
6th of December 2019 (Paris) – PhD defense of Valentin CambierValentin CAMBIER will defend his PhD thesis the 6th of December 2019 in Paris on: “Mercury optical lattice clock exploiting a 2D-MOT : lifetime of the 3P0 state and frequency measurement” prepared at SYRTE under the direction of Sébastien Bize. The defense will take place Friday the 6th of December at 2pm in salle Cassini […]
General public Conference: William Phillips, 10th of December (Jussieu Campus, Paris)William D. Phillips, Nobel prize in Physics 1997, Univerisité of Maryland, USA, will give a general public conference in French on the impact of quantum metrology. Tuesday December 10th 2019 at 8pm. Location: Auditorium of the Pierre and Marie Curie Campus 4 place Jussieu 75005 Paris Free entrance after mandatory registration here
Craft: The plateform used by the Time and Frequency “labex” for its new portalFIRST-TF and CONNEX-TF seen by Bretagne Développement Innovation (BDI), creator and manager of the Craft platform which hosts CONNEX-TF =>More information.
François Nez receives the Félix Robin 2019 awardThe Félix Robin 2019 award, from the Société Française de Physique, goes to François Nez (LKB), for “the very good qualtiy of all his work”. =>More information.
9th of December 2019 (Chatillon) – PhD defense of Paul ChapellierPiezoelectric MEMS for Time and Frequency applicationsPaul CHAPELLIER will defend his thesis on 9th of December 2019 at 2pm on the subject “Piezoelectric MEMS for Time and Frequency applications”, realized at ONERA under the supervision of Bernard DULMET (FEMTO-ST) and Pierre Lavenus (ONERA/DPHY). The defense will take place in salle Contensou at the ONERA centre of Châtillon, 29 avenue de la Division Leclerc, […]
12th of December 2019 (Meudon) – PhD defense of Amina SaadaniBidimensional crystals for ultra-high quality factor micro/nano-piezoelectric resonatorsAmina SAADANI will defend her thesis on 12th of December 2019 at 2:30 pm on the subject “bidimensional crystals for ultra-high quality factor micro/nano-piezoelectric resonators”, realized at ONERA under the supervision of Fabrice Sthal (FEMTO-ST), Olivier Le Traon and Pierre Lavenus (ONERA/DPHY). The defense will take place in salle Ay-02-63 of the Centre de Meudon […]
IFCS-ISAF 2020: Call For PaperJuly 19-23, 2020 - Keystone, Colorado, USAWe welcome you to IFCS-ISAF2020, a joint meeting that highlights and celebrates the shared interests and expertise of the Frequency Control and Ferroelectrics communities! Whether your interests are in atomic clocks, piezoelectric transducers, MEMS resonators, or other related topics shown below, you’ll find a welcoming and vibrant community of researchers and potential collaborators in Keystone […]
TimeWorld – Congrès international sur le temps21-22-23 novembre 2019, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie (Paris, France)TimeWorld en bref : 60 conférences et 5 tables rondes, 72 ateliers éducatifs et fablabs, 500 m² d’exposition, 3 spectacles d’exception. Les quatre temps : Le temps mesuré : systèmes de mesure, astrophysique, cryptographie, systèmes de navigation, exploration spatiale, industrie du futur, cybersécurité. Le temps de l’évolution : paléontologie, biologie, géologie, médecine, biosphère, géosphère. Le […]