
Registration 2020 General Assembly of FIRST-TF – OnlineNovember 9th, 2020 from 10am to 5pm (Paris time)Due to the consequences of the Covid-19 situation, the 2020 General Assembly of FIRST-TF will be fully held online the 9th of November, 2020. This is a free from charge event but registration is mandatory. Register for free now
CoOLMe 2020 (Cold-Atom On-Line Meeting)November 16-18, 2020 (9-18 Paris time)
This conference is organised by the French national research network on Cold Atoms (“GdR Atomes Froids”) as its main annual event. It will be fully held online from 9am (Paris time) of Monday, Nov. 16th to 6 pm (Paris time) of Wednesday, Nov. 18th, 2020. More information here.
GPS World Webinar: PNT Monitoring to Safeguard Critical InfrastructureThursday, September 17, 2020 – Thursday, September 17, 2020 1 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT / 7 p.m. CET Recent webinars have focused on a variety of proven, resilient technologies to combat GNSS and PNT vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure. In this webinar, we will focus on how PNT monitoring can further protect critical systems from these […]
Call for ideas CNES R&T and PhD thesis 2021The call for ideas R&T 2021 for Space systems is openned The proposals must be made on this website before September 14th 12pm. The call for PhD thesis proposals will open in September 2020
Arnaud Landragin (SYRTE) receives the CNRS medal of innovation 2020Arnaud Landragin, research director at CNRS and director of SYRTE (CNRS, OP-PSL, SU, LNE) has been granted the “medal of innovation 2020” by CNRS, for his work on high precision instruments based on matterwave interferometers and his role as a co-founder of the Muquans company. More information here et here.
17th June 2020, videoconference: PhD defense of Steffen WittrockSteffen Wittrock will defend his thesis the 17th of June 2020 at 2 PM on: “From noise and stability to synchronization and complex dynamics in spin torque nano-oscillators”, prepared at Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales under the supervision of Vincent Cros. The defense will take place by videoconference on the following link:
Death of Raymond Besson, “the man of the quartz at 10-14Passionate scientist, professor at ENSMM (Besançon, France) until 2006 and director of the Chronometry, Electronics and Piezoelectricity Laboratory of Besançon between 1978 and 2002, Raymond Besson was renowned in the national and international time-frequency community for his so-called BVA quartz resonators. He died on April 15, 2020. -> More details about Raymond’s life
Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer: first use of a Software Defined Radio receiver in UTC calculationTwo-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer, improved by the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) receiver, has been used for Circular T calculation for the first time in March 2020. The comparison between the French and German local realizations of UTC, UTC(OP) and UTC(PTB), was performed using SDR receivers, a method that replaces part of the time-transfer hardware […]