Summer schools
Summer and winter schools of interest for FIRST-TF community
20-31 October 2025: Les Houches cold atoms school “Quantum metrology: from optomechanics to tests of fundamental physics”. Les Houches (France)
Les Houches cold atoms school “Quantum metrology: from Optomechanics to tests of fundamental physics”, will take place in Les Houches, France, from Oct 20 to Oct 31, 2025.
The deadline to apply is July 15, 2025. Please pre-register on the website:
9-18 July 2025: International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Varenna (Italy)
Martin J.T. Milton – BIPM, Paris (France)
Diederik S. Wiersma – LENS, Sesto Fiorentino FI and INRiM, Torino (Italy)
Cornelia Denz – PTB, Berlin (Germany)
Dolores Del Campo – CEM, Madrid (Spain)
More details here:
11-16 May 2025: Bad Honnef Physics School on “Frontiers of Quantum Metrology for New Physics Searches”
Bad Honnef Physics School on “Frontiers of Quantum Metrology for New Physics Searches”
Bad Honnef Physics School on “Frontiers of Quantum Metrology for New Physics Searches”, which will take place from May 11–16, 2025, at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany. The application deadline is February 28, 2025.
The program entails a series of lectures delivered by renowned experts in the domains of quantum sensors, precision metrology, and particle physics aimed at students in a wide range of AMO, quantum metrology, and particle physics fields. This school will provide an excellent opportunity for graduate students and early-career researchers to engage with leading experts in the field of quantum metrology and its applications to new physics searches. The scientific program is organized by Marianna Safronova (University of Delaware) and Naceur Gaaloul (University of Hannover).
For further details and application information, please refer to the official event page:
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions to
13-24 September 2021: Les Houches pre-doctoral school on “Quantum simulations with ultracold atomic gases”
We are organizing a pre-doctoral school in Les Houches from 13 to 24 September 2021. This school is mainly intended for students at the early stage of their PhD. Depending on availability, a few applications from PhD students at a later stage in their graduate career could also be accepted, as well as junior post-doctorant researchers. It consists in a two weeks master course on the physics of cold atoms including the recent advances in this field. The first week will cover general aspects. The second week will focus more specifically on quantum simulations with cold atoms.
Lectures will be given (in English) by
– Franck Pereira Dos Santos (LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, France): Laser cooling and trapping
– Ana Maria Rey (NIST-JILA, University of Colorado, USA): Ultra-cold collisions
– Mikhail Baranov (University of Innsbruck, Austria): Quantum gases and superfluidity
– David Clément (Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique, France): Optical lattices
– Monika Aidelsburger (University of Munich, Germany): Periodically driven optical lattices and topology
– Hans-Peter Büchler (University of Stuttgart, Germany): Quantum magnetism
– Thierry Giamarchi (University of Geneva, Switzerland): Quantum transport
– Zoran Hadzibabic (University of Cambridge, UK): Non-equilibrium dynamics
– Iacopo Carusotto (University of Trento, Italy): Quantum simulations with quantum fluids of light
The deadline for applications is June 13, 2021. The selection of the applicants will be done at the beginning of July.
The school is planned to be held in-person, but as the situation is always evolving due to the Covid-19, we will keep you updated.
For more information, please visit the website: .
30 September – 11 October 2019: Interaction of light and cold atoms, École de Physique des Houches, France
The course is targeted at the advanced undergraduate level and emphasizes formal lectures building on textbook knowledge. This goal meets the requirements of the Les Houches pre-doctoral school program. The school is intended primarily for PhD students in their first or second year. Undergraduates at the European Masters level who are planning a PhD study are also invited to apply. Young post-docs entering the field can also apply.
The lectures will be given (in English) by:
– Jean-Michel Raimond, LKB, ENS: Introductory lecture, Field quantization, Dressed states and Cavity QED (4 lectures)
– Mikhail Baranov, University of Innsbruck: Quantum gases and superfluidity (5 lectures)
– Hélène Perrin, LPL, CNRS, University Paris 13: Optical lattices (3 lectures)
– Philippe Verkerk, PhLAM, CNRS, University of Lille: Laser cooling (4 lectures)
– Ana Asenjo Garcia, Columbia University: Collective phenomena in light-matter interfaces (3 lectures)
– Antoine Browaeys, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, CNRS, Université Paris Saclay: Dipole – dipole interaction (3 lectures)
– Robin Kaiser, INPHYNI, CNRS, UCA: Interaction and disorder (3 lectures)
– Ekkerhard Peik, PTB: Applications: from high precision measurements to metrology (4 lectures)
– Jook Walraven, University of Amsterdam: Ultracold collisions (5 lectures)
⇒ More details about the school
22-26 april 2019: High Precision Physics using an Optical Fibre Link and Optical Frequency Comb, École de Physique des Houches, France
After more than 15 years of development, optical fiber links and optical frequency combs are now sufficiently mature to be spread and shared outside the time/frequency metrological institutes. The school follows on from the international development of optical fiber links and its objective is thus to broadcast among a wide community of physicist the possibilities of high precision measurement thanks to the optical fiber transfer of an optical frequency reference, coupled to a frequency comb. These setup enable any laboratory to access an ultrastable and accurate reference frequency which opens the way to high-precision experiments in a wide range of physical domain. In order to benefit from its metrological performance, the optical reference frequency disseminated by optical fiber links can then be transferred to a wide spectral range from RF to UV frequencies thanks to optical frequency combs. In addition, these combs are ideal tools for high-resolution atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
The attendants will learn both the basics, performance and limitations of these two tools and how to take advantage of them for high-precision measurements. The applications in sight concern for instance tests of fundamental physics, atomic and molecular high-resolution spectroscopy using either stabilized lasers or new spectroscopic methods, frequency transfer for radio astronomy and geodesy and novel applications concerning Earth observation.
⇒ More details about the school
10-14 September 2018: Optical Clock School OCS 2018, Gressoney la Trinité, Aosta Valley, Italy
Research on optical frequency standards based on cold atoms or ions has shown a great advance in the last few years with optical clocks demonstrating unprecedented stability and accuracy and achieving 10^-18 uncertainties in just hundreds of seconds. Optical clocks are the best candidates for a redefinition of the SI second in the near future, surpassing the performance of caesium primary standards.
The School on Optical Clocks will offer insight on the state of the art in this field and will present the very latest results from the international community. The School will explain the efforts to achieve 1×10^-18 uncertainties, to develop novel techniques for frequency stabilization and to ensure the reproducibility of optical clocks through direct frequency comparisons.
⇒ More details about the school
8-19 January 2018 : Winter school on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches
⇒ More details about the school
3-7 July 2017: ICFO School on the Frontiers of Light on New Frontiers in Optical Trapping and Optical Manipulation, Barcelona
This new edition of the ICFO School on the Frontiers of Light will introduce the students to the physics of optical forces and the principal current trends in the field, including statistical physics, optomechanics, biophysics and soft matter. The school agenda includes pedagogical lectures on selected topics, research seminars, group discussion sessions, and lab tours and is ideally designed for master-level students and beginners in the field. The school will be complemented by a one-day symposium which will bring together worldwide experts from different communities who will present some of the main emerging trends.
The school will include 4 days of lectures from 3-6 July. The scientific Symposium will run on Friday 7 July with invited talks from leading international researchers.
⇒ More details about the school
⇒ More details about the symposium
12-16 June 2017: Thematic school CNRS INNOV-FIBRE
3-10 Sept. 2016: FOMO 2016: A summer school covering the wide area of matter-wave physics and its applications
July 4 – July 29, 2016: Les Houches Summer School “Current Trends in Atomic Physics”