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Expertise :
Atomic references (53)
Micro-wave clocks and subsystems (48)
Coherent population trapping (CPT) clocks (11)
Cold atoms (15)
Masers (15)
Microwave ion clocks (2)
Optical pumping cell clocks (1)
Thermal beam clocks (31)
Optical clocks and subsystems (14)
Optical ion clocks (8)
Optical neutral atomic clocks (9)
Oscillators (67)
Optical oscillators, lasers (46)
Frequency combs (25)
Laser sources (34)
Lasers locked to a Fabry-Pérot cavity (16)
Lasers locked to a fibre delay line (4)
Lasers locked to an atomic or molecular line (15)
Lasers locked with Spectral Hole Burning effect (SHB) (1)
WGM, gallery modes (4)
RF and microwave oscillators and synthesis (44)
Disciplined oscillators (10)
MEMS technologies (18)
Microwave technologies (11)
Piezoelectric technologies (19)
Spintronic technologies (3)
THz technologies, THz signal generation (12)
Specific methods of time-frequency metrology (74)
Chronometry (11)
High resolution spetroscopy (32)
Atomic spectroscopy (24)
Molecular spectroscopy (19)
Noise (37)
Intensity noise (13)
Phase noise, PLL (23)
Short term stability, long term stability (30)
Systematics, Accuracy, Calibration (23)
Systematics in atom-light interaction (21)
Systematics in time transfer methods (6)
Synchronisation, frequency transfer and time scales (58)
Fibred optical links (26)
Data transfer on a fibre network (21)
Purely optical methods (13)
Micro-wave links (44)
GNSS (39)
Radio links (7)
Two way systems (15)
Wired links (23)
Optical links in free space (9)
Continuous optical links in free space (4)
Pulsed optical links in free space (6)
Time scales (8)
Techniques for time-frequency metrology and applications (65)
Cooling or trapping techniques (36)
Cooling, trapping of atoms (30)
Trapped ions (19)
Electronics (27)
Acquisition, interfaces, converters (9)
Analog electronics (18)
Digital electronics (19)
Interferometry techniques (24)
Atom interferometry techniques (18)
Optical interferometry techniques (10)
Mechanics, Ultra-high vacuum, Cryogenics (19)
Optics (23)
Control of the optical beam characteristics (12)
Guided optics, specific optical fibres (15)
High sensitivity, low noise photodetectors (9)
Sensors (28)
Atomic inertial sensors (12)
Magnetometers (13)
Piezoelectric, MEMS inertial sensors (6)
Pressure sensors (6)
Connected sectors :
Arts, Languages, human and social sciences (4)
Arts (1)
Concepts of precision and accuracy (2)
History of science, philosophy (3)
Environment and health (24)
Atmosphere physics (11)
Biomedical sensors (4)
Geoscience (geodesy, geophysics) (14)
Fundamental science (39)
Astronomy, astrophysics (radioastronomy, VLBI, gravitational waves sensors) (22)
Fundamental metrology (17)
Tests of fundamental physics (24)
Network synchronisation (19)
Bank transactions (6)
Cyber security (4)
Smart grids (6)
Telecommunications (14)
Transportation networks (4)
Positioning and navigation (28)
Automated vehicles (2)
Inertial navigation (12)
Radar (8)
Satellite positioning, GNSS (18)
Tracking probes in the Solar system (2)
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