alzar and Jakob Reichel. The defense will take place in the amphitheater of the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris […]
EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement”Submission deadline: 30 June 2021Quantum technologies are one of the major future challenges for research and science, but also a major opportunity for industry with respect to innovation and high technology. Indeed, quantum technologies and devices have already started to have an impact in industry, and several large companies are now developing new quantum devices or have started to […]
15th of July 2019 (Villetaneuse) – PhD defense of Dang Bao An TRANWidely tunable and SI-traceable frequency-comb-stabilised mid-infrared quantum cascade laser: application to high precision spectroscopic measurements of polyatomic moleculesDang Bao An TRAN will defend his thesis on 15th of July 2019 at 10:30 am on the subject “Widely tunable and SI-traceable frequency-comb-stabilised mid-infrared quantum cascade laser: application to high precision spectroscopic measurements of polyatomic molecules”, realized at LPL, under the direction of Anne Amy-Klein and Benoît Darquié. The defense will take place in […]
HDR defense of Rémi Geiger the 28th of June, 2019 at Observatoire de ParisSubject: "Atom interferometry: from fundamental physics to precision inertial measurements"Rémi GEIGER will defend his “habilitation à diriger des recherches” on 28th June 2019 at 2:00 pm on the subject “Atom interferometry: from fundamental physics to precision inertial measurements”. The defense will take place at Observatoire de Paris (77 av. Denfert-Rochereau, Paris 14ème) in Salle Cassini, Bâtiment Perrault. Abstract: Interferometry with matter waves dates back […]
Résultats de LIGO-Virgo durant O3, après un mois d’observationBinaire trou noir et étoile à neutronC’est une une jolie moisson de données qui a demandé beaucoup de travail et qui vient récompenser les scientifiques après seulement un mois de campagne de détection d’ondes gravitationnelles par Virgo et LIGO. O3, comme est appelée cette troisième campagne d’observation, a commencé le 1er avril et devrait durer douze mois. Les améliorations apportées à […]
Création de la startup SigmaWorksLaboratoires GEOAZUR et LAGRANGELe laboratoire Geoazur et le laboratoire Lagrange ont développé de nombreux projets autour des équipements du site instrumenté de l’Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Caussols), en particulier dans le domaine des liens optiques entre la terre et l’espace pour la métrologie de l’espace et du temps-fréquence, l’astronomie et les télécommunications optiques. Les développements de ces […]