14th of December 2018 (Villetaneuse) – PhD defense of Amine Chaouche Ramdane

Amine Chaouche Ramdane will defend his thesis on 14th of December 2018 at 1:30 pm on the subject “Experimental developments for the characterization and stabilization of semiconductor self-pulsed laser sources for frequency metrology applications”, realized in LPL, under the supervision of Frédéric Du Burck and co-supervised by Vincent Roncin.

The defense will take place in Amphi. D – Institut Galilée at Université Paris 13, 99 av. J.B. Clément 93430 Villetaneuse, in front of a jury composed of Saïda Guellati, Alexandre Shen, Didier Erasme, Loïc Morvan, Pascal Besnard, Daniel Bloch, Frédéric Du Burck, Vincent Roncin.


This PhD thesis focuses on the development of instrumentation for the characterization and stabilization of mode-locked laser sources at 1.55 µm for applications in frequency metrology or stability applications in the field of optical telecommunications.
Two characterization tools based on commercial components were developed with the aim to transfer the frequency stability from a metrological source to tunable sources (ECLD). In both cases, stability transfers over tens of nanometres are demonstrated at the level of 10 -12 . The detailed analysis of those setups shows the limitations resulting from residual amplitude and polarization modulations due to modulators and from polarization fluctuations in fibres. The validation of our approach is achieved by the demonstration of the mode-locked laser frequency stabilization by optical injection leading to the reduction of the width of the injected mode by a factor greater than 1000, the transfer of the injection laser stability to all modes of the comb and the measurement of long term stability of the injected laser modes.