For engineers and researchers

“Time and Frequency, Instrumentation, and Metrology”


Lecture series for PhD Students, Postdoc Fellows and Young Scientists. This course derives from a series of seminars given at the tutorial session of international conferences of time and frequency, and from invited seminars given at INRIM/Torino, University of Pisa, JPL/Pasadena, DESY/Hamburg, LBNL/Berkley, ANL/Chicago, MPI-QO/Munich…

Located at Femto-ST (Besançon)

⇒ More information on this training

EFTS (European Time & Frequency Seminar) summer school

This school, yearly organized at Besançon, approaches different aspects of time-frequency metrology. During 5 days, it includes theoretical courses and tutorials.

More information on EFTS


LNE training sessions

Lots of training sessions are offered by LNE. It can be between 1 and 10 days.
List of available training sessions


CNAM training sessions

Lots of training sessions are offered by Conservatoire National des Métiers, especially in electronics, electrotechnics, automatics and metrology (EEAM).
List of available EEAM training sessions