Laboratoire d’Etude du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique et atmosphères (LERMA) Category: Research or metrology institute

Activities Time-Frequency:

Workforce: 5with: 4 permanents, 1 non-permanent

PARIS, France

High-resolution molecular spectroscopy for atmospheric and astrophysical applications is an important research activity within the Molecules in the Universe pole of LERMA. The activity helps investigating and understanding isotopic and nuclear spin effects. It also provides molecular spectroscopic data of wide use for the scientific community. Traceeability of these data has recently become key, requiring a very high level of control of our laser and frequency sources. For measurements in the mid-IR using tunable diode lasers, we therefore apply active stabilisation techniques, such as interferometer control or heterodyning with optical an frequency combs, that will be locked to the reference distributed by the REFIMEVE+ project. As part of the teaching activities, we also develop an atomic Cesium Cs clock.

Contribution to:

International collaborations:
Novosibirsk State University, ul. Pirogova 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia AND Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, Russia
Departimento di Fisica, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
PMOD-WRC, Davos, Switzerland

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / LERMA / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque.

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / LERMA / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque.

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / SORBONNE UNIVERSITÉ / LERMA / FEMTO-ST / SYRTE / L2E / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque .

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / SORBONNE UNIVERSITÉ / LERMA / FEMTO-ST / SYRTE / L2E / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque .

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / LERMA / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque.

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / LERMA / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque.

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / LERMA / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque.

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / LERMA / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque.

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / LERMA / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque.

Crédit photo : Hubert RAGUET / LERMA / FIRST-TF / CNRS Photothèque.

Expertise :

  • Oscillators
    • Optical oscillators, lasers
      • Frequency combs• Development of a MIR diode laser system for molecular spectroscopy in the 8-12 µm range, stabilized on a frequency comb.
  • Atomic references
    • Micro-wave clocks and subsystems
      • Coherent population trapping (CPT) clocks• Experimental platform for MASTER students on CPT atomic clock @ Sorbonne Université
  • Specific methods of time-frequency metrology
    • High resolution spetroscopy
      • Atomic spectroscopy• Theoretical developments in laser spectroscopy for a new generation of optical clocks (CPT, EIT, Stimulated Raman transitions, Rabi and Ramsey spectroscopy, composite laser pulses)
      • Molecular spectroscopy• Spectroscopy of atmospheric and astrophysical relevant molecules, such as ozone O3 or carbon dioxide CO2.
        High resolution spectroscopy of isotopic species and data production for international spectroscopic data bases.

Connected Sectors:

  • Environment and health
    • Atmosphere physics• Determination of the chemical and isotopic composition of the atmosphere by high resolution molecular spectroscopy in order to quantify and understand how the composition & climate change over short and long time scales.

FIRST-TF Network

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