Associations – Useful links

“Atouts Sciences” is an association which is engaged in several actions of scientific culture vulgarization and spreading, in partnership with other associations or institutions of Ile-de-France. These actions are based on talks about scientific  experiments, conferences and debates, stand animation, labs visites. The target audience is young people from nursery school to preparatory classes for the “grandes écoles”. The experiments, conferences, workshops, are prepared by researchers, teachers, PhD candidates, all volunteers and motivated.

=> Atouts Sciences association website

⇒ Video showing experiments developped by Atouts Sciences association ⇒ Kit pédagogique “LightBox”

Experiences : ⇒ “Piège à particules” ⇒ “La chute des graves” ⇒ “La fontaine à 10€” ⇒ “La fontaine laser géante”


“Les Dealers de Sciences” is an association related to IMST (“Information et Médiation Scientifique et Technique”) master’s degree of Bordeaux Montaigne’s University. Since ten years this association takes part to mediate social and scientific themes in Bordeaux. Beyond knowledge spreading and communication, this association aims to build a transdisciplinary reflexion on current topics.

=> Dealers de Sciences association website