Lorentz Center Workshop on Ultracold Quantum Sensing, 17 – 21 April,Leiden, The Netherland.

Lorentz Center Workshop on Ultracold Quantum Sensing, which will take place in Leiden, The Netherlands, 17 – 21 April. To apply, register your interest using this link till the deadline of February 5.

The goal of this workshop is to stimulate discussions of ultracold quantum sensors and their applications, between researchers, industry and potential users. We strive to help guide the development of quantum sensors along the most fruitful paths. The workshop focuses on four topics:

  • Optical clocks
  • Atom interferometry and continuous atomic sources
  • Science with ultracold quantum sensors
  • Industry ultracold quantum sensors and their applications

Confirmed invited speakers:

  • Philippe Bouyer
  • Klemens Hammerer
  • Wolf von Klitzing
  • Thomas Legero
  • Tanja Mehlstäubler
  • Eamonn Murphy
  • Nicola Poli
  • Ernst Rasel
  • Yevgeny Stadnik
  • Jürgen Stuhler
  • James Thompson
  • Wim Ubachs

We have 25 places for participants that would like to contribute to discussions and that will have the possibility to present a poster. In addition a few speaker slots remain to be distributed. The organizing committee will distribute these places shortly after Feb 5. If your application is accepted you can apply for travel and hotel cost support. The exact amount of support will be determined in dependence of available funding and the number of participants in need of support.