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This objective has different aspects: improvement of interactions and synergy between members of FIRST-TF, creation of an “expertise and T/F means portal”, general knowledge of activities and needs to evolve in 3 domains: research, services for social and economical parties, teaching, continuous training and transfer to non-specialist public.
- Accompagnying coordination of T/F community and ensuring constructive and complementary overlaps with lab's universities and institutions strategies and national organisms (CNRS, LNE, CNES, DGA) ones.
This objective has different aspects: improvement of interactions and synergy between members of FIRST-TF, creation of an “expertise and T/F means portal”, general knowledge of activities and needs to evolve in 3 domains: research, services for social and economical parties, teaching, continuous training and transfer to non-specialist public.
Improving the ability of network's team to build collaborative research projects.These collaborative reseach projects may be:
- new projects, risky but with a strong potential, in an upstream preliminary phase where the project is not yet mature to raise classical funds ;
- specific oprations within the framework of dedicated projects (for example ACES/PHARAO, les Equipex REFIMEVE, Oscillator-IMP, etc…)
Improving interactions between laboratories and industry to increase technlology and know-how transfers.FIRST-TF pursue to build a global vision of innovation in T/F domain and its interfaces with other disciplines. To achieve this, it supports different types of operations:
- study of innovation’s landscape in T/F
- collaborative projects betweend labs and industry
- technology and know-how transfers
- start-ups creation
Building innovative trainings in T/F metrology, continuous training for researchers, engineers and teachers.These trainings will be independant or integrated in existant education secors, with possible extensions in precision measurement domain and its applications.
FIRST-TF also contributed to launch a european thematic school in T/F domain (EFTS – European Time & Frequency Seminar) wich is organised each year in Besançon. It supports development of pedagogical tools: experiments, numerical tools, etc.
T/F knowledge transfer for schools and general pubic.
Different actions are developped: website for scientific mediation around time and frequency measurement, non-specialist public conferences, itinerant exhibitions, numerical tools.