
Publications on projects supported by FIRST-TF


Peer-reviewed articles


  1. Zhibin Yao, Cyrille Solaro, Corentin Carrez, Pierre Cladé, and Saïda Guellati-Khelifa, Local phase shift due to interactions in an atom interferometer,
  2. M Friedt, Le temps et son transfert par satellite géostationnaire : réception avec une parabole de télévision et d’une radio logicielle, GNU/Linux Magazine France Hors Série 121 (Oct-Nov. 2022)
  3. Gillot Jonathan, Tetsing Talla Santerelli Falzon, Denis Severine, Goavec-Merou Gwenhaël, Millo Jacques, Lacroute Clément and Kersalé Yann, “Digital control of residual amplitude modulation at the 10−7 level for ultra-stable lasers”, Optics Express, vol. 30, 20, pp. 35179 – 35188, sep. 2022
  4. Baudiquez Antoine, Lantz Eric, Rubiola Enrico and Vernotte François, The Statistics of the Cross-Spectrum and the Spectrum Average: Generalization to Multiple Instruments”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 69, 8, pp. 2585-2594, aug. 2022
  5. Petersen Michael, Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, De Clercq Emeric and Boudot Rodolphe, “Microwave phase detection of coherent population trapping resonance in Cs vapor cell”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2022, 39 (3), pp.910-916. ⟨1364/JOSAB.446828⟩
  6. Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Carlé Clément, Passilly Nicolas, Danet J.M., Calosso Claudio and Boudot Rodolphe, Light-shift mitigation in a microcell-based atomic clock with symmetric auto-balanced Ramsey spectroscopy”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 120, pp. 064101 (6), feb. 2022
  7. Boudot Rodolphe, Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Petersen Michael, Calosso Claudio and Rubiola Enrico, “All-optical microwave feedback oscillator with atomic cell resonator”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 120, pp. 044101 (6), jan. 2022
  8. Mikhailov A. M., Boudot Rodolphe and Brazhnikov Denis, Line shape of the sub-Doppler resonance in alkali-metal atomic vapors in the field of counterpropagating bichromatic laser beams”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, vol. 133, 6, pp. 696 – 710, jan. 2022
  9. Achahbar Hala, Bernard Florent, Courjon Emilie, Martin Nicolas, Baron Thomas and Ballandras Sylvain, Improvement of textured AlCu with Ta underlayer on LiNbO3 substrate, AIP Advances, vol. 12, 10, pp. 105121 – 105121-4, oct. 2022
  10.  Mads Bebe Krog Tønnes, Frédéric Schuller, Etienne Cantin, Olivier Lopez, Rodolphe Le Targat, Anne Amy-Klein and Paul-Éric Pottie, Coherent fiber links operated for years: effect of missing data, Metrologia 59, 65004 (2022)
  11. Laburthe-Tolra B., Amodjee Z., Pasquiou B., Robert-De-Saint-Vincent M., Correlations and linewidth of the atomic beam continuous superradiant laser, SciPost Physics Core (soumis 2022, accepté 2023); arXiv:2210.05464v2
  12. Schioppo, J. Kronjäger, A. Silva, R. Ilieva, J. W Paterson, C. F A Baynham, W. Bowden, I. R Hill, R. Hobson, A. Vianello, M. Dovale-Álvarez, R. A Williams, G. Marra, H. S Margolis, A. Amy-Klein, O. Lopez, E. Cantin, H. Álvarez-Martínez, R. Le Targat, P. E Pottie, N. Quintin, T. Legero, S. Häfner, U. Sterr, R. Schwarz, S. Dörscher, C. Lisdat, S. Koke, A. Kuhl, T. Waterholter, E. Benkler, G. Grosche. Comparing ultrastable lasers at 7 × 10−17 fractional frequency instability through a 2220 km optical fibre network, Nature Communications 13, 212 (2022).
  13. Karim Manamanni, Tatiana Steshchenko, Fabrice Wiotte, Rodolphe Le Targat, Michel Abgrall, et al.., Limitations due to residual interference in a fiber-based optical frequency reference at 1.55 µm, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2022, 39 (2), pp.438. ⟨1364/JOSAB.442302⟩
  14. Frédéric Du-Burck, Karim Manamanni, Tatiana Steshchenko, Amine Chaouche Ramdane, Vincent Roncin, Effects of polarization modulation induced by electro-optic modulators in fiber-based setups, Photonic Technology Letters, 34(3), 185-188, (2022).
  15. Manamanni, T. Steshchenko, F. Wiotte, A. Chaouche-Ramdane, M. O. Sahni, V. Roncin, F. Du-Burck, Frequency Stability Transfer in Passive Mode-Locked Quantum-dash Laser Diode using Optical Injection Locking, in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1-9, Aug. 2022, Art no. 1300409, (2022) doi: 10.1109/JQE.2022.3145867
  16. Teyssieux, R. Boudot, C. Fluhr and J. Millo, Phase noise mitigation of the microwave-to-photonic conversion process using feedback on the laser current, Journal of Optical Society America B, 39, 11, 3108-3113 (2022).
  17. G Petit, F Meynadier, A Harmegnies, C Parra, Continuous IPPP links for UTC, Metrologia 59, 2022, 045007.
  18. Serge Galliou, Jérémy Bon, Philippe Abbé, Rémy Vicarini, Michael E.Tobar, Maxim Goryachev, Probing the acoustic losses of graphene with a low-loss quartz bulk-acoustic-wave resonator at cryogenic temperatures,  Materials Science and Engineering: B, Volume 287, January 2023, 116102.
  19. Clivati, M. Pizzocaro, E.K. Bertacco, S. Condio, G.A. Costanzo, S. Donadello, I. Goti, M. Gozzelino, F. Levi, A. Mura, M. Risaro, D. Calonico, M. Tønnes, B. Pointard, M. Mazouth-Laurol, R. Le Targat, M. Abgrall, M. Lours, H. Le Goff, L. Lorini, P.-E. Pottie, E. Cantin, O. Lopez, C. Chardonnet, and A. Amy-Klein, Coherent Optical-Fiber Link Across Italy and France. Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 054009 – Published 3 November 2022
  20. Peter Yun, Rodolphe Boudot, and Emeric de Clercq, Coherent Population Trapping with High Common-Mode Noise Rejection Using Differential Detection of Simultaneous Dark and Bright Resonances, Rev. A 19, 024012 (2023) – Published 23 January 2023, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.024012
  21. T. Steshchenko, K. Manamanni, H. Mouhamad, V. Roncin, F. Du-Burck, Limitations of the frequency stability transfer in the near infrared using a fiber-based ring cavity, Opt. Lett. 47, 5465-5468, 2022 doi:10.1364/OL.472887
  22. Maurice Vincent, Carlé Clément, Keshavarzi Shervin, Chutani Ravinder Kumar, Queste Samuel, Gauthier-Manuel Ludovic, Cote Jean-Marc, Vicarini Rémy, Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Boudot Rodolphe and Passilly Nicolas, “Wafer-level vapor cells filled with laser-actuated hermetic seals for integrated atomic devices”, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, vol. 8, 129, pp. 13, dec. 2022.
  23. Cahuzac N., Liu Y., Saffre M., Cantin E., Lopez O., Tran D. B. A., Santagata R., Manceau M., Amy-Klein A., Darquié B., Tonnes M., Pointard B., Abgrall M., Lorini L., Le Coq Y., Le Targat R., Alvarez-Martinez H., Xu D., Pottie P.-E., High Precision, SI-traceable, Mid-Infrared Molecular Spectroscopy, Proceedings of 2022 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFCS), Paris (24-28 April 2022), Publisher: IEEE (2022)


  1. V. Brazhnikov, S. M. Ignatovich, I. S. Mesenzova, A. M. Mikhailov, M. N. Skvortsov, A. N. Goncharov, V. M. Entin, I. I. Ryabtsev, R. Boudot, E. Taskova, E. Alipieva, C. Andreeva and S. Gateva, Non-linear enhanced-absorption resonances in compact alkali-vapor cells for application in quantum metrology Journal of Physics: Conference Series, XXI International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics 1859, 012019 (2021).
  2. Carlé, M. Petersen, N. Passilly, E. de Clercq, M. Abdel Hafiz and R. Boudot, Exploring the use of Ramsey-CPT spectroscopy for a microcell-based atomic clock, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 68, 10, 3249-3256 (2021). 10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3085249
  3. Gusching, M. Petersen, N. Passilly, M. Abdel Hafiz, E. de Clercq and R. Boudot, Short-term stability of Cs microcell-stabilized lasers using dual-frequency sub-Doppler spectroscopy, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38, 10, 3254-3260 (2021).
  4. A. Bregazzi, P. Griffin, A. S. Arnold, D. P. Burt, G. Martinez, R. Boudot, J. Kitching, E. Riis and J. P. McGilligan, A simple imaging solution for chip-scale laser cooling, Applied Physics Letters 119, 184002 (2021).
  5. Mukherjee, J. Millo, B. Maréchal, S. Denis, G. Goavec-Merou, JM. Friedt, Y. Kersalé, C. Lacroûte, Digital Doppler-cancellation servo for ultra-stable optical frequency dissemination over fiber, IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control, doi: 10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3125066 (2021)
  6. S. Chen, F. Vernotte and E. Rubiola, Applying clock comparison methods to pulsar timing observations” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503, 3, 4496-4507 (2021).
  7. Rosenziveig et al., Measurement of the refractive index at cryogenic temperatures of absorptive silver thin films used as reflectors in a Fabry-Perot cavity, Applied Optics 60, 35, 10945-10953 (2021).
  8. Maxim Goryachev, William M. Campbell, Ik Siong Heng, Serge Galliou, Eugene N. Ivanov, and Michael E. Tobar, Rare events detected with a bulk acoustic wave high frequency gravitational wave antenna, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 071102 (2021).
  9. Vernotte, E. Rubiola, S. Chen, Response and uncertainty of the parabolic variance PVAR to non-integer exponents of the power law, IEEE Trans. Instr. Meas. 70, (2021).
  10. Zaven Arzoumanian et al. (NANOGrav Collaboration), Searching for Gravitational Waves from Cosmological Phase Transitions with the NANOGrav 12.5-Year Dataset   , Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 251302 (2021) DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.251302
  11. Zaven Arzoumanian et al (NANOGrav Collaboration), The NANOGrav 12.5-year Data Set: Search for Non-Einsteinian Polarization Modes in the Gravitational-wave Background, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 923, Number 2; DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac401c
  12. Nihan S. Pol et al, Astrophysics Milestones for Pulsar Timing Array Gravitational-wave Detection, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 911, Number 2; DOI 10.3847/2041-8213/abf2c9
  13. Merlet Sébastien, Gillot Pierre, Cheng Bing, Karcher Romain, Imanaliev Almazbek, Timmen Ludger, Pereira Dos Santos Franck, Calibration of a superconducting gravimeter with an absolute atom gravimeter, Journal of Geodesy. 2021. vol. 95. pp. 62. Référence DOI: 10.1007/s00190-021-01516-6
  14. Dey Kallol, Karnesis Nikolaos, Toubiana Alexandre, Barausse Enrico, Korsakova Natalia, Baghi Quentin, Basak Soumen, Effect of data gaps on the detectability and parameter estimation of massive black hole binaries with LISA, Physical Review. D. 2021. vol. 104. pp. 044035. Référence DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.044035
  15. Du Burck Frédéric, Steshchenko Tatiana, Manamani Karim, Wiotte Fabrice, Le Targat Rodolphe, Abgrall Michel, Lopez Olivier, Cantin Etienne, Pottie Paul-Eric, Amy-Klein Anne, Roncin Vincent, Limitations due to residual interferences in fiber-based optical frequency reference at 1.55 µm, Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical Physics. 2021. Référence DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.442302
  16. Cantin Etienne, Tonnes Mads, Targat Rodolphe Le, Amy-Klein Anne, Lopez Olivier, Pottie Paul-Eric, An accurate and robust metrological network for coherent optical frequency dissemination, New Journal of Physics. 2021. Référence DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/abe79e
  17. Xu Dan, Lopez Olivier, Amy-Klein Anne, Pottie Paul-Eric, Polarization scramblers to solve practical limitations of frequency transfer, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39, no.10, pp. 3106-3111, 2021. Référence DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2021.3057804
  18. Xu Dan, Lopez Olivier, Amy-Klein Anne, Pottie Paul-Eric, Non-reciprocity in optical fiber links: experimental evidence, Optics Express. 2021. vol. 29. pp. 17476. Référence DOI: 10.1364/OE.420661
  19. Litvinov, P. Bataille, E. Maréchal, P. Pedri, O. Gorceix, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, and B. Laburthe-Tolra, Measuring densities of cold atomic clouds smaller than the resolution limit, Physical Review A 104, 033309 (2021)
  20. Georges Perin, Dominique Mammez, Antoine Congar, Pascal Besnard, Karim Manamanni, Vincent Roncin, Frédéric Du-Burck, Stéphane Trebaol, Compact fiber-ring resonator for blue external cavity diode laser stabilization, Optics Express 29 (23), 37200-37209 (2021).
  21. Lukusa Mudiayi, I. Maurin, T. Mashimo, J. C. de Aquino Carvalho, D. Bloch, S. K. Tokunaga, B. Darquié, A. Laliotis, Linear Probing of Molecules at Micrometric Distances from a Surface with Sub-Doppler Frequency Resolution, Phys Rev Lett 127, 043201 (2021);
  22. Stefan Ast, Sibilla Di Pace, Jacques Millo, Mikhaël Pichot, Margherita Turconi, Nelson Christensen, and Walid Chaibi, Higher-order Hermite-Gauss modes for gravitational waves detection, Phys. Rev. D 103, 042008 – Published 16 February 2021
  23. Dubosclard, W., Kim, S. & Garrido Alzar, C.L. , Nondestructive microwave detection of a coherent quantum dynamics in cold atoms. Communications Physics 4, 35 (2021).
  24. Siyuan Chen, François Vernotte and Enrico Rubiola. Applying clock comparison methods to pulsar timing observations.  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab742


  1. M. Roberts, P. Delva et al., Search for transient variations of the fine structure constant and dark matter using fiber-linked optical atomic clocks. New Journal of Physics 22 (2020) 093010
  2. Dan Xu, Olivier Lopez, Anne Amy-Klein, and Paul-Eric Pottie. Unidirectional two-way optical frequency comparison and its fundamental limitations. Optics Letters 45, 6074-6077 (2020)
  3. S. Zhang, N. Lučić, N. Galland, R. Le Targat, P. Goldner, B. Fang, S. Seidelin, and Y. Le Coq. Precision measurements of electric-field-induced frequency displacements of an ultranarrow optical transition in ions in a solid Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 221102 (2020);
  4. S. Zhang, N. Galland, N. Lučić, R. Le Targat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, B. Fang, Y. Le Coq, and S. Seidelin. Inhomogeneous response of an ion ensemble from mechanical stress Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013306 – Published 12 March 2020
  5. N. Galland, N. Lučić, S. Zhang, H. Alvarez-Martinez, R. Le Targat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, B. Fang, S. Seidelin, and Y. Le Coq. Double-heterodyne probing for an ultra-stable laser based on spectral hole burning in a rare-earth-doped crystal. Optics Letters Vol. 45, Issue 7, pp. 1930-1933 (2020) •
  6. A. Cournol, M. Manceau, M. Pierens, L. Lecordier, D.B.A. Tran, R. Santagata, B. Argence, A. Goncharov, O. Lopez, M. Abgrall, Y. Le Coq, R. Le Targat, H. Álvarez Martinez, W.K. Lee, D. Xu, P.-E. Pottie, R.J. Hendricks, T.E. Wall, J.M. Bieniewska, B.E. Sauer, M.R. Tarbutt, A. Amy-Klein, S.K. Tokunaga and B. Darquié. A new experiment to test parity symmetry in cold chiral molecules using vibrational spectroscopy Quantum Electronics, Volume 49, Number 3
  7. M. Altorio, L. A. Sidorenkov, R. Gautier, D. Savoie, A. Landragin, and R. Geiger Accurate trajectory alignment in cold-atom interferometers with separated laser beams Phys. Rev. A 101, 033606 – Published 10 March 2020
  8. N Mielec, R Sapam, C Poulain, A Landragin, A Bertoldi, P Bouyer, B Canuel. Degenerate optical resonator for the enhancement of large laser beams. Optics Express, 28, 39112, 2020 DOI : 10.1364/OE.409293 ADS : 2020OExpr..2839112M ArXiv : 2009.00941
  9. LA Sidorenkov, R Gautier, M Altorio, R Geiger, A Landragin. Tailoring multi-loop atom interferometers with adjustable momentum transfer. Physical Review Letters, 125, 213201, 2020 DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.213201
  10. I. Yudin, M. Yu Basalaev, A. V. Taichenachev, J. W. Pollock, Z. L. Newman, M. Shuker, A. Hansen, M. T. Hummon, R. Boudot, E. A. Donley and J. Kitching, General methods for suppressing the light shift in atomic clocks using power modulation, Physical Review Applied 14, 024001 (2020).
  11. M. Abdel Hafiz, R. Vicarini, N. Passilly, C. E. Calosso, V. Maurice, J. W. Pollock, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, J. Kitching and R. Boudot, Protocol for light-shift compensation in a continuous-wave microcell atomic clock, Physical. Review Applied 14, 034015 (2020).
  12. S. Wittrock, P. Talatchian, S. Tsunegi, D. Crété, K. Yakushiji, P. Bortolotti, U. Ebels, A. Fukushima, H. Kubota, S. Yuasa, J. Grollier, G. Cibiel, S. Galliou, E. Rubiola, V. Cros, Influence of flicker noise and nonlinearity on the frequency spectrum of spin torque nano-oscillators, Nature Scientific Reports vol.10 no.13116, online 4 August 2020. DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-70076-0
  13. A. Baudiquez, E. Lantz, E. Rubiola, F. Vernotte. Cross-Spectrum Measurement Statistics: Uncertainties and Detection Limit IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control ( Volume: 67, Issue: 11, Nov. 2020)
  14. Y. Gruson, A. Rus, U. L. Rohde, A. Roth, E. Rubiola Artifacts and Errors in Cross-Spectrum Phase Noise Measurements, Metrologia vol.57 no.5 art. no.055010 p.1-12, October 2020, online 27 April 2020
  15. E. Calosso, A. C. Cárdenas Olaya E. Rubiola Phase-Noise and Amplitude-Noise Measurement of DACs and DDSs, IEEE Transact. Ultrason., Ferroelec. Freq. Control vol.67 no.2 p.431-439 February 2020
  16. M. Mrad, A. Tarhini and V. Giordano, Absorbance and energy levels for a Fe3+ ion in α-Al2O3. Optical pumping applied to a 31 GHz maser, Current Applied Physics 20, 1366-1372 (2020).
  17. V. Giordano, C. Fluhr and B. Dubois. Magnetic sensitivity of the microwave sapphire oscillator. J. Appl. Phys. 127, 184101 (2020).
  18. T. Laupretre, L. Groult, B. Achi, M. Petersen, Y. Kersalé, M. Delehaye and C. Lacroute. Absolute frequency measurements of the 1S0->1P1 transition in ytterbium, OSA Continuum 3, 1, 50-57 (2020).
  19. A. Hugeat, J. Bernard, G. Goavec-Meroi, P.Y. Bourgeois and JM. Friedt. Filter optimization for real-time digital processing of radio frequency signals: Application to oscillator metrology. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec. Freq. Contr. 67, 2, 440 (2020).
  20. A. Pokharel, E. Vaillant, J. Imbaud, J.J. Boy, F. X. Esnault, F. Sthal “Carrier suppression system to measure phase noise of acoustic resonators with low motional resistance”, Rev. Sci. Instrum 91, 085104, 8 pages, (2020);
  21. Paquit Melvin, Arapan Lilia, Feng Weike and Friedt Jean-Michel. “Long range passive RADAR interrogation of subsurface acoustic passive wireless sensors using terrestrial television signals “, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol., pp. 5, mar. 2020
  22. Durdaut Phillip, Rubiola Enrico, Friedt Jean-Michel, Müller Cai, Spetzler Benjamin, Kirchhof Christine, Meyners Dirk, Quandt Eckhard, Faupel Franz, McCord Jeffrey, Knöchel Reinhard and Höft Michael. “Fundamental Noise Limits and Sensitivity of Piezoelectrically Driven Magnetoelastic Cantilevers”,  Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol.   29, 5, pp. 1347 – 1361, oct. 2020
  23. Feng, J.-M Friedt, G. Goavec-Merou, F. Meyer. “Software Defined Radio Implemented GPS Spoofing and Its Computationally Efficient Detection and Suppression”, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine (2020)
  24. J Chabé, E Aristidi, A Ziad, H Lantéri, Y Fanteï-Caujolle, C Giordano, J Borgnino, M Marjani, and C Renaud. PML: a generalized monitor of atmospheric turbulence profile with high vertical resolution. Applied optics 59 (25), 7574-7584
  25. Julian Schmidt, Thomas Louvradoux, Johannes Heinrich, Nicolas Sillitoe, Malcolm Simpson, Jean-Philippe Karr and Laurent Hilico. Trapping, Cooling, and Photodissociation Analysis of State-Selected H2+ Ions Produced by (3 + 1) Multiphoton Ionization. Physical review Applied, 14, 024053 (2020).
  26. L. Morel, Z. Yao, P. Cladé and S. Guellati-Khélifa Determination of the fine-structure constant with an accuracy of 81 parts per trillion Nature 588, 61-65 (2020)
  27. Jean-François Lampin, Antoine Pagies, Giorgio Santarelli, Jeffrey Hesler, Wolfgang Hansel, Ronald Holzwarth, and Stefano Barbieri. Quantum cascade laser-pumped terahertz molecular lasers: frequency noise and phase-locking using a 1560 nm frequency comb. Vol. 28, No. 2 / 20 January 2020 / Optics Express


  1. M. Collombon, G. Hagel, C. Chatou, D. Guyomarc’h, D. Ferrand, M. Houssin, C. Champenois and M. Knoop, Phase transfer between three visible lasers for coherent population trapping, Optics Letters 44 859 (2019),
  2. M. Collombon, C. Chatou, G. Hagel, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Houssin, M. Knoop, and C. Champenois, Experimental Demonstration of Three-Photon Coherent Population Trapping in an Ion Cloud, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034035 (2019),
  3. S. Thomas, H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, L. Julien, F. Biraben, F. Nez, High Resolution Hydrogen Spectroscopy and the Proton Radius Puzzle, Annalen Phys., 2019, 531 (5), pp.1800363
  4. P. Cladé, F. Nez, F. Biraben, S. Guellati-Khelifa, State of the art in the determination of the fine-structure constant and the ratio h/m_u, Comptes Rendus Physique, 2019, 20, pp.77-91
  5. R Santagata, DBA Tran, B Argence, O Lopez, SK Tokunaga, F Wiotte, H Mouhamad, A Goncharov, M Abgrall, Y Le Coq, H Alvarez-Martinez, R Le Targat, WK Lee, D Xu, P-E Pottie, B Darquié, A Amy-Klein, High-precision methanol spectroscopy with a widely tunable SI-traceable frequency-comb-based mid-IR QCL, Optica 6, 411-423 (2019)
  6. A Cournol, M Manceau, M Pierens, L Lecordier, DBA Tran, R Santagata, B Argence, A Goncharov, O Lopez, M Abgrall, Y Le Coq, R Le Targat, H Álvarez Martinez, WK Lee, D Xu, P-E Pottie, RJ Hendricks, TE Wall, JM Bieniewska, BE Sauer, MR Tarbutt, A Amy-Klein, SK Tokunaga, B Darquié, A new experiment to test the parity symmetry in cold chiral molecules using vibrational spectroscopy, Quantum Electron. 49, 288-292 (2019)
  7. Dan Xu, Pacôme Delva, Olivier Lopez, Anne Amy-Klein, and Paul-Eric Pottie, Reciprocity of propagation in optical fiber links demonstrated to 10-21, Optics Express 27, 36965 (2019)
  8. Sebastian Koke, Alexander Kuhl, Thomas Waterholter, Sebastian M.F. Raupach, Olivier Lopez, Etienne Cantin, Nicolas Quintin, Anne Amy-Klein, Paul-Eric Pottie, and Gesine Grosche, Combining fiber Brillouin amplification with a repeater laser station for fiber-based optical frequency dissemination over 1400 km, New J. Phys. 21, 123017 (2019)
  9. P. Grüning, A. Chaouche-Ramdane, K. Manamanni, T. Aoudjit, V. Roncin, and F. Du-Burck, All-fiber ring-cavity for frequency stability transfer at 1.55  μm, Applied Optics 58, 1502 (2019).
  10. J-F Lampin et. al. Quantum cascade laser-pumped terahertz molecular lasers: frequency noise and phase-locking using a 1560 nm frequency comb, Opt.Expr. 28, 2091 (2020)
  11. M. Collombon, G. Hagel, C. Chatou, D. Guyomarc’h, D. Ferrand, M. Houssin, C. Champenois and M. Knoop, Phase transfer between three visible lasers for coherent population trapping, Optics Letters 44 859 (2019),
  12. M. Collombon, C. Chatou, G. Hagel, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Houssin, M. Knoop, and C. Champenois, Experimental Demonstration of Three-Photon Coherent Population Trapping in an Ion Cloud, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034035 (2019),
  13. Minissale, M., T. Zanon-Willette, P. Jeseck, C. Boursier, et C. Janssen, “First pressure shift measurement of ozone molecular lines at 9.54 μm using a tunable quantum cascade laser”, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 384, 103-113, doi:10.1016/j.jms.2017.12.009 (2018).
  14. Minissale, M., T. Zanon-Willette, I. Prokhorov, H. Elandaloussi, et C. Janssen, “Non-linear frequency-sweep correction of tunable electromagnetic sources”, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroel. Freq. Contr. 65, 1487-1491, doi:10.1109/TUFFC.2018.2843183 (2018).
  15. D. V. Brazhnikov, M. Petersen, G. Coget, N. Passilly, V. Maurice, C. Gorecki and R. Boudot, Dual-frequency sub-Doppler spectroscopy: extended theoretical model and microcell-based experiments, Physical Review A 99, 062508 (2019).
  16. R. Vicarini, M. Abdel Hafiz, V. Maurice, N. Passilly, E. Kroemer, L. Ribetto, V. Gaff, C. Gorecki, S. Galliou and R. Boudot, Mitigation of temperature-induced light-shift effects in miniaturized atomic clocks, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 66, 12, 1962-1967 (2019).
  17. D. Brazhnikov, S. Ignatovich, V. Vyshnyakov, R. Boudot and M. Skvortsov, Electromagnetically induced absorption scheme for vapor-cell atomic clock, Optics Express 27, 25, 36034-36045 (2019).
  18. Claudio Calosso, François Vernotte, Vincent Giordano, Christophe Fluhr, Benoît Dubois, and Enrico Rubiola. Frequency stability measurement of cryogenic sapphire oscillators with a multichannel tracking DDS and the two-sample covariance. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 66(3):616–623, mars 2019.
  19. F. Vernotte and É. Lantz. Three-cornered hat and Groslambert covariance: A first attempt to assess the uncertainty domains. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 66(3):643–653, mars 2019.
  20. É. Lantz, C. E. Calosso, E. Rubiola, V. Giordano, C. Fluhr, B. Dubois, and F. Vernotte. KLTS : A rigorous method to compute the confidence intervals for the three-cornered hat and for Groslambert covariance. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 66(12):1942–1949, décembre 2019.
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  32. Friedt Jean-Michel, Martin Gilles, Goavec-Merou Gwenhaël, Rabus David, Alzuaga Sébastien, Arapan Lilia, Sagnard Marianne and Carry Emile, “Acoustic Transducers as Passive Cooperative Targets for Wireless Sensing of the Sub-Surface World: Challenges of Probing with Ground Penetrating RADAR”, Sensors, vol. 18, 1, pp. 246, jan. 2018.
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  40. Exertier P., Samain, E; Courde, C; Aimar, M; Torre, J-M; Rovera, G D; Abgrall, M; Uhrich, P; Sherwood, R; Herold, G; Schreiber, K; Guillemot, Ph Sub-ns time transfer consistency: a direct comparison between GPS CV and T2L2, Metrologia, 53, 1395, doi:10.1088/0026-1394/53/6/1395, (2016).
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  45. Exertier P., Samain E, Courde, C; Aimar, M; Torre, J-M; Rovera, G D; Abgrall, M; Uhrich, P; Sherwood, R; Herold, G; Schreiber, K; Guillemot, Ph (2016) Sub-ns time transfer consistency: a direct comparison between GPS CV and T2L2, Metrologia, 53(6), 1395.
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  49. P. Gillot, B. Cheng, S. Merlet, F. Pereira Dos Santos, “Limits to the symmetry of a Mach Zehnder type atom interferometer”, Phys. Rev. A 93, 013609 (2016)
  50. P. Yun, S. Guérandel, E. De Clercq, Coherent population trapping with polarization modulation, Journal of Applied Physics 119, 244502 (2016)
  51. P. Yun, S. Mejri, F. Tricot, M. A. Hafiz, R. Boudot, E. de Clercq, S. Guerandel, Double-modulation CPT cesium compact clock, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 723 (2016) 012012
  52. R. Boudot, G. Martin, J. M. Friedt and E. Rubiola, Frequency flicker of 2.3 GHz GHz AlN-Sapphire high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 224903 (2016).
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  54. R. Tyumenev, M. Favier, S. Bilicki, E. Bookjans, R. Le Targat, J. Lodewyck, D. Nicolodi, Y. Le Coq, M. Abgrall, J. Guéna, L. De Sarlo, S. Bize, Comparing a mercury optical lattice clock with microwave and optical frequency standards, New J. Phys. 18 113002 (2016)
  55. Remi GEIGER, Indranil DUTTA, Denis SAVOIE, Bess FANG, Carlos L. GARRIDO ALZAR, Christine GUERLIN, Matthieu MEUNIER, Thomas LEVEQUE, Bertrand VENON, Michel LOURS et Arnaud LANDRAGIN, High sensitivity cold atom gyroscope, Revue Française de Métrologie n° 41, Vol. 2016-1, 21-27, DOI : 10.1051/rfm/2016003



  1. Alexandre Didier, Jacques Millo, Serge Grop, Benoît Dubois, Emmanuel Bigler, Enrico Rubiola, Clément Lacroute , Yann Kersalé, Ultra-low phase noise all-optical microwave generation setup based on commercial devices. Applied Optics, vol. 54(2), pp. 3682 – 3686, 2015. 10.1364/AO.54.003682
  2. François, C. E. Calosso, M. Abdel Hafiz, S. Micalizio, and R. Boudot, Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 094707 (2015)
  3. Thomas Daugey, Jean-Michel Friedt, Gilles Martin, Rodolphe Boudot, A high-overtone bulk acoustic wave resonator-oscillator-based 4.596 GHz frequency source: Application to a coherent population trapping Cs vapor cell atomic clock. Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 86, pp. 114703, 2015.
  4. Nicolay Vorobyev, Joël Imbaud, Philippe Abbé, Fabrice Sthal, Ultra-stable digitally controlled oven. Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 86(2), pp. 026102, 2015
  5. Éric Kroemer, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Vincent Maurice, B Fouilland, Christophe Gorecki, Rodolphe Boudot, Cs vapor microcells with Ne-He buffer gas mixture for high operation-temperature miniature atomic clocks. Optics Express, vol. 23(14), pp. 18373 – 18380, 2015.
  6. Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Vincent Maurice, Ravinder Kumar Chutani, Nicolas Passilly, Christophe Gorecki, S. Guerandel, Emeric De Clercq, Rodolphe Boudot, Characterization of Cs vapor cell coated with octadecyltrichlorosilane using coherent population trapping spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 117(18), pp. 184901, 2015.
  7. Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Rodolphe Boudot, A coherent population trapping Cs vapor cell atomic clock based on push-pull optical pumping. Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 118, pp. 124903, 2015.
  8. Ravinder Kumar Chutani, Vincent Maurice, Nicolas Passilly, Christophe Gorecki, Rodolphe Boudot, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Philippe Abbé, Serge Galliou, Jean-Yves Rauch, Emeric De Clercq, Laser light routing in an elongated micromachined vapor cell with diffraction gratings for atomic clock applications. Scientific Reports, vol. 5(14001), 2015.
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  12. Henriet, G. Lin, A. Coillet, M. Jacquot, L. Furfaro, L. Larger, Y.K. Chembo, ”Kerr optical frequency comb generation in strontium fluoride whispering-gallery mode resonators with billion quality factor”,, Optics Lett., Vol. 40 (7), pp. 1567-1570, Apr. 2015.
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  14. Pfeilfle, A. Coillet, R. Henriet, K. Saleh, P. Schindler, C. Weimann, W. Freude, I.V. Balakireva, L. Larger, K. Koos, Y.K. Chembo, ”Optimally Coherent Kerr Combs Generated with Crystalline Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators for Ultrahigh Capacity Fiber Communications, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 114 (9) Mar 2015.
  15. Feng, P. Morin, Y.K. Chembo, A. Sysoliatin, S. Wabnitz, C. Finot, ”Experimental demonstration of spectral sideband splitting in strongly dispersion oscillating fibers”, Optics Lett., Vol. 40 (4), pp. 455-458, Feb. 2015.
  16. Saleh, G. Lin, Y.K. Chembo, ”Effect of Laser Coupling and Active Stabilization on the Phase Noise Performance of Optoelectronic Microwave Oscillators Based on Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators”, IEEE Photon. Journ. Vol. 7 (1), Feb. 2015.
  17. Lin, Y.K. Chembo, ”On the dispersion management of fluorite whispering-gallery mode resonators for Kerr optical frequency comb generation in the telecom and mid-infrared range”, Optics Expr. Vol. 23 (2), pp. 1594-1604, Jan. 2015.
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  35. Fabio Stefani, Olivier Lopez, Anthony Bercy, Won-Kyu Lee, Christian Chardonnet, Giorgio Santarelli, Paul-Eric Pottie, and Anne Amy-Klein, “Tackling the Limits of Optical Fiber Links,” JOSAB 32, 787-797 (2015).
  36. Thomas M., P. Espel, D. Ziane, P. Pinot, P. Juncar, F. Pereira Dos Santos, S. Merlet, F. Piquemal and G. Geneves, “First determination of the Planck constant using the LNE watt balance”, Metrologia 52, 2015, 433–443.
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  1. BARRETT B., GEIGER R., DUTTA I., MEUNIER M., CANUEL B., GAUGUET A., BOUYER P., LANDRAGIN A., “The Sagnac effect: 20 years of development in matter-wave interferometry”, C. R. Physique, 15, 2014, 875-883.
  2. Anthony Bercy, Saïda Guellati-Khelifa, Fabio Stefani, Giorgio Santarelli, Christian Chardonnet, Paul-Eric Pottie, Olivier Lopez, and Anne Amy-Klein, “Ultra-stable in-line extraction over an optical fiber link,“ JOSA B 31, 678-685 (2014)
  3. A. Bercy, F. Stefani, Olivier Lopez, Christian Chardonnet, Paul-Eric Pottie, and Anne Amy-Klein, “Two-Way Optical Frequency Comparisons Over 100 km Telecommunication Network Fibers,” Physical Review A Rapid Comm, 90, 001802(R) (2014)
  4. CHIODO N., DU-BURCK F., HRABINA J., LOURS M., CHEA E., ACEF O. Optical phase locking of two infrared continuous wave lasers separated by 100 THz, Optics Letters 39 (10), 2936-2939 (2014)
  5. DANET J.-M., KOZLOVA O., YUN P., GUERANDEL S. AND DE CLERCQ E., “Compact atomic clock prototype based on coherent population trapping”, Eur. Phys. J. Web of Conf., 77, 2014, 00017.
  6. DANET J.-M., LOURS M., GUERANDEL S., DE CLERCQ E., “Dick effect in a pulsed atomic clock using coherent population trapping”, IEEE Trans. UFFC 61, 2014, 567.
  7. A. Didier, J. Millo, S. Grop, B. Dubois, E. Bigler, E. Rubiola, C. Lacroute, Y. Kersalé, “Ultra-low phase noise all-optical microwave generation setup based on commercial devices,” Applied Optics, Document ID 231146, online March 20, 2015.
  8. DUMONT P., CAMARGO F., DANET J.-M., HOLLEVILLE D., GUERANDEL S., PILLET G., BAILI G., MORVAN L., DOLFI D., GOZHYK I., BEAUDOIN G., SAGNES I., GEORGES P, LUCAS-LECLIN G., “Low-noise dual-frequency laser for compact Cs atomic clocks”, IEEE J. Lightwave Technology 32, 2014, 3817.
  9. Exertier, P., Samain, E., Martin, N., et al., Time Transfer by Laser Link : Data analysis and validation to the ps level, Adv. Space Res. 54(11), 2371-2385, 2014.
  10. FARAH T., GILLOT P., CHENG B., LANDRAGIN A., MERLET S., PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Effective velocity distribution in an atom gravimeter: effect of the convolution with the response of the detection”, Phys. Rev. A 90, 2014, 023606.
  11. Eugenio Fasci, Nicola Coluccelli, Marco Cassinerio, Alessio Gambetta, Laurent Hilico, Livio Gianfrani, Paolo Laporta, Antonio Castrillo,1 and Gianluca Galzerano, Optics Letters 39, 4946 (2014). Narrow-linewidth quantum cascade laser at 8.6 μm.
  12. Bruno Francois, Claudio Calosso, J.M. Danet, Rodolphe Boudot, A low phase noise microwave frequency synthesis for a high-performance cesium vapor cell atomic clock. Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 85(9), pp. 094709, 2014.
  13. S. Galtier, F. Nez, L. Julien and F. Biraben : ” Ultraviolet continuous wave laser source at 205 nm for hydrogen spectroscopy”. Opt. Comm. 324 (2014) 34-37.
  14. L. Hilico, J.-Ph. Karr, A. Douillet, P. Indelicato, S. Wolf, F. Schmidt Kaler, International Journal of Modern Physics, Conference Series 30, 1460269 (2014). Preparing single ultra-cold antihydrogen atoms for the free-fall in GBAR.
  15. HRABINIA J., ACEF O., DU BURCK F., CHIODO N., CANDELA Y., SARBORT M., HOLA M., LAZAR J., Comparison of Molecular Iodine Spectral Properties at 514.7 and 532 nm Wavelengths, Measurement Science Review 14(4) 213-218 (2014)
  16. HRABINIA J., SARBORT M., ACEF O., DU BURCK F., CHIODO N., HOLA M., CIP O., LAZAR J., Spectral properties of molecular iodine in absorption cells filled to specified saturation pressure”, Applied Optics 53, 7435-7441 (2014)
  17. Jean-Philippe Karr, Laurent Hilico, Vladimir I. Korobov, Physical Review A 90, 062516 (2014). One-loop vacuum polarization at mα7 order for the two-center problem. 4 pages.
  18. V. I. Korobov, L. Hilico, J.-Ph. Karr, Physical Review Letters 112, 103003 (2014). mα7-Order Corrections in the Hydrogen Molecular Ions and Antiprotonic Helium.
  19. V. I. Korobov, L. Hilico, J.-Ph. Karr, Physical Review A 89, 032511 (2014). Theoretical transition frequencies beyond 0.1 ppb accuracy in H2+, HD+, and antiprotonic helium. 9 pages.
  20. Laas-Bourez, M., Courde, C., Samain, E., Exertier, Guillemot, Ph., Torre, J.M., Martin, N., Foussard, C., Accuracy Validation of T2L2 Time Transfer in Co-Location, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 62(2), 255-265
  21. Olivier Lopez, Fabien Kéfélian, Haifeng Jiang, Adil Haboucha, Anthony Bercy, Fabio Stefani, Bruno Chanteau, Amale Kanj, Daniele Rovera, Joseph Achkar, Christian Chardonnet, Paul-Eric Pottie, Anne Amy-Klein, Giorgio Santarelli, “Frequency and time transfer for metrology and beyond using telecommunication network fibres,” accepté au Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences (invité)
  22. MEUNIER M., DUTTA I., GEIGER R., GUERLIN C., GARRIDO ALZAR C. L. et LANDRAGIN A., “Stability enhancement by joint phase measurements in a single cold atomic fountain”, Phys. Rev. A, 90, 2014, 063633.
  23. Jacques Millo, Mourad Merzougui, Sibilla Di Pace, Walid Chaibi, High bandwidth frequency lock of a rigid tunable optical cavity . Applied Optics, vol. 53(32), pp. 7761 – 7772, 2014.
  24. Giorgio Santarelli, Olivier Lopez, Fabien Kefelian, Haifeng Jiang, Bruno Chanteau, Michel Lours, François Narbonneau, Adil Haboucha, Scott Crane, Christophe Daussy, Anne Amy-Klein et Christian Chardonnet, “Transfert de fréquence par fibre optique pour la métrologie,“ Revue Française de Métrologie 33, 9-19 (2014)
  25. P.L.T. Sow, S. Mejri, S.K. Tokunaga, O. Lopez, A. Goncharov, B. Argence, C. Chardonnet, A. Amy-Klein, C. Daussy, and B. Darquié, “A widely tunable 10-_m quantum cascade laser phase-locked to a state-of-the-art mid-infrared reference for precision molecular spectroscopy,“ Applied Physics Letters 104, 264101 (2014),
  26. YUN P., DANET J.-M., HOLLEVILLE D., DE CLERCQ E. AND GUERANDEL S., “Constructive polarization modulation for coherent population trapping clock”, Applied Physics Letters 105, 2014, 231106.
  27. ZHANG W., SEIDELIN S., JOSHI A., DATTA S., SANTARELLI G., ET LE COQ Y., “Dual photo-detector system for low phase noise microwave generation with femtosecond lasers”, Optics Letters, 39, 2014, 1204
  28. J. Hrabina et al., “Comparison of molecular iodine spectral properties at 514.7 nm and 532 nm”, Meas. Science Review, Vol. 14, N° 4, 2014. HAL Id: hal-01332084,
  29. J. Hrabina, et al., “Spectral properties of molecular iodine in absorption cells filled to specified saturation pressure”, Appl. Opt. 2014 Nov. 1;53(31):7435-41.
  30. Paul Dumont, Fabiola Camargo, Jean-Marie Danet, David Holleville, Stéphane Guerandel, Grégoire Pillet, Ghaya Baili, Loïc Morvan, Daniel Dolfi, Iryna Gozhyk, Grégoire Beaudoin, Isabelle Sagnes, Patrick Georges, Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin, Low-noise dual-frequency laser for compact Cs atomic clocks, paru dans Journal of Lightwave Technologie, special issue on Microwave Photonics (2014) vol. 32 n°20 10.1109/JLT.2014.2318179 (2014)
  31. S. Mejri, S.K. Tokunaga, L. Letouzé, P.L.T. Sow, A. Amy-Klein, C. Chardonnet, C. Daussy, and B. Darquié, Improved measurement of rovibrational saQ(6,X) (X = 1 – 3) transition frequencies of NH3 using a quantum cascade laser at 10 µm, en préparation (2014).
  32. Samain E., P. Vrancken, Ph. Guillemot, P. Fridelance, P. Exertier (2014) Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2) : Characterization and Calibration of the flight instrument, Metrologia, 51, 1-13
  33. T. Farah, P. Gillot, B. Cheng, A. Landragin, S. Merlet, F. Pereira Dos Santos, “Effective velocity distribution in an atom gravimeter: Effect of the convolution with the response of the detection”, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023606 (2014)



  1. B Chanteau, O Lopez, W Zhang, D Nicolodi, B Argence, F Auguste, M Abgrall, C Chardonnet, G Santarelli, B Darquié, Y Le Coq and A Amy-Klein, Mid-infrared laser phase-locking to a remote near-infrared frequency reference for high-precision molecular spectroscopy, New Journal of Physics 15 (2013) 073003
  2. CHIODO N., DU-BURCK F., HRABINA J., CANDELA Y., WALLERAND J.-P., ACEF O., CW frequency doubling of 1029 nm radiation Using single pass bulk and waveguide PPLN Crystals, Optics Communications 311, 239-244 (2013)
  3. N. Chiodo, K. Djerroud, O. Acef, A. Clairon, P. Wolf., Lasers for coherent optical satellite links with large dynamics, Applied Optics 52, 7342, (2013).
  4. Jean-Philippe Karr, Laurent Hilico, Phys; Rev. A 87, 012506 (2013). Analytical matrix elements of the Uehling potential in three-body systems and applications to exotic molecules.
  5. V. I. Korobov, L. Hilico, J.-Ph. Karr, Phys. Rev. A 87, 062506 (2013). Calculation of the relativistic Bethe logarithm in the two-center problem.
  6. X. Liu, JM. Merolla, S. Guérandel, E. De Clercq, R. Boudot, “Ramsey spectroscopy of high contrast CPT Ramsey fringes with push-pull optical pumping in Cs vapor,” Optics Express, 21, n◦ 10, May 2013, pp. 12451-12459.
  7. X. Liu, J. M. Merolla, S. Guérandel, C. Gorecki, E. De Clercq, R. Boudot “Coherent population trapping resonances in buffer-gas filled Cs vapor cells with Push Pull Optical Pumping,” Phys. Rev. A, 87, 013416, January 2013.
  8. Lopez O., Kanj A., Pottie P.E., Rovera D., Achkar J., Chardonnet C., Amy-Klein A., Santarelli G., “Simultaneous remote transfer of accurate timing and optical frequency over a public fiber network,“ Applied Physics B 110 (1), pp 3-6 (2013)
  9. O Lopez, B Chanteau, A. Bercy, D Nicolodi, W Zhang, B. Argence, M Abgrall, A Haboucha, A Kanj, D Rovera, J Achkar, P-E Pottie, B Darquié, C Chardonnet, Y Le Coq, G Santarelli and A Amy-Klein, Ultra-stable long distance optical frequency distribution using the Internet fiber network and application to high-precision molecular spectroscopy, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 467, p 012002 (2013)
  10. E. Rubiola, G. Santarelli “Frequency combs: The purest microwave oscillations,” Nature Photonics vol.7 p.269-271, April 2013
  11. SORRENTINO F., BATTELIER B., BERTOLDI A., BONGS K., BOUYER P., CACCIAPUOTI L., GAALOUL N., HERRMANN S., LANDRAGIN A., PETERS A., RASEL E. M., ROCCO E., SCHUBERT C., SENGSTOK K., TINO G. M., « Precision Gravity Tests with Atom Interferometry in Space », Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 243–244 (2013)
  12. S. K. Tokunaga, C. Stoeffler, F. Auguste, A. Shelkovnikov, C. Daussy, A. Amy-Klein, C. Chardonnet, B. Darquié, “Probing weak force induced parity violation by high resolution mid-infrared, molecular spectroscopy,“ Molecular Physics 111, p 2363-2373 (2013)
  13. Vu Quang Tran, Jean-Philippe Karr, Albane Douillet, Jeroen C. J. Koelemeij, Laurent Hilico, Phys. Rev A 88, 033421 (2013). Two-photon spectroscopy of trapped HD+ ions in the Lamb-Dicke regime. 15 pages.
  14. VANDERBRUGGEN T., KOHLHAAS R., BERTOLDI A., BERNON S., LANDRAGIN A. AND BOUYER P., « Feedback control of trapped coherent atomic ensembles », Physycal Revew Letters 110, 210503 (2013).
  15. F. Gruet, E. Kroemer, L. Bimboes, D. Miletic, C. Affolderbach, A. Al-Samaneh, D. Wahl, R. Boudot, G. Mileti and R. Michalzik, Optics Express 21, 5, 5781-5792 (2013).
  16. Lopez, B Chanteau, A. Bercy, D Nicolodi, W Zhang, B. Argence, M Abgrall, A Haboucha, A Kanj, D Rovera, J Achkar, P-E Pottie, B Darquié, C Chardonnet, Y Le Coq, G Santarelli and A Amy-Klein, Ultra-stable long distance optical frequency distribution using the Internet fiber network and application to high-precision molecular spectroscopy, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 467, p 012002 (2013)
  17. M. Hasegawa, R. K. Chutani, R. Boudot, L. Mauri, C. Gorecki, X. Liu and N. Passilly, J. Micromech. Microeng. 23, 055022 (2013).
  18. N. Chiodo, et. al., Lasers for coherent optical satellite links with large dynamics, Applied Optics 52, 7342, (2013).



  1. Rodolphe Boudot, Xiaochi Liu, P. Abbe, Ravinder Kumar Chutani, Nicolas Passilly, Serge Galliou, Christophe Gorecki, Vincent Giordano, A High-Performance Frequency Stability Compact CPT Clock Based on a Cs-Ne Microcell. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 59(11), pp. 2584-2587, 2012.
  2. CAMARGO F.A., BARRIENTOS J., BAILI G., MORVAN L., DOLFI D., HOLLEVILLE D., GUERANDEL S., SAGNES I., GEORGES., LUCAS-LECLIN G., “Coherent Dual-Frequency Emission of a Vertical External-Cavity Semiconductor Laser at the Cesium D-2 Line”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24, (2012), 1218-1220
  3. Ravinder Kumar Chutani, Serge Galliou, Nicolas Passilly, Christophe Gorecki, A. Sitomaniemi, M. Heikkinen, K. Kautio, A. Keränen, A. Jornod, Thermal management of fully LTCC-packaged Cs vapour cell for MEMS atomic clock. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 174, pp. 58 – 68, 2012
  4. Jean-Philippe Karr, Laurent Hilico, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 103401 (2012). Why three body physics does not solve the proton-radius puzzle
  5. Xiaochi Liu, Rodolphe Boudot, A Distributed-Feedback Diode Laser Frequency Stabilized on Doppler-Free Cs D1 Line. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 61(10), pp. 2852-2855, 2012.
  6. Lopez O., Haboucha A., Chanteau B., Chardonnet C., Amy-Klein A., Santarelli G., “Ultra-stable long distance optical frequency distribution using the Internet fiber network,“ Optics Express 20, pp 23518-23526 (2012)
  7. Danijela Miletic, Chistoph Affolderbach, Madoka Hasegawa, Rodolphe Boudot, Christophe Gorecki, Gaetano Mileti, AC Stark-shift in CPT-based Cs miniature atomic clocks. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, vol. 109(1), pp. 89-97, 2012., 10.1007/s00340-012-5121-7




Invited talks


  1. Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Coget Grégoire, Petersen Michael, De Clercq Emeric, Guerandel S. , Zanon-Willette Thomas, Calosso Claudio and Boudot Rodolphe, “A CPT-based Cs cell clock using the auto-balanced Ramsey interrogation protocol” in ” International Frequency Control Symposium (2018)”, Olympic Valley, CA, United States, may. 2018.
  2. Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Coget Grégoire, Petersen Michael, De Clercq Emeric, Guerandel S. , Zanon-Willette Thomas, Calosso Claudio and Boudot Rodolphe, “A CPT-based Vs cell atomic clock using auto-balanced Ramsey spectroscopy” in “European Frequency and Time Forum (2018)”, Turin, Italy, apr. 2018.
  3. Alauze Xavier, Bonnin Alexis, Pereira Dos Santos Franck. A force sensor for local measurements based on trapped atom interferometry. Physics of Quantum Electronics PQE 2018. 7-13 janvier 2018. Snowbird, USA. 2018.
  4. Aristidi E., Fantei-Caujolle Y., Chabé J., Renaud C., Ziad A. et Ben Rahhal M., Turbulence monitoring at the Plateau de Calern with the GDIMM instrument, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 10703, n°107036U, Adaptive Optics Systems VI, Austin, Texas (United States), 18th July, 2018.
  5. Aziz Ziad, Julien Chabé, Yan Fantei-Caujolle, Eric Aristidi, Catherine Renaud, Malak Ben Rahhal, “CATS: an autonomous station for atmospheric turbulence characterization“, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10703, id. 107036L 12 pp. (2018).
  6. B Darquié, Precise spectroscopic measurements with molecules: application to Doppler broadening thermometry and to parity violation measurements, Training School Bridging experiment and theory in precision spectroscopy of the of the H2020 COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) MOLIM (Molecules in Motion) network (BETS, 4th MOLIM Training School), Toruń, Poland (26-30 June 2018).
  7. Battelier Baptiste, Bouyer Philippe, Landragin Arnaud, Condon G., Rabault Martin, Barrett Brynle. Inertial ultra-cold atom sensors in weightlessness. 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. July 1, 2018. 2018. vol. 42.
  8. Bon Jérémy, Rosenziveig Kevin, Abbé Philippe, Rocher Cyrus, Galliou Serge, Neuhaus Leonhard, Deléglise Samuel, Briant Tristan and Cohadon Pierre-François, “Optomechanical coupling in a quartz crystal resonator for cryogenic clocks” in ” International Frequency Control Symposium (2018)”, Olympic Valley, CA, United States, may. 2018.
  9. C. Janssen, C. Boursier, H. Elandaloussi, J. Gröbner, D. Jacquemart, P. Jeseck, T. Kluge, M. Minissale, Y. Té, I. Prokhorov, T. Zanon-Willette (2018), “New laser studies for atmospheric, geochemical and planetary research”, Int. Conf. Laser Optics (ICLO) 2018, St. Petersburg, Russie, Jun 4 – 8, 2018.
  10. Calosso Claudio, Vernotte François, Giordano Vincent, Fluhr Christophe, Dubois Benoît and Rubiola Enrico, “Direct stability measurement of cryogenic sapphire oscillators with tracking DDS and two-sample covariance” in ” International Frequency Control Symposium (2018)”, Olympic Valley, CA, United States, may. 2018.
  11. Cantin, E. et al. REFIMEVE+ : Towards a Wide Optical Fiber Network for Optical Frequency Standard Dissemination. International Frequency Control Symposium (2018).
  12. Cantin, E., O. Lopez, N. Quintin, E. Camisard, C. Chardonnet, G. Santarelli, A. Amy-Klein et P. E. Pottie, “REFIMEVE+ : Towards a Wide Optical Fiber Network for Optical Frequency Standard Dissemination”, Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Torino, Italy, 10-12 avril 2018, invité.
  13. Cardenas Olaya Carolina, Calosso Claudio, Friedt Jean-Michel, Micalizio Salvatore and Rubiola Enrico, “Phase Noise and Frequency Stability of the Red-Pitaya Internal PLL” in ” European Frequency and Time Forum (2018)”, Turin, Italy, apr. 2018.
  14. Chabé J., Giauffret T., Phung D.-H., Ziad A., Aristidi E., Ben Rahhal M., Samain E. et Fantei-Caujolle Y., Study of the local optical turbulence in a 1.5m telescope dome with the INTENSE instrument, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 10700, n°1070056, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII, Austin, Texas (United States), 6th July, 2018.
  15. Claudio E. Calosso, F. Vernotte, Vincent Giordano, Christophe Fluhr, Benoit Dubois et Enrico Rubiola, Direct measurement of Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators with tracking DDSs and 2-sample covariance, In 2018 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Turin, Italie, 10-12 avril 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-5620-4.
  16. Courde C. Workshop ESA ACES.
  17. Davide Calonico et al, The H2020 European Project CLONETS: clock services over optical-fibre networks in Europe, in 2018 Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), p. 285.
  18. D.B.A. Tran, R. Santagata, B. Argence, O. Lopez, A. Goncharov, S. K. Tokunaga, M. Abgrall2, Y. Le Coq, R. Le Targat, W. K Lee, D. Xu, P.-E. Pottie, B. Darquié, A. Amy-Klein, High-precision mid-IR molecular spectroscopy with frequency-stabilised Quantum Cascade Lasers, IQCLSW 2018, 3-7 septembre 2018, Cassis, France.
  19. DBA Tran, R Santagata, B Argence, O Lopez, S Tokunaga, M Abgrall, Y Le Coq, R Le Targat, W-K Lee, D Xu, P-E Pottie, A Amy-Klein, B Darquie, High-precision mid-IR molecular spectroscopy with traceability to primary frequency standards using sub-Hz frequency comb-stabilized QCLs, Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire 2018 (JSM-Lyon2018), Villeurbanne (28-30 May 2018).
  20. Delehaye Marion, Groult Lucas, Souidi Maël, Bourgeois Pierre-Yves, Millo Jacques, Bigler Emmanuel, Kersalé Yann and Lacroûte Clément, “Towards a single-ion compact optical clock: experimental apparatus and current status” in ” European Frequency and Time Forum (2018)”, Turin, Italy, apr. 2018.
  21. Delehaye Marion, Groult Lucas, Souidi Maël, Bourgeois Pierre-Yves, Millo Jacques, Boudot Rodolphe and Kersalé Yann, “Progress on a compact Yb+ optical clock” in “26 th International Conference on Atomic Physics (2018)”, Barcelone, Spain, jul. 2018.
  22. E. Aristidi, Y. Fanteï-Caujolle, J. Chabé, C. Renaud, A. Ziad, M. Ben Rahhal, “Turbulence monitoring at the Plateau de Calern with the GDIMM instrument”, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10703, id. 107036U 9 pp. (2018).
  23. Exertier P., Progress in Time Transfer by Laser Ranging, Obs. Midi-Pyrébées, Février 2018.
  24. Fanjoux Gil, Margueron Samuel, Beugnot Jean-Charles and Sylvestre Thibaut, “Supercontinuum generation in a normally-dispersive liquid-core optical fiber using picosecond visible pulses ” in “European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2018)”, Delft, Netherlands, TOM 9, oct. 2018.
  25. Feng Weike, Friedt Jean-Michel, Cherniak Grigory and Sato Motoyuki, “Novel Algorithm for High Resolution Passive RADAR Imaging with ISDB-T Digital TV Signal” in “International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society (2018)”, Valencia, Spain, jul. 2018.
  26. Feng Weike, Friedt Jean-Michel, Cherniak Grigory and Sato Motoyuki, “Novel Algorithm for High Resolution Passive RADAR Imaging with ISDB-T Digital TV Signal” in “International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society (IGARSS 2018)”, Valencia, Spain, jul. 2018.
  27. Feng Weike, Friedt Jean-Michel, Hu Zhipeng, Cherniak Grigory and Sato Motoyuki, “WiFi-based imaging for GPR applications: fundamental study and experimental results” in “IET International Radar Conference (IET International Radar Conference 2018)”, Nanjing, China, oct. 2018.
  28. Friedt Jean-Michel, Feng Weike, Goavec-Merou Gwenhaël, Martin Gilles and Sato Motoyuki, “Noise RADAR and passive RADAR interrogation of passive wireless sensors” in “Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor & Actuator Symposium (2018)”, Dresden, Germany, oct. 2018.
  29. Friedt Jean-Michel, Feng Weike, Goavec-Merou Gwenhaël, Martin Gilles and Sato Motoyuki, “Passive RADAR acoustic delay line sensor measurement: demonstration using a WiFi (2.4 GHz) emitter and WAIC-band (4.3 GHz)” in “WiSEE conference (2018)”, nov. 2018.
  30. G. R. Goune Chengui, J. H. Talla Mbe, A. F. Talla, P. Woafo, Y. K.  Chembo, Y.K, Novel architectures of optoelectronic oscillators, Proceedings of the SPIE 2018, vol.10531, 105311B (6 pp.), DOI : 10.1117/12.2291127.
  31. Geiger Rémi, Savoie Denis, Altorio Matteo, Fang Bess, Landragin Arnaud. Interleaved Matter-wave Gyroscope with 3 x 10(-10) rad.s(-1) Stability. Proceedings of the Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM). Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM). 8-13 July. Paris. 2018.
  32. Guéna Jocelyne, Abgrall Michel, Hees Adrien, Le Targat Rodolphe , Lodewyck Jérôme, Le Coq Yann, Wolf Peter, Bize Sébastien. Searching for variations of fundamental constants and dark matter using an atomic clock ensemble. Fifteen Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity MG15. 2-6 July, 2018. Rome. 2018.
  33. H. Fleurbaey, Recent Developments in the Proton Radius Puzzle, conférence invitée, CIPANP 2018, Thirteenth Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Palm Springs, Etats-Unis (juin 2018).
  34. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, S. Thomas, M. Bonnaud, L. Julien, F. Biraben, F. Nez, M. Abgrall and J. Guéna, “Hydrogen 1S-3S spectroscopy with a cw-laser”, 670. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Fundamental Constants : Basic Physics and Units 13 – 18, mai 2018 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Allemangne) Heraeus.
  35. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, S. Thomas, M. Bonnaud, L. Julien, F. Biraben, F. Nez, M. Abgrall and J. Guéna, “Hydrogen spectroscopy in Paris”, Proton Radius Puzzle workshop, MITP, Mainz, Allemagne, 23-27 Juillet 2018 .
  36. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, S. Thomas, M. Bonnaud, L. Julien, F. Biraben, F. Nez, M. Abgrall and J. Guéna, “Le rayon de distribution de charge du proton par spectrosco- pie de systèmes atomiques simples “, COLOQ-PAMO-Cpngrès OPTIQUE Toulouse 2018, Toulouse, 3-7 Juillet 2018.
  37. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, S. Thomas, M. Bonnaud, L. Julien, F. Biraben, F. Nez, M. Abgrall and J. Guéna, “Spectroscopy of hydrogen 1S-3S transition with a cw-laser at 205 nm”, European Group on Atomic Systems conference EGAS 50, Cracovie, Pologne, 9-13 juillet 2018.
  38. Hugeat Arthur, Bernard Julien, Goavec-Merou Gwenhaël, Bourgeois Pierre-Yves and Friedt Jean-Michel, “Filter optimization for real time digital processing of radiofrequency signals: application to oscillator metrology ” in “International Frequency Control Symposium (2018)”, Olympic Valley, CA, United States, may. 2018.
  39. J.-Ph. Karr, L. Hilico, M. Haidar, V. I. Korobov, FBS22, Accurate solutions of the three-body Coulomb problem, and applications to molecular QED, Caen, France. 2018.
  40. L Lecordier, M Pierens, DBA Tran, A Cournol, M Manceau, R Santagata, B Argence, A Shelkovnikov, A Goncharov, O Lopez, M. Abgrall, Y Le Coq, R Le Targat, H Álvarez Martinez, WK Lee, D Xu, P-E Pottie, RJ Hendricks, TE Wall, J Bieniewska, BE Sauer, MR Tarbutt, A Amy-Klein, SK Tokunaga, B Darquié, Testing the parity symmetry in cold chiral molecules using vibrational spectroscopy, réunion annuelle du Groupe de Recherche (GDR) atomes froids, Workshop Interférométrie Atomique 2018, Toulouse, France (5-6 December 2018).
  41. Lacroûte Clément, Groult Lucas, Achi Bachir, Souidi Maël, Bigler Emmanuel, Millo Jacques, Bourgeois Pierre-Yves and Kersalé Yann, “Design and development of a surface-electrode ion trap for optical frequency metrology” in “Problems on Laser Physics (2018)”, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, aug. 2018.
  42. Lai O., Guerin W., Vakili F., Kaiser R., Rivet J.-P., Fouché M., Labeyrie G., Chabé J., Courde C., Samain et E.,Vernet D., Intensity interferometry revival on the Côte d’Azur, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 10701, n°1070121, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VI, Austin, Texas (United States), 9th July, 2018.
  43. Landragin Arnaud, Alauze Xavier, Altorio Matteo, Bonnin Alexis, Geiger Rémi, Imanaliev Almazbek, Karcher Romain, Merlet Sébastien, Pereira Dos Santos Franck, Savoie Denis, Sidorenkov L A. Atom interferometry for high sensitivity in inertial measurements. 2018 International Symposium on Quantum Technologies. 30-10 3-11 2018. Shanghai. 2018.
  44. Landragin Arnaud, Alauze Xavier, Altorio Matteo, Bonnin Alexis, Geiger Rémi, Imanaliev Almazbek, Karcher Romain, Merlet Sébastien, Pereira Dos Santos Franck, Savoie Denis, Sidorenkov L A. Atom interferometry for high sensitivity in inertial measurements. VIII International Symposium On Modern Problems Of Laser Physics. 26 29-08-2018. Novosibirsk (Russia). 2018.
  45. Landragin Arnaud. Etude d’un gyromètre à atomes froids de grande sensibilité. Séminaire Information Quantique DGA. 15-05-2018. Paris. 2018.
  46. Landragin Arnaud. Technologies quantiques, en route vers les applications. Principes pour le fonctionnement des capteurs quantiques – Interféromètres et horloges. 11-01-2018. Paris. 2018.
  47. Laurent Hilico, Th. Louvradoux, J. Heinrich, A. Douillet, M. Haidar, V. I. Korobov, J.-Ph. Karr, ECTI5 17-23 november 2018, Weizmann institute, Rehovot (Israël). Hydrogen molecular ions: theory and experiments.
  48. Leute J.,  Petit G., Exertier P., Samain E., Rovera D., Uhrich P. (2018) High accuracy continuous time transfer with GPS IPPP and T2L2. In: 32nd European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Torino, Italy April 10-12, 2018.
  49. Lion G., Delva P., Guerlin C., Bize S., Coulot D., Wolf P., Panet I. Recent advances in the determination of a high spatial resolution geopotential model using chronometric geodesy. Rencontres de Moriond. 25 mars – 1 avril. La Thuile – Italie. 2017.
  50. Litvinov D.A., Rudenko V.N., Alakoz A.V., Bach U., Bartel N., Belonenko A.V., Belousov K.G., Bietenholz M., Biriukov A.V., Carman R., Cimó G., Courde C., Dirkx D., Duev D.A., Filetkin A.I., Granato G., Gurvits L.I., Gusev A.V., Haas R., Herold G., Kahlon A., Kanevsky B.Z., Kauts V.L., Kopelyansky G.D., Kovalenko A.V., Kronschnabl G., Kulagin V.V., Kutkin A.M., Lindqvist M., Lovell J.E.J., Mariey H., McCallum J., Molera Calvés G., Moore C., Moore K., Neidhardt A., Plötz C., Pogrebenko S.V., Pollard A., Porayko N.K., Quick J., Smirnov A.I., Sokolovsky K.V., Stepanyants V.A., Torre J.-M., de Vicente P., Yang J. et Zakhvatkin M.V., Probing the gravitational redshift with an Earth-orbiting satellite, Physics Letters A, vol. 382, n°33, pp. 2192-2198, 2018.
  51. M. Collombon, C. Chatou, M.R. Kamsap, J. Pedregosa, G. Hagel, M. Houssin, C. Champenois, M. Knoop ; Precision spectroscopy with 3 photons in a large ion cloud ; ECTI 2018, Rehovot, IL, 18-22 septembre 2018.
  52. M. Collombon, C. Chatou, M.R. Kamsap, J. Pedregosa, G. Hagel, M. Houssin, C. Champenois, M. Knoop ; Three-photon precision spectroscopy of a large ion cloud ; CAMEL XIV, Bansko/BG, 12-16 mars 2018.
  53. M. Pierens, L. Lecordier, D. B. A. Tran, M. Manceau, A. Cournol, R. Santagata, B. Argence, A. Shelkovnikov, A. Goncharov, O. Lopez, C. Daussy, C. Chardonnet, M. Abgrall, Y. Le Coq, R. Le Targat, W. K. Lee, D. Xu, P-E Pottie, R. J. Hendricks, T. E. Wall, J. Bieniewska, B. E. Sauer, M. R. Tarbutt, A. Amy-Klein, S. K. Tokunaga, and B. Darquié, Testing the parity symmetry in cold chiral molecules using vibrational spectroscopy, 8th International Symposium and School for Young Scientists “Modern Problems of Laser Physics” (MPLP-2018) Novosibirsk, Russia, 25 August – 1 September, 2018.
  54. M. Shuker, J.W. Pollock, Boudot Rodolphe, Yudin Valeriy, E.A. Donley and J. Kitching, “Ramsey Spectroscopy with Displaced Frequency Jumps” in “26 th International Conference on Atomic Physics (2018)”, Barcelone, Spain, jul. 2018.
  55. Marechal Baptiste, Hugeat Arthur, Goavec-Merou Gwenhaël, Cabodevila Gonzalo, Millo Jacques, Lacroûte Clément and Bourgeois Pierre-Yves, “Digital implementation of various locking schemes of ultrastable photonics systems” in ” International Frequency Control Symposium (2018)”, Olympic Valley, CA, United States, may. 2018.
  56. Marechal Baptiste, Tetsing Talla Santerelli Falzon, Millo Jacques, Rocher Cyrus, Bourgeois Pierre-Yves, Goavec-Merou Gwenhaël, Lacroûte Clément, Rubiola Enrico and Kersalé Yann, “Development of a cryogenic silicon cavity stabilized laser” in ” International Frequency Control Symposium (2018)”, Olympic Valley, CA, United States, may. 2018.
  57. Merlet Sébastien, Karcher Romain, Caldani Romain, Pereira Dos Santos Franck. Senseurs atomiques dédiés à la gravimétrie – Situation et évolution. Colloque G2, géodésie et géophysique. 12-14 /11/2018. Montpellier. 2018.
  58. Merlet Sébastien, Karcher Romain, Imanaliev Almazbek, Pereira Dos Santos Franck. Improving the accuracy of atom gravimeter with ultra cold sources. GDR Atomes Froids – workshop Interférométrie Atomique. 5-6 Décembre. Toulouse. 2018.
  59. Merlet Sébastien, Karcher Romain, Imanaliev Almazbek, Pereira Dos Santos Franck. Ultracold atom gravimeter. Proceedings of the Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM). Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurement (CPEM). 8-13 July. Paris. 2018.
  60. Pagies, A., Eliet, S., Lampin, J.-F., Santarelli, G., Hansel, W., Holzwarth, R., Barbieri, S. Frequency noise power spectral density of a molecular THz-laser using a fs-fibre laser comb with 1 GHz repetition rate International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, 2018-September, art. no. 8510472.
  61. Paquit Melvin, Djoumi Lyes, Vanotti Meddy, Soumann Valérie, Martin Gilles, Blondeau-Patissier Virginie and Baron Thomas, “Displacement of Microparticles on Surface Acoustic Wave Delay Line Using High RF Power” in “IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2018)”, Kobe, Japan, oct. 2018.
  62. Petersen Michael, Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Coget Grégoire, Calosso Claudio, Guerandel S. , De Clercq Emeric and Boudot Rodolphe, “Significant reduction of power light-shift in a CPT-based Vs cell clock with optimized auto-balanced Ramsey interrogation protocol” in “Hot Vapor Cell Workshop ( 2018)”, Stuttgart, Germany, may. 2018.
  63. Petersen Michael, Boudot Rodolphe, Coget Grégoire, Passilly Nicolas, Maurice Vincent, Gorecki Christophe and Brazhnikov Denis, “High-contrast saturated absorption resonance observed in a MEN’S vapor cell under the two-frequency light excitation” in “International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications (2018)”, Nessebar, Bulgaria, sep. 2018.
  64. Pokharel Alok, Sthal Fabrice, Vaillant Etienne, Imbaud Joël, Boy Jean-Jacques, Esnault F.X and Cibiel Gilles, “Study of the phase noise of Langatate crystal resonators” in “European Frequency and Time Forum (2018)”, Turin, Italy, pp. 37 – 40, apr. 2018.
  65. Pottie, P.-E. Ultra-stable and Accurate Two-branch Fiber Links for International Clock Networks. European Frequency and Time Forum (2018).
  66. Rabus David, Minary Fabian, Martin Gilles and Friedt Jean-Michel, “A high-stability dual-chip GPR for cooperative target probing” in “International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2018)”, Rapperswil, Switzerland, jun. 2018.
  67. S. Bade, L. Morel, P. Caldé and S. Guellati-Khelifa, PRECISE DETERMINATION OF THE RATIO h/m_u : A WAY TO LINK MICROSCOPIC MASS TO THE NEW KILOGRAM, CPEM 2018, 8 – 13 July 2018, Paris.
  68. S. Diallo, Y. K.  Chembo, Advances in nonlinear phenomena in Whispering-Gallery Mode resonators, Proceedings of the SPIE 2018, vol.10518, 105180E (5 pp.), DOI : 10.1117/12.2289320.
  69. Saadani, A & Lavenus, Pierre & Le Traon, Olivier & Héripé Eva & Sthal, Fabrice. (2018). FIB-induced damage in graphene electrodes for piezoelectric resonators. 1-3. 10.1109/DTIP.2018.8394206.
  70. Saadani, A & Lavenus, Pierre & Le Traon, Olivier & Hwang, G & Sthal, Fabrice. (2018). Inkjet printing of thin electrodes for quartz resonators. 10-12. 10.1109/EFTF.2018.8408986.
  71. Sapam Ranjita Chanu, Mielec N., Landragin Arnaud, Geiger Rémi. A half-degenerate optical resonator for cold-atom interferometry. APS Meeting Abstracts. May 1, 2018. 2018.
  72. Stefano Barbieri et al. Frequency noise power spectral density of a molecular THz-laser using a fs-fibre laser comb with 1 GHz repetition rate International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz,, Nagoya (Japan) 2018- September.
  73. T. Zanon-Willette (2018), “New laser studies for atmospheric, geochemical and planetary research”, Modern Problems of Laser Physics 2018, Novosibirsk, Russie, 25 Aug – 1 Sep 2018.
  74. Tricot François, Bouvier Alexandre, De Clercq Emeric, Guérandel Stéphane. Compact atomic clock based on CPT in a cesium vapor cell. Hot Vapor Workshop. Stuttgart. 2018.
  75. Tricot François, De Clercq Emeric, Guérandel Stéphane. Contributions to the mid-term frequency noise of the pulsed CPT clock at SYRTE. Proceedings of the 32nd European Time and Frequency Forum. 2018.
  76. V. Roncin, « Métrologie des fréquences optiques et peignes de fréquences compacts », Séminaire général Comelec, Télécom ParisTech (Paris) le Jeudi 4 octobre 2018
  77. V. Roncin, « Métrologie Temps-Fréquences », Conférence de Spécialité, ENSSAT (Lannion) le 12 février 2018.
  78. Vaillant Etienne, Imbaud Joël, Gruson Yannick, Sthal Fabrice, Esnault F.X and Cibiel Gilles, “Double Loop Frequency Regenerative Dividers” in ” International Frequency Control Symposium (2018)”, Olympic Valley, CA, United States, may. 2018.
  79. Vallet Grégoire, Ximenez Bruno, Yannick Foucault, Le Targat Rodolphe, Lodewyck Jérôme. Sr optical lattice clocks at LNE SYRTE: metrology, quantum technologies, and fundamental physics. International workshop on ultracold group II atoms. Beijing. 2018.
  80. Vanotti Meddy, Théron Christophe, Quesneau Valentin, Soumann Valérie, Naitana Mario, Brandès Stéphane, Desbois Nicolas, Gros Claude P., Tran-Thi Thu-Hoa and Blondeau-Patissier Virginie, “Functionnalized Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors for the Detection of Hazardous Gases” in “IEEE Sensors (2018)”, New Delhi, India, oct. 2018.
  81. Vermeulen Pierre, Le Moigne Nicolas, Ménoret Vincent, Busquet Caroline, Desruelle Bruno, Lautier Gaud Jean, Cooke Anne-Karin, Merlet Sébastien, Landragin Arnaud, Bonvalot Sylvain. Evaluating the performances of an operational absolute quantum gravimeter. Proceedings of the Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM). Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM). 8-13 July. Paris. 2018.
  82. Vermeulen Pierre, Le Moigne Nicolas, Ménoret Vincent, Desruelle Bruno, Landragin Arnaud, Bouyer Philippe, Busquet Caroline, Cooke Anne-Karin, Bonvalot Sylvain, Lautier Gaud Jean. Evaluation of the repeatability and the stability of an operational Absolute Quantum Gravimeter. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. April 1, 2018. 2018. vol. 20. pp. 17565.
  83. Vicarini Rémy, Maurice Vincent, Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Chutani Ravinder Kumar, Bargiel Sylwester, Galliou Serge, Passilly Nicolas, Gorecki Christophe and Boudot Rodolphe, “Miniature Cs vapor cells and atomic clocks in FEMTO-ST” in “European Frequency and Time Forum (2018)”, Turin, Italy, apr. 2018.
  84. Vladimir Smotlacha et al, Project CLONETS, Proceedings of PTTI 2018, Virginia.
  85. Wcislo P., Ablewski P., Beloy K., Bilicki Slawomir, Bober M., Brown R., Fasano R., Ciurylo R., Hachisu H., Ido T., Lodewyck Jérôme, Ludlow A., McGrew W., Morzynski P., Nicolodi Daniele, Schioppo M., Sekido M., Le Targat Rodolphe , Wolf Peter, Zhang X., Zjawin B., Zawada Michal. Dark matter searches within the intercontinental opticalatomic clock network. EFTF (European Frequency and Time Forum). 04/10/2018. Torino, Italy. 2018.
  86. Wilkinson M., Schreiber U., Procházka I., Moore C., Degnan J., Kirchner G., Zhongpong Z., Dunn P., Shargorodskiy V., Sadovnikov M., Courde C. et Kunimori H., The next generation of satellite laser ranging systems, Journal of Geodesy, pp. Online first, 2018.
  87. Wittrock Steffen, Tsunegi S, Yakushiji K, Fukushima A, Kubota A, Bortolotti P, Ebels U, Yuasa S, Cibiel Gilles, Rubiola Enrico and Cros V, “Low frequency noise in vortex spin torque nano-oscillators” in “International Conference on Magnetism (2018)”, San Francisco, United States, pp. 1, jul. 2018.
  88. Wittrock Steffen, Yakushiji K, Fukushima A, Kubota A, Bortolotti P, Ebels U, Yuasa S, Cibiel Gilles, Galliou Serge and Rubiola Enrico, “Low frequency noise in vortex spin torque nano-oscillators” in “International Magnetic Conference (2018)”, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 385 – 386, jul. 2018.
  89. Yun Peter, Tricot François, Calosso Claudio, Micalizio Salvatore, Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Boudot Rodolphe, De Clercq Emeric and Guerandel S. , “Double-Modulation Coherent Population Trapping Clock” in “Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (2018)”, Paris, France, pp. 18193177, jul. 2018.
  90. Yun Peter, Tricot François, Calosso Claudio, Micalizio Salvatore, Abdel Hafiz Moustafa, Boudot Rodolphe, De Clercq Emeric, Guérandel Stéphane. Double-modulation coherent population trapping clock. Proceedings of the Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM). 2018.
  91. Ziad A., Chabé J., Fantei-Caujolle Y., Aristidi E., Renaud C. et Ben Rahhal M., CATS: an autonomous station for atmospheric turbulence characterization, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 10703, n°107036L, Adaptive Optics Systems VI, Austin, Texas (United States), 18th July, 2018.


  1. A. Bonnin, X. Alauze, C. Solaro, F. Combes, J. N. Fuchs, F. Piéchon, F. Pereira dos Santos, “Coherence of an Interacting Ultra-Cold Atomic Ensemble in a Trapped Matter-Wave Sensor”, 49th Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems, Durham, UK, 17-21 July 2017.
  2. A. Chaouche-Ramdane, P. Grüning , V. Roncin, and F. Du-Burck, “Compact Metrological Frequency Comb Stabilized with Optical Injection Locking Assisted by Long-term Optoelectronic Correction”, CLEO EUROPE 2017, 25-29 June, Munchen, paper CH-4 “Novel sensing schemes”, Oral presentation, (2017).
  3. Aziz Ziad, Julien Chabé, Yan Fantei-Caujolle, Eric Aristidi, and Catherine Renaud, “CATS: a new station for a complete characterization of atmospheric turbulence”, Proceedings of the fifth AO4ELT Conference, Tenerife, Spain, June 26-30, (2017).
  4. B. Maréchal, J. Millo, A. Didier, P-Y. Bourgeois, G. Goavec-Mérou, C. Lacroûte, E. Rubiola and Y. Kersalé, “Towards a compact Yb+ ion optical clock”, Proceedings of the EFTF-IFCS joint meeting (EFTF), Juillet 2017, Besançon, France, pp. 773-774.
  5. B. Pelle, B. Desruelle, R. Szmuk, D. Holleville, “Cold-atom-based commercial microwave clock at the 10E-15 level”, EFTF 2017, Besançon, France.
  6. Belli A., Exertier P., Vernotte F. and Jayles Ch., DORIS-class Oscillator Under Radiations: the Jason Family of Satellites. 31st European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF/IFC), Besançon, F, July 10-13, 2017, paper 1063.
  7. Belli A., P. Exertier and E. Samain (2017), A Test of the One-Way Isotropy of the Speed of Light from the T2L2 Space Experiment, Proceedings of the SF2A 2017, C. Reylé et al. Eds, pp. 237-240, July 2017.
  8. Belli A., P. Exertier, E.C. Pavlis, F. Lemoine, From Time Transfer by Laser Ranging to Space Geodesy Products, International workshop on Laser Ranging Technical workshop, Riga, Latvia, October 2017.
  9. Belli A., P. Exertier, F.G. Lemoine, N.P. Zelensky, D.S. Chinn, H. Capdeville, The T2L2 contribution to Precise Orbit Determination and Positiong, Ocean Surface Topography Science Team (OSTST) meeting, Miami, FD, US, October 23-27, 2017.
  10. Belli A., P. Exertier, Test de l’isotropie de la vitesse de la lumière à partir du Transfert de Temps une voie par Laser, SF2A-GRAM Atelier de Physique Fondamentale, 4 Juillet 2017, Paris.
  11. C. Calosso, B. Francois, S. Micalizio and R. Boudot, Local Oscillators and Digital Electronics for Compact Atomic Clocks, Microwave Technology and Technique Workshop, 03-05 April 2017, Noordwijk (The Netherlands).
  12. C. E. Calosso, M. Gozzelino, E. Bertacco, S. Micalizio, ,B. Francois, R. Boudot, P. Yun, Generalized Electronics for Compact Atomic Clocks, EFTF-IFCS Joint Meeting, 09-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.
  13. C. L. Garrido Alzar, “Spontaneous spin squeezing in a trapped atom clock on a chip”, Workshop on miniaturised atomic clocks Ross Priory, Loch Lomond 6-7th November 2017.
  14. Ch. Philippe et al, “Compact frequency stabilized 1.5 µm laser for space applications”, 2017 EFTF and IFCS symposium, July 2017, Besançon, France.
  15. Ch. Philippe et al, “Compact-fibered optical frequency standard at 1542 nm”, 32nd URSI GASS, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017.
  16. Ch. Philippe et al. “1.5 µm Optical frequency standard iodine stabilized in the 10-15 range for space applications”, Proceedings of 2017 joint EFTF & IFCS symposium, July 2017
  17. D. Brazhnikov, A. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, M. Abdel Hafiz, G. Coget, E. De Clercq and R. Boudot, Ultrahigh-Contrast Saturated-Absorption Resonance to Enhance Stability of CPT Atom Clocks, EFTF-IFCS Joint Meeting, 09-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.
  18. D. Brazhnikov, M. Abdel Hafiz, G. Coget and R. Boudot, Analytical Expressions for Parameters of the Dark Resonance in a Vacuum Vapour Cell, EFTF-IFCS Joint Meeting, 09-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.
  19. D. Brazhnikov, M. Abdel Hafiz, G. Coget, A. Taichenachev, V. Yudin, E. de Clercq, R. Boudot3, Investigation of the high-contrast sub-Doppler absorption spikes observed in a cesium vapor cell under the dual-frequency regime, International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy ICOLS2017, 02-07 July 2017, Arcachon, France.
  20. Exertier P., Scientific results of the Time transfer by Laser Link mission, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland, US, 21 March 2017.
  21. Exertier P., A. Belli, E. Samain, U. Schreiber, Optical Time Transfer for accurate Clocks in Space, ACES workshop, 29-30 June 2017, Zurich, Switzerland.
  22. Frédéric Audo, Jean-Pierre Coulon et Fabien Kéfélian. Experimental evidence of a fundamental noise floor at the tens of millihertz level in laser locking onto unbalanced fibre-based Michelson interferometer, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference, June 2017, Munich, Germany. IEEE Catalog Number CFP17ECL-ART.
  23. G. Lefevre, G. Condon, I. Riou, L. Chichet, M. Essayeh, M. Rabault, L. Antoni-Micollier, N. Mielec, D. Holleville, L. Amand, R. Geiger, A. Landragin, M. Prevedelli, B. Barrett, B. Battelier, A. Bertoldi, B. Canuel, P. Bouyer, Studies of general relativity with quantum sensors, Proceedings of the 52th Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile (Italy), 18-25 March 2017 arXiv:1705.10475.
  24. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, S. Thomas, F. Biraben, L. Julien and F. Nez, “High Resolution Spectroscopy of 1S-3S Transition in Hydrogen”, International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (FFK-2017) 15-19 mai 2017, Varsovie, Pologne.
  25. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, S. Thomas, L. Julien, F. Biraben and F. Nez, “High Resolution Spectroscopy of 1S-3S Transition in Hydrogen”, Conference on Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions 2017, 30 Avril-5 Mai 2017, Cargèse, France.
  26. J-P. Aubry, S. Diallo, R. Martinenghi and Y. Chembo. Brillouin and Kerr-based Whispering Gallery Mode crystalline fluoride-type resonators for low noise microwave source. EFTF -European Frequency and Time Forum- 9th – 13th July 2017, Besançon, France.
  27. Lemoine F., P. Exertier, A. Belli, N. Zelensky, DORIS USO Behavior revealed by Jason-2/T2L2, IERS Unified Analysis Workshop (UAW-IERS), 10-12 July 2017, Université Paris-Diderot, Paris, France.
  28. Lion G., Delva P., Guerlin C., Bize S., Coulot D., Wolf P., Panet I., Recent advances in the determination of a high spatial resolution geopotential model using chronometric geodesy, Rencontres de Moriond, 25 mars – 1 avril, La Thuile – Italie, 2017.
  29. M. Abdel Hafiz, G. Coget, M. Petersen, S. Guerandel, E. de Clercq, R. Boudot, A Ramsey-CPT spectroscopy-based Cs cell atomic clock, International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy ICOLS2017, 02-07 July 2017, Arcachon, France.
  30. M. Abgrall, Ph. Laurent, G. D. Rovera “Reference signal distribution for the ACES microwave link ground terminal at SYRTE”, Proc. Of the 2017 Joint Conference of the IEEE IFCS & EFTF, Besançon, France, July 10-13, 2017.
  31. Marion Delehaye, Jacques Millo, Pierre-Yves Bourgeois, Lucas Groult, Ahmed Bakir, Rodolphe Boudot, Enrico Rubiola, Vincent Giordano, Emmanuel Bigler, Yann Kersalé and Clément Lacroûte, “Characterization of the phase-noise induced by an optical frequency doubler”, proceedings of the 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium.
  32. O. Acef, Journées LISA-France, 12-13 Octobre 2017, APC, Paris. SYRTE Journees_LISA-France_va.pdf.
  33. P. Delva, “Les horloges atomiques: tests de la relativite et geodesie chronometrique”, presented at the Ecole Nationale des Sciences Geographiques, Marne la Vallee, Feb-2017.
  34. P. Delva, “Optical clocks and geodesy”, presented at the 32eme reunion de la commission GEOPOS. ENSG, Marne-la-Vallee, France, Mar-2017.
  35. P. Yun, F. Tricot, C. E. Calosso, S. Micalizio, M. Abdel Hafiz, R. Boudot, Clercq, S. Guerandel, Towards miniaturization of a high performance coherent population trapping clock, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium jointly with the European Time and Frequency Forum, (Besançon, France, 2017)
  36. P. Yun, F. Tricot, D. Holleville, E. de Clercq, S. Guerandel, Latest results of a double-modulation coherent population trapping clock, 6th ESA International Galileo Science Colloquium (Valencia, Spain, 2017).
  37. P.-Y. Bourgeois, Techniques numériques modernes pour la métrologie Temps-Fréquence, Rencontre des trappeurs d’ions français, 23/24 mars 2017, Marseille.
  38. PY Bourgeois, G Goavec-Merou, JM Friedt, E Rubiola, A fully-digital realtime SoC FPGA based phase noise analyzer with cross-correlation, 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC).
  39. R. Boudot, M. Abdel Hafiz, B. Francois, G. Coget, M. Petersen, S. Guerandel, P. Yun, E. De Clercq, C. E. Calosso, S. Micalizio and R. Boudot, A high-performance cell-based microwave clock using push-pull optical pumping, EFTF-IFCS Joint Meeting, 09-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.
  40. R. Boudot, V. Maurice, E. Kroemer, J. Rutkowski, M. Abdel Hafiz, S. Bargiel, N. Passilly and C. Gorecki, Ramsey-CPT spectroscopy in buffer-gas filled Cs vapor micro-fabricated cells, EFTF-IFCS Joint Meeting, 09-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.
  41. R. Vicarini, J. Rutkowski, V. Maurice, E. Kroemer, S. Galliou, C. Gorecki, and R. Boudot, Characterization of 894.6 nm VCSELs and application to a microcell-based atomic clock, EFTF-IFCS Joint Meeting, 09-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.
  42. Remi Geiger, Precision Inertial Measurements with Cold Atom Interferometers, OSA Frontiers in Optics, Laser Science, Washington D.C., USA, Sept. 2017.
  43. Rodolphe Boudot, Gilles Martin, Jean-Michel Friedt and Enrico Rubiola Characterization of high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators : applications to ultra-low noise microwave oscillators and miniature atomic clocks, Microwave Technology and Technique Workshop, 03-05 April 2017, Noordwijk (The Netherlands).
  44. S. Bade, L. Djadaojee, M. andia, P. Cladé, 24ème Congrès Général de la SFP s’est tenu du 3 au 7 juillet 2017, mini-colloque “Cohérence et contrôle quantiques: des Fondamentaux aux Applications”.
  45. S. Diallo, G. Lin, J-P. Aubry and Y. Chembo. Brillouin lasing in a LiF whispering-gallery mode resonator and application to microwave generation. Wombat -Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering : Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies- 3rd – 9th July 2017, Besançon, France (Conference).
  46. Samain E., Belli A. Exertier P., Rovera G.D., Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2) in non Common View between Europe and China. Proceedings of the 31st European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF/IFC), Besançon, F, July 10-13, 2017, paper 1302.
  47. Samain E., G.D. Rovera, J.-M. Torre, C. Courde, P. Exertier, A. Belli, P. Uhrich, R. Sherwood, D. Xue, H. Xingwei, Z. Ziang, W. Meng, Z. Zhongpin (2017) Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2) in non Common View between Europe and China. Proceedings of the 31st European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF/IFC), Besançon, July 10-13, 2017.
  48. Sebastian Koke, Alexander Kuhl, Olivier Lopez, Nicolas Quintin, Anne Amy-Klein, Paul-Eric Pottie, and Gesine Grosche, Performance of a Fibre Link Combining Fibre Brillouin Amplification with a Repeater Laser Station, Proceedings of 2017 European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium, EFTF/IFCS2017, 10-13 Juillet 2017, Besançon, France.
  49. V. Maurice, J. Rutkowski, E. Kroemer, S. Bargiel, N. Passilly, R. Boudot, R. Chutani, S. Galliou, C. Gorecki, L. Mauri and M. Moraja, Microfabricated vapor cells for miniature atomic clocks based on post-sealing activated cesium dispensers, EFTF-IFCS Joint Meeting, 09-13 July 2017, Besancon, France.
  50. X. Alauze, A. Bonnin, F. Pereira dos Santos, “A trapped atom interferometer for the measurement of short range forces”, Longrange interactions, Bad Honnef (Germany), October 25-27, 2017.
  51. Xavier Alauze, Alexis Bonnin, Franck Pereira Dos Santos, Cyrille Solaro, Jean-Noel Fuchs, Frederic Combes, Frederic Piéchon, “Competition between spin echo and spin self-rephasing in a trapped atom interferometer”, 48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Sacramento, California, June 5-9 2017.
  52. Y. Le Coq et al, “Opto-electronic generation of microwave signals with zeptosecond level absolute timing noise and characterization.” URSI GASS. Montreal, Canada. 2017.
  53. Y. Le Coq, et a “Ultra-low phase noise microwave signal from an optical frequency comb.” CLEO Pacific Rim. Singapore. 2017.
  54. Y. Le Coq, O. Gobron, K. Jung, K. Predehl, R. Le Targat, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, S. Seidelin, “Rare-earth stabilized laser for optical clocks”, Physics of Quantum Engineering 2017, Snowbird Utah, USA, 2017.


  1. CHAOUCHE-RAMDAME A., GRUNING P., RONCIN V., DU BURCK F., Transfert de stabilité au moyen d’une cavité, Actes du Colloque sur les Lasers et l’Optique Quantique (COLOQ 2016 – Optique Bordeaux 2016), Bordeaux, France (4-7 juillet 2016), 508-509, 2016.
  2. GRUNING P., CHAOUCHE-RAMDAME A., LEE M., RONCIN V., DU BURCK F., TREBAOL S., BESNARD P., Stabilisation et réduction de la largeur de raie d’un laser accordable autour de 1,55 µm avec une cavité en anneau fibrée et référencée, Actes des Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2016), Bordeaux, France (4-7 juillet 2016), 320-323, 2016.
  3. PHILIPPE C., LE TARGAT R., HOLLEVILLE D., LOURS M., MINH-PHAM T., HRABINA J., DU BURCK F., WOLF P., ACEF O., Frequency tripled 1.5 μm telecom laser diode stabilized to iodine hyperfine line in the 10-15 range, 30th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2016) York, Grande Bretagne (4-7 Avril 2016).
  4. Anne Amy-Klein, Olivier Lopez, Christian Chardonnet, Emilie Camisard, Giorgio Santarelli et Paul-Eric Pottie, La lumière des meilleures horloges accessible par les fibres du réseau Internet, Reflets de la Physique n° 47-48, 91-94 (2016).
  5. FANG B., DUTTA I., SAVOIE D., VENON B., GARRIDO ALZAR C.L., GEIGER R., LANDRAGIN A., “Cold-atom Inertial Sensor without Deadtime”, Proceedings of the EFTF 2016, arXiv:1605.03869.
  6. Canuel B., Pelisson S., Amand L., Bertoldi A., Cormier E, Fang B, Gaffet S., Geiger R., Harms J., Holleville D., Landragin A., Lefèvre G., Lhermite J., Mielec N., Prevedel li M., Riou I., Bouyer P., “MIGA : Combining laser and matter wave interferometry for mass distribution monitoring and advanced geodesy ”, Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe conference, Brussels (Belgium), 3-7 April 2016.
  7. H. Fleurbaey, C. Courvoisier, P. Cladé, S. Guellati-Khélifa, L. Julien, F. Biraben, and F. Nez, “Contributions of fundamental constants from atomic physics to the redefinition of kilogram”, en cours de publication proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi (Varenna, 2016).
  8. GUERLIN C., PIHAN-LE BARS H., BAILEY Q.G. AND WOLF P., “Prospects for SME Tests with Experiments at SYRTE and LKB”, Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry (CPT’16), Indiana University, Bloomington, June 20-24, 2016.
  9. Laudat T., Dugrain V., Garrido Alzar C., Reichel J. and Rosenbusch P., ”Toward self spin-squeezing in a BEC clock”, European Frequency and Time Forum, EFTF2016,  4-7 avril 2016, York, England.
  10. Tricot F., Yun P., Mejri S., Danet J-M., Lours M., de Clercq E., Guérandel S., “Progress on a pulsed CPT clock: Reduction of the main noise source contribution”, 30th European Time and Frequency Forum, York, UK, 2016.
  11. Yun P., Tricot F., Holleville D., de Clercq E., Guérandel S., “A compact setup for double-modulation coherent population trapping clock”, 30th European Time and Frequency Forum, York, UK, 2016.
  12. Yun P., Tricot F., de Clercq E., Guérandel S., “High performance compact CPT clock”, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, New-Orleans, Louisiana USA, 2016.
  13. Yun P., Tricot F., de Clercq E., Guerandel S., “Double-modulation coherent population trapping clock”, 11th International Conference on Space Optics, Biarritz, France, 2016.
  14. Laudat T., Dugrain V., Garrido Alzar C., Reichel J. and Rosenbusch P., ”Self spin-squeezing in a spinor BEC”, 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP 2016, 24 – 29 juillet 2016, Seoul, Korea.
  15. Mejri S., Tricot F., Danet J.M, Yun P., de Clercq E., Guérandel S., “Atomic clock using coherent population trapping in a cesium cell: frequency stability and limitations”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 723, 2016, 012014.
  16. Yun P., Mejri S., Tricot F., Hafiz M. A., Boudot R., de Clercq E., Guérandel S., “Double-modulation CPT cesium compact clock”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 723, 2016, 012012.
  17. Vincent Maurice, Ravinder Chutani, Nicolas Passilly, Rodolphe Boudot, Serge Galliou, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Philippe Abbé, Emeric De Clercq and Christophe Gorecki A novel alkali vapor microcell architecture for miniature atomic clocks, Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum, 04-07 April 2016, York (UK).
  18. Rodolphe Boudot, Gilles Martin and Jean-Michel Friedt A HBAR-oscillator-based 4.596 GHz frequency source: design, characterization and application to a Cs micro-cell atomic clock, Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum, 04-07 April 2016, York (UK).
  19. Moustafa Abdel Hafiz and Rodolphe Boudot A high-performance CPT-based Cs vapor cell atomic clock using pushpull optical pumping, Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum, 04-07 April 2016, York (UK).
  20. Moustafa Abdel Hafiz and Rodolphe Boudot A high-performance CPT-based Cs cell atomic clock, Proceedings of the International Frequency Control Symposium, 09-12 May 2016, New-Orleans, Louisiana (USA).
  21. Rodolphe Boudot Miniature Atomic Clocks, Workshop MiniClocks, Paris, CNES, 10 October 2016 (France).
  22. [ACTI-2016-00071] : Yannick Gruson, Vincent Giordano, Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, The impact of thermal energy on cross spectrum PM noise measurements, pp. 382 – 386, 2016., 10.1109/FCS.2016.7546809.
  23. [ACTI-2016-00166] : Etienne Vaillant, Fabrice Sthal, Joël Imbaud, Christophe Fluhr, Serge Grop, Vincent Giordano, Enrico Rubiola, F.X Esnault, Gilles Cibiel, Frequency synthesis from cryogenic sapphire oscillator, pp. 1043, 2016., 10.1109/EFTF.2016.7477773.
  24. [ACTI-2016-00069] : Magnus Danielson, François Vernotte, Enrico Rubiola, Memory-efficient high-speed algorithm for multi-τ PDEV analysis, pp. 3165, 2016., 10.1109/FCS.2016.7546783.
  25. [ACTI-2016-00070] : François Vernotte, Claudio Calosso, Enrico Rubiola, Three-cornered hat versus allan covariance, pp. 282 – 287, 2016., 10.1109/FCS.2016.7546784.
  26. [ACTI-2016-00068] : Anisha M. Apte, Ajay K. Poddar, Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, Colpitts oscillator: A new criterion of energy saving for high performance signal sources, 2016., 10.1109/FCS.2016.7546729.
  27. [ACTI-2016-00067] : Ajay K. Poddar, Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, Validity of cross-spectrum PN measurement, 2016., 10.1109/FCS.2016.7546716.
  28. [ACTI-2016-00252] : Ajay K. Poddar, Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, Norbert Hoffmann, Validity of cross-spectrum PN measurement, 2016., 10.1109/FCS.2016.7546716.
  29. [ACTI-2016-00072] : Ajay K. Poddar, Ulrich L. Rohde, Ignaz Eisele, Enrico Rubiola, NIMS (Negative Index Môbius Strips): Resonator for next generation electronic signal sources, pp. 575 – 584, 2016., 10.1109/FCS.2016.7563581.
  30. [ACTI-2016-00139] : Romain Modeste Nguimdo, Khaldoun Saleh, Guoping Lin, Romain Martinenghi, Kouomou Yanne Chembo , Advances in optoelectronic oscillators.Proc. SPIE 9747, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications IX, 97470V (25 February 2016); doi: 1117/12.2212037.
  31. J. Chabé, A. Ziad, Y. Fantéi-Caujolle, Eric Aristidi,Catherine Renaud, Flavien Blary, Mohammed Marjani, The Calern atmospheric turbulence station, Proc. SPIE 9906, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VI, 99064Z (27 July 2016).
  32. Audo, J.-P. Coulon, F. Kéfélian, Double asservissement Pound-Drever-Hall sur un interféromètre de Michelson à fibre, Colloque sur les lasers et l’optique quantique, Bordeaux, juillet 2016.
  33. LANDRAGIN A., ” Inertial sensors with atom interferometry: high sensitivity from the laboratory to the field”, Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics, 10-17 September 2016, Arcachon (France).
  34. LODEWYCK J. ET AL, “Strontium lattice clocks for an optical second”, Atomes froids et technologies quantiques, 2016, Paris.
  35. LODEWYCK J. ET AL. “Strontium optical lattice clocks at LNE-SYRTE”, International workshop on ultracold group II atoms, 2016, Paris.
  36. PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “A trapped atom interferometer for the measurement of short range forces”, Workshop on Continuous atomic sources and extreme cooling of atoms and molecules: techniques and applications, Les Houches, France, 24-29 Janvier 2016.
  37. PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Cold Atom Interferometer Gravity Gradiometer: a closer look at a configuration”, Workshop “Atom Interferometry and Space Geodesy”, Paris, France, September 28th and 29th 2016.
  38. A. Amy-Klein, Mid-IR applications for metrology, Summer School NanoTech Tera-Mir, Porquerolles, France, 29 August – 1 September, 2016
  39. C. Lacroûte, M. Souidi, M. Delehaye, P.Y. Bourgeois, J. Millo, K. Saleh, E. Bigler, Y. Kersalé, “Towards a compact Yb+ ion optical clock”, FIRST-TF/CNES Workshop on Compact & Miniature Atomics Clocks – October 10 2016, Paris, France.
  40. C. Solaro, A. Bonnin, M. Lopez, X. Alauze, F. Pereira Dos Santos, F. Combes, J.-N. Fuchs, F. Piéchon, Frontiers Of Matter Wave Optics 2016, Arcachon, France, 10-17 September 2016
  41. G. Goavec-Merou, P.-Y. Bourgeois, Une méthodologie et un écosystème de co-design FPGA/CPU, 1ère école technologique du Réseau National des électroniciens du CNRS, 12 octobre 2016, Bordeaux
  42. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, M. Bonnaud, L. Julien, F. Biraben and F. Nez, “the proton radius puzzle”, European Frequency and Time Seminar, EFTS 2016, 27 juin-1 Juillet 2016, Besancon, France
  43. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, S. Guellati, P. Cladé, L. Julien, F. Biraben and F. Nez, “High Resolution Spectroscopy of 1S-3S Transition in Hydrogen”, CPEM 2016, 10-15 Juillet 2016, Ottawa, Canada
  44. J. Hrabina et al., “Iodine absorption cells quality measurements”, Proceedings of EFTF 2016
  45. Jochen Kronjäger, Giuseppe Marra, Olivier Lopez, Nicolas Quintin, Anne Amy-Klein, Won-Kyu Lee, Paul-Eric Pottie and Harald Schnatz, Towards an international optical clock comparison between NPL and SYRTE using an optical fibre network, 30th European Frequency and Time Forum EFTF 2016, 5-7 Avril 2016, York, United Kingdom
  46. Le Coq Yann. “Peignes de fréquences optiques pour génération micro-onde à très bas bruit de phase”. Journées du Club Optique Micro-onde (JCOM) 2016. Nice. 2016.
  47. Lion G., Guerlin C., Bize S., Wolf P., Delva P., Panet I., Recent advances in the determination of a high spatial resolution geopotential model using chronometric geodesy, EGU General Assembly, avril, Vienne, Autriche, 2016.
  48. Lion G., Panet I., Delva P., Bize S., Wolf P., Guerlin C., Contribution des horloges optiques pour la détermination du géopotentiel à haute résolution spatiale, 25ème Journées de la Recherche, 24 mars, Marne la Vallée – France, 2016.
  49. O. Gobron, K. Jung, K. Predehl, D. Nicolodi, R. Le Targat, S. Seidelin, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner and Y. Le Coq, “Toward a highly stable master laser for interrogation of SYRTE’s Sr and Hg optical lattice clocks, CLEO 2016, San Jose, CA, USA 2016.
  50. P. Cladé, M. Andia and S. Guellati-Khelifa, Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics (FOMO 2016), Arcachon, Bordeaux France.
  51. P. Delva, “Applying and testing chronometric Geodesy”, presented at the Séminaire Temps & Fréquence SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, Feb-2016.
  52. P. Delva, “Chronometric geodesy: methods and applications”, presented at the Relativistic Geodesy: Foundations and Applications 609. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef, Germany, Mar-2016.
  53. P. Delva, “Géodésie Chronométrique”, presented at the Journées Scientifiques de l”Action Spécifique GRAM, 02-03 June, 2016 APC, University Paris Diderot, France, Jun-2016.
  54. P. Delva, N. Puchades, and J. Lodewyck, “Chronometric geodesy and fundamental physics”, presented at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, Session G53A: Relativistic geodesy and quantum sensors for geodesy, San Francisco, U.S., 2016.
  55. P. Dumont, G. Lucas-Leclin, P. Georges, D. Holleville, S. Guerandel, G. Baili, L. Morvan, D. Dolfi, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, “Dual-frequency laser sources for CPT atomic clocks”, Workshop on compact and miniature atomic clocks (Paris, 2016) – conférence invitée
  56. P. Yun, F. Tricot, D. Holleville, E. de Clercq, S. Guerandel, A compact setup for double-modulation coherent population trapping clock, 30th European Time and Frequency Forum, (York, UK, 2016)
  57. P. Yun, F. Tricot, D. Holleville, E. de Clercq, S. Guerandel, Progress toward a compact high performance coherent population trapping clock, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (New-Orleans, Louisiana USA, 2016)
  58. P. Yun, F. Tricot, E. de Clercq, S. Guerandel, Double-modulation coherent population trapping clock, 11th International Conference on Space Optics (Biarritz, France, 2016)
  59. Remi Geiger, 7th IQFA Colloquium, “State of the art cold atom gyroscope without dead times”, Telecom ParisTech, November 16-18, 2016
  60. Remi Geiger, Continuous cold atom inertial sensor with 1 nrad/s rotation stability, Les Houches, 24th-29th January 2016, workshop “Continuous atomic sources and extreme cooling of atoms and molecules: techniques and applications”
  61. Remi Geiger, Continuous Cold-atom Inertial Sensor with 1 nrad.s−1 Rotation Stability, SPIE Photonics Europe 2016, Quantum Technologies conference
  62. Rosa Santagata, Bérengère Argence, Dang Bao An Tran, Matthieu Pierens, Daniele Nicolodi, Michel Abgrall, Sean Tokunaga, Christian Chardonnet, Paul-Eric Pottie, Olivier Lopez, Christophe Daussy, Yann Le Coq, Benoît Darquié, Anne Amy-Klein, Des peignes de fréquence pour la spectroscopie moléculaire de précision, Optique Bordeaux 2016, PAMO, Bordeaux, France, 4-7 juillet 2016
  63. S. Merlet, P. Gillot, B. Cheng and F. Pereira Dos Santos, “Continuous absolute g monitoring of the mobile LNE-SYRTE Cold Atom Gravimeter – a new tool to calibrate superconducting gravimeters”, 1st Joint Commission 2 and IGFS Meeting International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 19-23 2016
  64. Sébastien Merlet, Pierre Gillot, Bing Cheng, and Franck Pereira Dos Santos, “Continuous absolute g monitoring of the mobile LNE-SYRTE Cold Atom Gravimeter – a new tool to calibrate superconducting gravimeters”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016
  65. X. Alauze, C. Solaro, M. Lopez, A. Bonnin, F. Pereira dos Santos, “A trapped atom interferometer for short range forces measurement”, 22nd Young Atom Opticians Conference, Munich, Germany, 21-26 February 2016



  1. Olivier Lopez, Nicola Chiodo, Fabio Stefani, Fabrice Wiotte, Nicolas Quintin, Anthony Bercy, Christian Chardonnet, Giorgio Santarelli, Paul-Eric Pottie, Anne Amy-Klein, “Cascaded optical link on a telecommunication fiber network for ultra-stable frequency dissemination,” Proceedings SPIE OPTO-PW2015.
  2. Argence, B. Chanteau, O. Lopez. D. Nicolodi, M. Abgrall, C. Chardonnet, C. Daussy, B. Darquié, Y. Le Coq and Anne Amy-Klein, Quantum cascade laser stabilization at sub-Hz-level by use of a frequency comb and an optical link, Proceedings of the Conference on Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices XII, Photonics West 2015 OPTO Conference, San Francisco, USA (7-12 February 2015), Proceedings of SPIE 9370, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices XII, 937011 (2015).
  3. M. Abdel Hafiz, R. Boudot Preliminar results of a Cs vapor cell atomic clock using push-pull optical pumping, Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum International Frequency Control Symposium, 12-17 April 2015, Denver, Colorado.
  4. Ulrich L. Rohde, Ajay K. Poddar, Enrico Rubiola, Marius A. Silaghi, Front-End Receiver: Recent and Emerging Trend, pp. 326 – 331, 2015.
  5. Nicolay Vorobyev, Joël Imbaud, Thomas Baron, Gilles Cibiel, Serge Galliou, Noise modeling methodology of an integrated circuit for quartz crystal oscillator, pp. 125 – 128 , 2015., 10.1109/FCS.2015.7138805.
  6. Pierre-Yves Bourgeois, Takeshi IMAIKE, Gwenhaël Goavec-Merou, Enrico Rubiola, Noise in High-Speed Digital-to-Analog Converters, pp. 672 – 675, 2015.
  7. François Vernotte, Michel Lenczner, Pierre-Yves Bourgeois, Enrico Rubiola, Least-Square Fit, Omega Counters, and Quadratic Variance, pp. 338 – 342, 2015.
  8. L. Rohde, Ajay K. Poddar, Enrico Rubiola, Marius A. Silaghi, Frequency Signal Source’s PN (Phase Noise) Measurements: Challenges and Uncertainty, pp. 62 – 67, 2015.
  9. Carolina Cardenas Olaya, Jean-Michel Friedt, Massimo Ortolano, Salvatore Micalizio, Claudio Calosso, Simple Method for ADC Characterization under the Frame of Digital PM and AM Noise Measurement, pp. 676 – 680, 2015.
  10. Salvatore Micalizio, F. Levi, A. Godone, Bruno Francois, S. Guerandel, D. Holleville, R.  De Clercq, L  De Sarlo, Peter Yun, J.M.  Danet, M Langlois, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, E.  Sahin, Chistoph Affolderbach, S. Kang, Florian Gruet, M.  Gharavipour, Gaetano Mileti, B. Desruelle, Compact clocks for industrial applications: The EMRP project IND 55 MClocks , pp. 456 – 461, 2015.
  11. Bruno Francois, Rodolphe Boudot, Claudio Calosso, J.M. Danet, Ultra-low phase noise frequency synthesis chains for high-performance vapor cell atomic clocks , pp. 81 – 83 , 2015.
  12. Christophe Fluhr, Serge Grop, Timothée Accadia, Benoît Dubois, Ahmed Bakir, Yann Kersalé, Enrico Rubiola, Vincent Giordano, “Characterization of a set of Cryocooled Sapphire Oscillators at the 10−16 level with the three-cornered-hat method,” Proc. IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Time and Frequency Forum joint conference pp. 347–350, Denver, CO, USA, April 12–16, 2015.
  13. Carolina Cárdenas-Olaya, Enrico Rubiola, Jean-Michel Friedt, Massimo Ortolano, Claudio E. Calosso, “Simple Method for ADC Characterization under the Frame of Digital PM and AM Noise Measurement,” Proc. IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Time and Frequency Forum joint conference pp. 676–680, Denver, CO, USA, April 12–16, 2015.
  14. Pierre-Yves Bourgeois, Takeshi Imaike, Gwenhael Goavec-Mérou, Enrico Rubiola, “Noise in High-Speed Digital-to-Analog Converters,” Proc. IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Time and Fre- quency Forum joint conference pp. 672–675, Denver, CO, USA, April 12–16, 2015.
  15. François Vernotte, Michel Lenczner, Pierre-Yves Bourgeois, Enrico Rubiola, “Least-square fit, Ω counters, and quadratic variance,” Proc. IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Time and Frequency Forum joint conference pp. 338–342, Denver, CO, USA, April 12–16, 2015.
  16. Abdel Hafiz M., Maurice V., Chutani R., Passilly N., Gorecki C., Guerandel S., de Clercq E., et Boudot R., «Spectroscopy and hyperfine clock frequency shift measurements in Cs vapor cells coated with octadecyltrichlorosilanes (OTS)» Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado USA, April 2015.
  17. Esteban H., Galindo J., Bauch A., Polewka T., Cerretto G., Costa R., Whibberley P., Uhrich P., Chupin B., et Jiang Z., “GPS time link calibrations in the frame of EURAMET Project 1156”, of the Joint Meeting of the 29th EFTF and the 2015 IEEE FCS, Denver, Colorado, Etats-Unis d’Amériques, 2015.
  18. Bercy A., Stefani F., Lopez O., Lee W.-K., Chardonnet C., Pottie P.-E., Amy-Klein A., “Two-way optical frequency comparisons over telecommunication network fibers”, IFCS/EFTF2015 Joint Conference, 13-16 avril 2015, Denver, USA.
  19. Bercy A., Stefani F., Lopez O., Chardonnet C., Pottie P-E. and Amy-Klein A., “Two-way optical frequency comparisons at 5×1E−21 relative stability over 100-km telecommunication network fibers “, CLEO®/Europe – EQEC 2015, 21-25 juin 2015, Munich, Allemagne.
  20. Chiodo N., Quintin N., Stefani F., Wiotte F., Chardonnet C., Santarelli G., Amy-Klein A., Pottie P.-E., Lopez O., “4-span cascaded optical link of 1500 km using the Internet fiber network”, IFCS/EFTF2015 Joint Conference, 13-16 avril 2015, Denver, USA.
  21. E. Rubiola (Invited), “The Pound-Drever-Hall frequency control,” Tutorial session of the IEEE IFCS, Denver, CO, USA, 12-16 April 2015.
  22. Fang B., I. Dutta, P. Gillot, D. Savoie, J. Lautier, B. Cheng, C. L. Garrido Alzar, R. Geiger, S. Merlet, F. Pereira Dos Santos and A. Landragin, “Metrology with Atom Interferometry : Inertial Sensors from Laboratory to Field Applications”, 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology 2015, Potsdam, Germany 12th – 16th October 2015, arXiv :1601.06082v1.
  23. Geiger R., L. Amand, A. Bertoldi, B. Canuel, W. Chaibi, C. Danquigny, I. Dutta, B. Fang, S. Gaffet, J. Gillot, D. Holleville, A. Landragin, M. Merzougui, I. Riou, D. Savoie, P. Bouyer, “Matter-wave laser Interferometric Gravitation Antenna (MIGA): New perspectives for fundamental physics and geosciences”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR”, La Thuile, March 21th-28th
  24. Jiang Z., V. Palinkas, O. Francis, S. Merlet, H. Baumann, M. Becker, P. Jousset, J. Mäkinen, H. R. Schulz, K. U. Kessler-Schulz, S. Svitlov, A. Coulomb, L. Tisserand, H. Hu and Ch. Rothleitner, “Accurate Gravimetry at the BIPM watt Balance Site, Earth on the Edge : Science for a Sustainable Planet” , Book Series : International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Vol 139, 371-376, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3 49, Edited by : Rizos, C; Willis, P (2014).
  25. Lopez M., Solaro C., Pereira dos Santos F., “Atom interferometry test of short range gravity: recent progress in the Forca-G experiment”, Proceedings of the 50th Rencontres de Moriond “100 years after GR”, La Thuile, March 21th-28th
  26. Lopez O., Chiodo N., Stefani F. et al., “Cascaded optical link on a telecommunication fiber network for ultra-stable frequency dissemination “, Photonics West 2015 OPTO Conference, 7-12 février 2015, San Francisco, USA and Proc. SPIE 9378, Slow Light, Fast Light, and Opto-Atomic Precision Metrology, VIII, 937823.
  27. Margolis S., Benkler E., Calonico D., Denker H., Delva P., Godun R. M., Lisdat C., Abgrall M., Achkar J., Barwood G. P., Bize S., Gersl J., Gill P., Guéna J., Huang G., Johnson L. A. M., Jones J. M., King S. A., Klein H. A., Le Coq Y., Le Targat R., Lindvall T., Lodewyck J., Merimaa M., Nicolodi D., NisbetJones P. B. R., Pizzocaro M., Piester D., Riedel F., Robyr J.-L., Rosenbusch P., Rovera D., Sesia I., Shemar S. L., Shi C., Sterr U., Szymaniec K., Timmen L., Vogt S., Voigt C., Weyers S., Whibberley P. B., “ITOC: International Timescales with Optical Clocks”, 2015 Joint conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum, Denver, Colorado, USA 2015.
  28. Mejri S., Tricot F., Danet J.M., Yun P., De Clercq E., et Guerandel, « Compact atomic clock prototype based on CPT: Towards the 10-13 τ-1/2 level frequency stability» Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado USA, April 2015.
  29. Meynadier F., Delva P., Guerlin C., le Poncin-Lafitte C., Laurent and Wolf P., “ACES MWL Data analysis preparation status”, Rencontres de Moriond 2015.
  30. Piriz R., Rodroguez D., Roldàn P., Mudrak A., Bauch A., Riedel F., Staliuniene E., Galindo J., Esteban H., Sesia I., Cerretto G., Jaldehag K., Rieck C., Uhrich P., et Rovera G.D., “The Time Validation Facility (TVF) : an all-new key element of the Galileo operational phase”, of the Joint Meeting of the 29th EFTF and the 2015 IEEE FCS, Denver, Colorado, Etats-Unis d’Amériques, 2015.
  31. Riedel, Benkler E., Leute J., Piester D., Achkar J., Delva P., Rovera D., Sesia I., Cerretto G., Defraigne P., Shemar S. L., Whibberley P. B., Margolis H. S., “Broadband Two-Way Satellite Link Performance for Optical Clock Comparison”, 2015 Joint conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & European Frequency and Time Forum, Denver, Colorado, USA 2015.
  32. Shi C., Robyr J.-L., Bilicki S., Guéna J., Abgrall M., Le Coq Y., Nicolodi D., Rosenbusch P., Laurent P., Bize S., Le Targat and Lodewyck J., “Operational Sr clock at LNE-SYRTE”, IFCS-EFTF (International Frequency Control Symposium – European Frequency and Time Forum), Denver, USA (2015).
  33. Uhrich P., Rovera G.D., Chupin B., Galindo J., Esteban H., Jaldehag K., Rieck C., Bauch A., Polewka T., Cerretto G., Fantino G., et Piriz R., “Use of two traveling GPS receivers for a relative calibration campaign among European laboratories”, of the Joint Meeting of the 29th EFTF and the 2015 IEEE FCS, Denver, Colorado, Etats-Unis d’Amériques, 2015.
  34. Yun P., Mejri S., Tricot F., De Clercq E., et Guerandel, «High stability double-modulation CPT Cs compact clock» Proc. of the 5th ESA International Galileo Science Colloquium, Braunschweig, Germany, October 2015.
  35. Yun P., Mejri S., Tricot F., Holleville D., De Clercq E., et Guerandel, « Study on double-modulation coherent population trapping resonance» Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) and of the 2015 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Denver, Colorado USA, April 2015.
  36. B. Francois, C. Calosso and R. Boudot, An ultra-low noise frequency synthesis chain for a high performance Cs vapour cell compact atomic clock , Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum International Frequency Control Symposium, 12-17 April 2015, Denver, Colorado.
  37. Belli A., Exertier P., E. Samain, C. Courde, J-M. Torre, F. Vernotte (2015) Synchronization of distant Laser stations thanks to Time Transfer by Laser Link : Proposal for a dedicated campaign, Proceedings of the Technical Laser Ranging Workshop, Matera, Italy, October 26-30, 2015.
  38. Belli A., Exertier P., Samain, E., Courde, C., Vernotte, F., Auriol, A. and Jayles, Ch., Characterization of an ultra stable quartz oscillator thanks to Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2/Jason2). Proceedings of the 29th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF/IFC), Denver, Colorado, US, April 13-17, 2015, doi:10.1109/FCS.2015.7138964, pp 808-812.
  39. Belli, A., Exertier P., Samain E., Courde C., Vernotte F., Jayles Ch., Auriol A., Characterization of an ultra stable quartz oscillator thanks to Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2, Jason2), EFTF & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC) 2015, Denver Colorado, US, April 13-17 2015.
  40. Belli, A., Exertier P., Samain E., Courde C., Vernotte F., Synchronization of Geodetic Observatories thanks to Time Transfer by Laser Link, UAI General Assembly 2015, Honolulu Hawai, US, 3-14 August 2015
  41. E. Kroemer and R. Boudot, Measurements of buffer gas collisional clock frequency shifts in Cs vapor cells in presence of Xe and He, Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum International Frequency Control Symposium, 12-17 April 2015, Denver, Colorado
  42. Exertier P. (2016) Time Transfer by laser ranging ; current results and future progress, 20th Internat. Laser Ranging Workshop, Potsdam, Germany, 10-15 October 2015, sollicited paper.
  43. G. Santarelli “Optical Frequency Combs for Ultra-low Phase-Noise Microwave Signal Generation”, ITQW, Wien, 2015.
  44. H. Fleurbaey, S. Galtier, S. Thomas, P. Cladé, S. Guellati, L. Julien, F. Biraben and F. Nez, Fundamental Constants Meeting, Eltville, Allemagne, 1-6 février 2015 : “hydrogen spectroscopy”
  45. Landragin Arnaud, Dutta Indranil, Gillot Pierre, Kohlhaas Ralf, Lautier Jean, Meunier Matthieu, Savoie Denis Anh, Cheng Bing, Fang Bess, Garrido Alzar Carlos L., Geiger Rémi, Merlet Sébastien, Pereira Dos Santos Franck. Atom Interferometry for inertial sensors: fundamental and practical sensitivity limits. 23ème Congres Général de SFP. 24-28 août 2015. Strasbourg, France. 2015.
  46. Landragin Arnaud, Dutta Indranil, Gillot Pierre, Savoie Denis Anh, Cheng Bing, Fang Bess, Garrido Alzar Carlos L., Geiger Rémi, Merlet Sébastien, Pereira Dos Santos Franck. Metrology with Atom Interferometry: inertial sensors from the laboratories to the field. Symposium of Frequency Standards and Metrology. 12-16 octobre 2015. Potsdam, Gemany. 2015.
  47. Landragin Arnaud, Dutta Indranil, Gillot Pierre, Savoie Denis Anh, Cheng Bing, Fang Bess, Geiger Rémi, Merlet Sébastien, Pereira Dos Santos Franck. Metrology with atom interferometers: from the laboratory to the field. Journées des doctorants en atomes froids. 4-5 juin 2015. Bordeaux. 2015.
  48. Lion G., Panet I., Delva P., Bize S., Géodésie chronométrique : vers un modèle de géopotentiel haute résolution, Colloque Géodésie-Géophysique (G2), 16-18 novembre, Toulouse – France, 2015.
  49. M. Abdel Hafiz, X. Liu, S. Guérandel, E. De Clercq and R. Boudot A CPT-based Cs vapor cell atomic clock with a short-term fractional frequency stability of 3 × 10 −13 τ −1/2 , Proceedings Frequency Standards and Metrology, October 2015, Potsdam, Germany.
  50. M. Langlois, J.F. Schaff, L. De Sarlo, S. Bernon, D. Holleville, N. Dimarcq, “Compact cold atom-based clock for on board timebases : test in microgravity”, IFCS-EFTF 2015, Besançon, France
  51. P. Delva, “Atomic clocks on the ground and in space: towards chronometric geodesy and new tests of the gravitational redshift”, presented at the Rencontres de Moriond, Gravitation: 100 years after GR, March 21-28, 2015, La Thuile, Italy, Mar-2015.
  52. P. Delva, “Chronometric Geodesy and new tests of the Gravitational Redshift”, presented at the Séminaires du LAPP, LAPP, Annecy, France, May-2015.
  53. P. Delva, “Chronometric Geodesy”, presented at the WG-ATFT, Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF), Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), Sèvres, France, Sep-2015.
  54. P. Delva, “Géodésie chronométrique et systèmes de référence”, presented at the Journée commémorative des 30 ans de la première réalisation du Système international de référence terrestre par Géodésie spatiale, IGN, Paris, France, Jun-2015.
  55. P. Delva, “Tests de la gravitation et géodésie chronométrique”, presented at the Séminaire du laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, école Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, Sep-2015.
  56. P. Dumont, J.-M. Danet, D. Holleville, S. Guerandel, G. Baili, L. Morvan, G. Pillet, D. Dolfi, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, P. Georges and G. Lucas-Leclin, “Dual-frequency VECSEL for atomic clocks using coherent population trapping”, Workshop on Laser Diodes for Space Applications (Palaiseau – 23 -24 Novembre 2015) – conférence orale
  57. P. Dumont, J.-M. Danet, D. Holleville, S. Guerandel, G. Baili, L. Morvan, G. Pillet, D. Dolfi, I. Gozhyk, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, P. Georges and G. Lucas-Leclin, “Spectral and noise characterization of a 852 nm dual-frequency VECSEL”, 3rd Workshop VECSEL (Montpellier – 17 -19 Novembre 2015) – conférence orale
  58. P. Dumont, J.-M. Danet, F. Camargo, D. Holleville, S. Guerandel, G. Baili, L. Morvan, G. Pillet, D. Dolfi, I. Gozhyk, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, P. Georges, G. Lucas-Leclin” Evaluation of the noise properties of a dual-frequency VECSEL for compact Cs atomic clocks” High-Power Diode Laser Technology and Applications XII, SPIE Photonics West, paper 9349-27 (San Francisco, USA) 7-12 Feb 2015 – poster – Proc. SPIE 9349, Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) V, 93490S (March 4, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2077663
  59. P. Y. Bourgeois, T. Imaike, G. Goavec-Merou and E. Rubiola, Noise in high-speed digital-to-analog converters, 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & the European Frequency and Time Forum, Denver, CO, 2015, pp. 672-675.
  60. P. Yun, S. Mejri, F. Tricot, D. Holleville, E. De Clercq, S. Guerandel, Study on double-modulation coherent population trapping resonance, 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & the European Frequency and Time Forum (Denver, Colorado USA, 2015)
  61. P. Yun, S. Mejri, F. Tricot, E. De Clercq, S. Guerandel, High stability double-modulation CPT Cs compact clock, 5th ESA International Galileo Science Colloquium (Braunschweig, Germany, 2015)
  62. Panet, I., G. Lion, C. Guerlin, S. Bize, P. Wolf, and P. Delva. “Clocks-Based Potential Determination: Complementarity with Existing Gravity Data and Interest in Geoscience”. presented at the ISSI/HISPAC Workshop on ‘High Performance Clocks, with Special Emphasis on Geodesy and Geophysics and Applications to Other Bodies of the Solar System’, November 30-December 4, 2015, Bern, Switzerland, December 2015.
  63. S. Micalizio et al, “Compact Clock for Industrial Applications: the EMRP Project IND 55 MClock”, IFCS-EFTF 2015, Besançon, France
  64. S. Micalizio, F. Levi, A. Godone, C. E. Calosso, B. François, S. Guérandel, D. Holleville, E. De Clercq, L. De Sarlo, P. Yun, J. M. Danet, M. Langlois, R. Boudot, M A. Hafiz, E. Sahin, C. Affolderbach, S. Kang, F. Gruet, M. Gharavipour, G. Mileti, B. Desruelle, Compact clocks for industrial applications: The EMRP project IND 55 Mclocks, 2015 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & the European Frequency and Time Forum (Denver, Colorado USA, 2015)
  65. Védrenne, N., Velluet, M. T., Petit, C., Michau, V., Chabé, J., Ziad, A., Phung, D. H., Maurice, N., Samain, E., Artaud, G., Issler, J. L., Toyoshima, M., Akioka, M., Kolev, D., Munemasa, Y.,
  66. Takenaka, H. and Iwakiri, N. “First results of Wavefront sensing on SOT”, IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS) , New Orleans, LA 26-28 Oct. 2015



  1. Fabiola Camargo, Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin, Paul Dumont, Patrick Georges, Jean-Marie Danet, David Holleville, Stéphane Guerandel, Grégoire Pillet , Ghaya Baili , Loïc Morvan, Daniel Dolfi , Iryna Gozhyk, Grégoire Beaudoin, Isabelle Sagnes, “Generation of high purity microwave signal from a dual-frequency OP-VECSEL”, Proc. SPIE 8966, Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) IV, (1-6 février 2014), 89660L
  2. Exertier, P., et al., Time Transfer by Laser and its applications, Internat. Laser Ranging Workshop, October 31 November 4, Annapolis, MD, US
  3. Geiger R., “Applications of atom interferometry to geophysics and gravitational wave detection”, Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics, Crete, Greece, 29/09-03/10, 2014
  4. GUERANDEL S., DANET J.-M., YUN P. AND DE CLERCQ E., “Compact atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping: technologies and performances for applications”, European Time and Frequency Forum (Neuchatel, Suisse, 2014)
  5. GUERANDEL S., DANET J.-M., YUN P. AND DE CLERCQ E., “High performance compact atomic clock based on coherent population trapping”, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (Taipei, Taïwan, 2014)
  6. Jean-Philippe Karr, Albane Douillet, Laurent Hilico, Vladimir I. Korobov, PSAS 2014, 26-30 May 2014, Rio de Janeiro. Precision spectroscopy of H2+.
  7. LANDRAGIN A., LAUTIER J., DUTTA I., HARDIN T., GEIGER R., GARRIDO ALZAR C., MERLET S. et PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., 21th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, 26–28 mai 2014, « Cold atom interferometer for inertial navigation »
  8. LANDRAGIN A., Conférence Franco-Indienne à Bangalore, 17-21 Mars 2014, « Cold atom interferometers for inertial sensors based on Raman transitions »
  9. LE COQ Y., SANTARELLI G., SEIDELIN S., LE TARGAT R., LOURS M., ZHANG W., HABOUCHA A., LI T., ARGENCE B., NICOLODI D., FISCHER M., HOLZWARTH R., DATTA S., JOSHI A.,“Novel techniques for low noise microwave generation with optical frequency combs”, Physics of Quantum Engineering (PQE) 2014, Snowbird (USA)
  10. LE COQ Y., NICOLODI D., ZHANG W., ARGENCE B., HABOUCHA A., SEIDELIN S., SANTARELLI G., LE TARGAT R., FISCHER M., HOLZWARTH R., DATTA S. , JOSHI A. “Novel techniques for low noise microwave generation and transfer of spectral purity with optical frequency combs”, International Frequency Control Symposium, Taipei (ROC Taiwan) 2014
  11. MERLET S., GILLOT P., CHENG B. AND PEREIRA DOS SANTOS F., “Gravimetry for the LNE Watt balance”, Colloque G2 (Géodésie Géophysique), November 17th -19th 2014, Strasbourg, France.
  12. E. Meyer, V. Drouet, N. Gautherot, F. Vernotte, F. Meyer, M. Prat and P. Raybaut, Picosecond time drift characterization of the Laser MegaJoule Timing System, in Proceedings of the 2014 EFTF, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 2014
  13. E. Rubiola (invited), “The magic of cross-correlation in measurements from dc to optics,” Tutorial session of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, May 19–22, 2014
  14. Aristidi, E., Fanteï-Caujolle, Y., Ziad, A., Dimur, C., Chabé, J. and Roland, B. “A new generalized differential image motion monitor”, SPIE Astronomical telescopes and instrumentation, Montréal, 22-27 Juin 2014, vol. 9145 (2014)
  15. B. Argence, B. Chanteau, O. Lopez, C. Chardonnet,  C. Daussy, B. Darquié, A. Amy-Klein, D. Nicolodi, M. Abgrall, Y. Le Coq, “Quantum Cascade Laser at Hz-Level by Use of a Frequency Comb and an Optical Link,” Proceedings of EFTF 2014
  16. B. Argence, B. Chanteau, O. Lopez, D. Nicolodi, M. Abgrall, C. Chardonnet, C. Daussy, B. Darquié, Y. Le Coq, A. Amy-Klein, Quantum Cascade Laser stabilization at Hz-level by use of a frequency comb and an optical link, EFTF 2014, 24-26 Juin 2014, Neuchâtel, Suisse
  17. B. Argence, B. Chanteau, O. Lopez, D. Nicolodi, M. Abgrall, C. Chardonnet1, C. Daussy, B. Darquié, Y. Le Coq, A. Amy-Klein, Quantum Cascade Laser stabilization at the Hz-level, International Quantum Cascade Lasers School and Workshop 2014 IQCLS’2014, 7-12 septembre 2014, Policoro, Italie.
  18. Blary, F., Ziad, A., Borgnino, J., Fanteï-Caujolle, Y., Aristidi, E. and Lantéri, H. “Monitoring atmospheric turbulence profiles with high vertical resolution using PML/PBL instrument”, SPIE Astronomical telescopes and instrumentation, Montréal, 22-27 Juin 2014, vol. 9145 (2014)
  19. Chabé, J., Blary, F., Ziad, A., Borgnino, J., Fanteï-Caujolle, Y., Liotard, A. and Falzon, F. “The INdoor turbulENce SEnsor (INTENSE) instrument”, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, vol. 9145, id. 91453A (2014)
  20. Exertier P., Samain, E., Belli, A., Courde, C., Guillemot, Ph. (2014) Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2) : A way to synchronize laser ranging observatories at the ns level, Invited Paper 3083, Proccedings of the 19th International Laser Ranging Workshop, Annapolis, MD, US, 26-31 October 2014.
  21. Exertier P., Scientific Conferences, T2L2: analysis results and Scientific Applications, GRAM Assembly (INSU-CNRS), Bordeaux, France, 2-4 April 2014
  22. Fabiola Camargo, Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin, Paul Dumont, Patrick Georges, Jean-Marie Danet, David Holleville, Stéphane Guerandel, Grégoire Pillet , Ghaya Baili , Loïc Morvan, Daniel Dolfi, Iryna Gozhyk, Grégoire Beaudoin, Isabelle Sagnes, “Generation of high purity microwave signal from a dual-frequency OP-VECSEL”, Proc. SPIE 8966, Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) IV, conférence invitée (1-6 février 2014) Proc. SPIE 8966, Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) IV, 89660L (March 7, 2014); doi: 10.1117/12.2041669 – oral conférence invitée
  23. J. Millo, C. Lacroûte, A. Didier, J. Paris, V. Giordano, E. Rubiola and Y. Kersalé, “Cryogenic single crystal silicon cavity” , Proceedings of the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), June 2014, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, pp. 531-534.
  24. L. Arapan, B. Dulmet, Application of Lagrangian Configuration to the Analysis of Electrostatically–driven MEMS Resonators, in Proc. 2014 European Frequency and Time Forum, June 2014.
  25. L. De Sarlo, M. Langlois, D. Holleville, M. Lours, N. Dimarcq, J.-F. Schaff, S. Bernon, B. Desruelle, “Preliminary test of a cold-atom based clock prototype on a microgravity platform: Rubiclock on the A-300 0g”, EFTF 2014, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  26. M. Abdel Hafiz, R. Boudot Progress in the evaluation of a Cs cell CPT clock using push-pull optical pumping, Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum , 24-26 June 2014, Neuchatel (Switzerland).
  27. N. Dimarcq, The misura del tempo: Sfida all’ultimo billionesimo di secondo
  28. Paul Dumont, Fabiola Camargo, Jean-Marie Danet, David Holleville, Stéphane Guerandel, Ghaya Baili , Loïc Morvan, Grégoire Pillet , Daniel Dolfi, Iryna Gozhyk, Grégoire Beaudoin, Isabelle Sagnes, Patrick Georges, Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin, “Generation of a high purity microwave signal from a dual-frequency op-vecsel for cpt-based atomic clocks “, 6th International Symposium On Optronics In Defence and Security (28-30 January 2014 – Paris) proceedings publié sur le site / Lasers Sensors & Systems – 11 p
  29. Rovera G. D., Abgrall M., Courde C., Exertier P., Fridelance P., Guillemot P., Laas-Bourez M., Martin N., Samain E., Sherwood R., Torre J.-M. & Uhrich P., A direct comarison between two independent calibrated time transfer techniques: T2L2 and GPS Common Views, CPEM 2014, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 24-29 August 2014
  30. S Mejri, PLT Sow, SK Tokunaga, O Lopez, A Goncharov, B Argence, C Chardonnet, A Amy-Klein, C Daussy and B Darquié, Ultra-stable Mid-IR Quantum Cascade Laser for high-resolution spectroscopy and metrology, Proceedings of the 28th Frequency and Time Forum, EFTF 2014, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (23-26 June 2014)
  31. S. Galtier, H. Fleurbaey, F. Nez, L. Julien and F. Biraben, Workshop MITP “proton radius puzzle”, Mainz, Allemagne, 1-6 juin 2014 : “Hydrogen 1S-3S spectroscopy to contribute to the proton charge radius puzzle”
  32. S. Guerandel, J-M Danet, P. Yun, E. de Clercq, High performance compact atomic clock based on coherent population trapping, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (Taipei, Taïwan, 2014)
  33. S. Merlet, P. Gillot, B. Cheng and F. Pereira Dos Santos, “Gravimetry for the LNE Watt balance”, Colloque G2 (Géodésie Géophysique), Strasbourg, France, November 17th-19th 2014
  34. Samain E., Laas-Bourez M., Courde C., Exertier P., Martin N., Torre J.-M., Guillemot P., Sherwood R. A., Appleby G., Rovera G. D., Abgrall M., Uhrich P., Fridelance P., A sub-ns comparison between GPS Common Viex and T2L2, EFTF 2014, Neufchâtel, Switzerland, 23-26 June 2014
  35. Y. Coq Yann, “Novel techniques for low noise microwave generation with optical frequency combs”. Physics of Quantum Engineering 2014. Snowbird, Utah, USA.2014.
  36. Y. Le Coq et al. “Optical frequency combs and optical frequency measurements”. International Workshop on Optical Frequency Combs 2014.Toulouse. 2014.
  37. Y. Le Coq Yann et al, “Novel techniques for low noise microwave generation and transfer of spectral purity with optical frequency combs” IFCS 2014, Taipei (Taiwan). 2014.



  1. Anthony Bercy, Olivier Lopez, Fabio Stefani, Christian Chardonnet, Anne Amy-Klein, P.E. Pottie and G. Santarelli, Towards large scale metrological fibre network, 2013 IFCS-EFTF Proceedings, pp. 409-410 (2013)
  2. B. Argence, B. Chanteau, O. Lopez, D. Nicolodi, G. Santarelli, C. Chardonnet, C. Daussy, B. Darquié, Y. Le Coq and A. Amy-Klein, 2013 IEEE—UFFC joint symposia, Prague, République Tchèque, 21-25 July 2013
  3. B. Darquié, F. Auguste, S.K. Tokunaga, A. Shelkovnikov, C. Daussy, A. Amy-Klein et C. Chardonnet, New perspectives on the search for a parity violation effect in chiral molecules, 6th International Symposium on Modern Problems of Laser Physics (MPLP’2013), Novosibirsk, Russie (25-31 août 2013).
  4. Anne Amy-Klein, Ultra-stable long distance optical frequency distribution using the Internet fiber network and application to high-precision molecular spectroscopy, ICOLS 2013, Berkeley, California, USA (9-12 juin 2013).
  5. A. Amy-Klein, Ultra‐stable optical frequency transfer using the Internet fiber network, 3rd workshop of the Sino‐French Research Network on “Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons” (GDRI QMAP) September 23‐27, 2013 Palaiseau, France
  6. A. Bercy, F. Stefani, B. Argence, B. Chanteau, B. Darquié, Y. Le Coq, D. Nicolodi, M. Abgrall, N. Quintin, N. Chiodo, C. Chardonnet, G. Santarelli, P.E. Pottie, O. Lopez et A. Amy-Klein, Distribution d’une fréquence ultrastable par fibre optique et applications en spectroscopie moléculaire, congrès de la division PAMO de la SFP, 7-10 juillet 2014, Reims, France
  7. Laurent Hilico, J.-Ph. Karr, A. Douillet, V. Tran, J. Trapateau, S. Wolf, F. Schmidt Kaler, Workshop on Antimatter and Gravity, Bern 13-15 november 2013. Preparing antihydrogen at rest for the free fall in GBAR.
  8. J.-Ph Karr, V. Tran, A. Douillet, L. Hilico, COST iota work shop on Cold Molecular Ions, Arosa 3-5 september 2013. Precision spectroscopy with state-selected cold H2+ ions.
  9. LANDRAGIN A., « The Sagnac effect: 20 years of development in matter wave interferometry », The Colloqium for the Centenary of the Sagnac Effect, « Fondation Simone et Cino del Duca » (Paris 8ème), October the 10th 2013.
  10. LANDRAGIN A., « Atom interferometry », International Conference Fundamentals and Applications of Ultra-cold Matter, Visselhövede (Germany), September 16th to 19th 2013.
  11. LANDRAGIN A., « Cold atom interferometers for inertial measurements», International School of Physics « Enrico Fermi », Varenna (Lake Como) – July 15th to 20th 2013.
  12. LANDRAGIN A., « 100 ans de l’effet Sagnac : Application aux interféromètres à atomes froids », 22ème congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique, Marseille, 1-5 juillet 2013
  13. LANDRAGIN A., « Atom interferometry in free fall », 2013 STE-QUEST Workshop
, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 22-23 May 2013.
  14. O. Lopez, B. Chanteau, A. Bercy, P.E. Pottie, F. Stefani, B. Argence, B. Darquié, Y. Le Coq, D. Nicolodi, N. Quintin, Ch. Chardonnet, G. Santarelli et A. Amy-Klein, Liens optiques et métrologie, ou comment peut-on distribuer une référence de fréquence par les fibres optiques du réseau Internet, Optique Paris 2013, Villetaneuse, France (8-11 juillet 2013)
  15. E. Rubiola (Invited), “The Pound-Drever-Hall frequency control, and applications,” Tutorial session of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-25 July 2013.
  16. Exertier P., C. Courde, N. Martin, J.-M. Torre, J.-L. Oneto, M. Laas-Bourez, Ph. Guillemot, S. Leon, T2L2: Five years in space, Proceedings of the EFTF & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC) 2013, Prague, Rep. Tcheque, July 21-25 2009, DOI: 10.1109/EFTF-IFC.2013.6702281, pp. 632-635.
  17. L. De Sarlo, S. Bernon, B. Battelier, N. Castagna, M. Lours, D. Holleville, B. Desruelle, and N. Dimarcq, “Rubiclock: a cold –atom based compact clock short term stability and long term perspectives”, EFTF 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
  18. M. Hasegawa, R. K. Chutani, R. Boudot, V. Maurice, L. Mauri, C. Gorecki and N. Passily Wafer-level integration of getters in cesium-neon cells for miniature clocks applications, Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum – International Frequency Control Symposium , 21-26 July 2013, Prague (Czech Republic).
  19. N. Passilly, R. Boudot, R. K. Chutani, C. Gorecki, A. Al-Samaneh, D. Wahl and R. Michalzik, Developments of miniature atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping, VCSELs and MEMS , 2nd European Workshop on VeCSELS, Invited, 17 October 2013, Montpellier (France).
  20. O. Lopez, P.E. Pottie, B. Chanteau, F. Stefani, A. Bercy, Ch. Chardonnet, G. Santarelli and A. Amy-Klein, Long distance ultra-stable frequency dissemination on a dedicated wavelength channel of a telecommunication network, CLEO/Europe – IQEC, Munich, Allemagne, 12-16 mai 2013.
  21. P.L.T. Sow, B. Chanteau, F. Auguste, S. Mejri, S.K. Tokunaga, B. Argence, O. Lopez, A. Goncharov , C. Chardonnet , A. Amy-Klein, C. Daussy, B. Darquié, D. Nicolodi, M. Abgrall, Y. Le Coq, G. Santarelli, QCL- and CO2 laser-based mid-IR spectrometers for high accuracy molecular spectroscopy, International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy 68th Meeting, Columbus, USA (17-21 juin 2013).
  22. PLT Sow, B Chanteau, F Auguste, S Mejri, SK Tokunaga, B Argence, O Lopez, A Goncharov, C Chardonnet, A Amy-Klein, C Daussy, B. Darquié, D Nicolodi, M Abgrall, Y Le Coq, G Santarelli, QCL- and CO2 laser-based mid-IR spectrometers for high accuracy molecular spectroscopy, International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy 68th Meeting, Columbus, USA (17-21 juin 2013)
  23. R. Boudot, N. Passilly, R. Chutani, V. Maurice, S. Galliou, V. Giordano, C. Gorecki, Developments of miniature atomic clocks based on coherent population trapping, VCSELs and MEMS , French-Russian-German Laser Symposium, 4-7 November 2013, Besancon (France).
  24. S. Mejri, PLT Sow, O Lopez, SK Tokunaga, A Goncharov, B Argence, B Chanteau, C Chardonnet, A Amy-Klein, B Darquié and C Daussy, Quantum cascade laser spectrometer for frequency metrology and high accuracy molecular spectroscopy around 10 µm, 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO 2013) and International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2013), Münich, Allemagne (12-16 mai 2013)
  25. S. Mejri, P.L.T. Sow, O. Lopez, S.K. Tokunaga, A. Goncharov, B. Argence, B. Chanteau, C. Chardonnet, A. Amy-Klein, B. Darquié and C. Daussy, Quantum cascade laser spectrometer for frequency metrology and high accuracy molecular spectroscopy around 10 µm, 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO 2013) and International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC 2013), Münich, Allemagne (12-16 mai 2013).
  26. X. Liu, J. M. Merolla, S. Guerandel, C. Gorecki, E. De Clercq and R. Boudot, Continuous and Ramsey spectroscopy of CPT resonances in Cs vapor cells with push-pull optical pumping , Proceedings of the European Frequency Time Forum – International Frequency Control Symposium , 21-26 July 2013, Prague (Czech Republic)



  1. A. Amy-Klein, “Ultra-stable long distance optical frequency distribution using the Internet fiber network and application to Infrared frequency measurement and control,“ Ringberg seminar, Laser Spectroscopy division of Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Ringberg, 3-7 septembre 2012
  2. B. Darquié, New perspectives on the search for a parity non-conservation effect in chiral molecules, séminaire invité au Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (6 avril 2012)
  3. B. Darquié, P. L. T. Sow, S. Mejri, A. Goncharov, A. Amy-Klein, C. Chardonnet, C. Daussy, Développement d’un spectromètre laser à cascade quantique pour la spectroscopie et la métrologie, Journées de l’Optique 2012, Cargèse, France (17-19 octobre 2012)
  4. C. Calosso, Y. Gruson, E. Rubiola (invited), “Phase noise in DDS,” Proc. International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS) p.777-782, Baltimore, MD, USA, 21-25 May 2012.
  5. DIMARCQ N., «Les investissements d’avenir et le temps-fréquence : le labex FIRST-TF, les equipex REFIMEVE et OSCILLATOR-IMP », Bureau International des Poids & Mesures, BIPM, avril 2012
  6. L. Hilico, IONTECH, 7-9 mai 2012, Siegen. Ion capture and sympathetic cooling – numerical simulations and experimental evidence.
  7. O. Lopez, A. Amy-Klein, G. Santarelli, C. Chardonnet, “Future tests of variation of fundamental constants using frequency comparison between distant labs connected by optical fibers,“ 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theory, Stockholm, Sweden, July 1 – 7, 2012.
  8. O. Lopez, A. Haboucha, B. Chanteau, A. Bercy, Ch. Chardonnet, A. Amy-Klein and G. Santarelli, Ultra-stable frequency dissemination on a dedicated frequency channel of the telecommunication network, EFTF2012, European Frequency and Time Forum, Göteborg, Suède, 24-26 avril 2012
  9. O. Lopez, C. Chardonnet, A. Amy-Klein, A. Kanj, P.E. Pottie, D. Rovera, J. Achkar, G. Santarelli, Time transfer through optical fibers, Workshop in advanced Time & Frequency transfer, organised by Neat-FT JRP, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands, 20-21 Novembre 2012
  10. E. Rubiola (invited), “High-resolution time and frequency counters,” Tutorial session of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Baltimore, MD, tutorial session of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, USA, 21-25 May 2012.




Books and other publications

  1. Étude des anciennes éphémérides khmères, F. Vernotte, Le Point Astro, n°73, Décembre 2018, ISSN 1168-1195.
  2. Les mesures atomiques de haute précision : Un outil privilégié pour tester l’électrodynamique quantique. P. Cladé et L. Julien, Reflet de la physique, n°59 p4-9, oct. 2018.
  3. Collilieux X., Delva P., Heydel L., Lion G., et al. (2018). À quelles altitudes se trouvent les horloges atomiques de l’observatoire de Paris ? Revue XYZ, 156.
  4. BOUCHER Claude (coordonné par), WILLIS Pascal (avec le concours de), “Les Références de temps et d’espace – Un panorama encyclopédique : histoire, présent et perspectives”, Hermann, 2017, ISBN 9782705684181,
  5. BOUYER P. et LANDRAGIN A., Revue de l’Electricité et de l’Electronique, N°4, 67-70 (2012), “Senseur d’inertie à ondes de matières : des appareils de précision pour la navigation, la géophysique et les tests spatiaux”
  6. CNRS Images, Film “The new masters of time” ( version française « La fabrique du temps »), 2017,
  7. CNRS, “Mesurer en continu avec les atomes froids”, Communiqué de presse, 2017,
  8. E. Rubiola, Phase Noise and Frequency Stability in Oscillators, Cambridge University Press (Adobe eBook edition of ISBN 978-0-521-15328-7), May 2012, ISBN 978-1-139-23940-0.
  9. E. Rubiola, Phase Noise and Frequency Stability in Oscillators, Science Press, under arrangement with Cambridge University Press (Simplified Chinese edition of ISBN 978-0-521-15328-7), Beijing, June 2014. ISBN 978-7-03-041231-7.
  10. GORGY TIMING, White book on secured synchronization systems (by Gorgy Timing), 2017:
  11. J.-M. Friedt, “La reception de signaux venus de l’espace par récepteur de television numérique terrestre,” OpenSilicium 13, December 2014.
  12. LE TARGAT R., Contribution au numéro spécial sur le Temps du magazine La Recherche, Décembre 2016.
  13. GEIGER R., “Capteurs inertiels à atomes froids : principe et applications”, Revue de l’électricité et de l’électronique (REE), numéro 2016-1.