How best to communicate the revised SI?

The 2017 Communications Workshop on ‘How best to communicate the revised SI?’ is organised by CMI and EURAMET. The event will take place on Tuesday, 17 and Wednesday, 18 October 2017 at CMI, Prague (Czech Republic).

Provided the experimental data are satisfactory, the 26th CGPM in 2018 is expected to accept a resolution to revise the International System of Units (SI).
The possible revision of the SI is an extraordinary opportunity to communicate the importance of metrology and the future SI.
This task is similar for many NMIs and DIs in Europe.

Therefore, EURAMET will organise a two-day workshop on ‘How best to communicate the revised SI?’, hosted by CMI, the Czech National Metrology Institute.

The two-day workshop will contain:
– An introduction to the planned revision of the SI
– Information about the BIPM Brand Book ‘Future Revision of the SI’
– A workshop on how to convey the SI at school
Best practice examples of communicating the SI
Practical sessions on how and when to communicate the future revision of the SI

The workshop is tailored for employees of NMIs and DIs who are working in communications and public relations.
There is no fee for the workshop, but places are limited and registration is essential.
Please forward this announcement to colleagues in your institutes who may find it of interest.

Deadline for registration: Friday, 15 September 2017.
Detailed information and registration:
This training workshop is funded by the Human and Institutional Capacity Building strand of EMPIR in the area of communications.