Activities Time-Frequency:
Workforce: 7with: 5 permanents, 2 non-permanent
NICE, France
Activities of ARTEMIS laboratory related to frequency metrology comprise research activities and high technology development and studies activities
* Research activities:
- Studies of fundamental noises of mirrors: thermal noise and quantum fluctuation of radiation pressure. In this frame the use of higher order transverse mode has been developed in Fabry-Perot cavity.
- Studies of new fiber based concepts and devices for stabilization and comparison of laser frequencies
* Development and studies in high technology
- Characterization and stabilization of laser and optical amplifier frequency noise for the realization of Advanced VIRGO gravitational wave detector
- Study of the impact of phase noise on laser telemetry measurements
- Development of high control bandwidth Fabry-Perot cavity for spatial mode filtering
- Experimental use of digital technique for servo control based on field-programmable gate arrays
Expertise :
- Oscillators
- Optical oscillators, lasers
- Lasers locked to a Fabry-Pérot cavity• Design of High Fiesse Fabry-Perot cavities with low thermal noise and good seimic isolation as short term reference for lasers frequency control at 1.06 µm
- Laser sources• Stable compact laser sources and their amplification: solid-state lasers at 1.55 and 1.06 µm
- Optical oscillators, lasers
- Synchronisation, frequency transfer and time scales
- Fibred optical links
- Purely optical methods• Laser stabilisation on long fibers
- Fibred optical links
- Specific methods of time-frequency metrology
- Noise
- Short term stability, long term stability• Advanced Virgo 100W short term laser stabilisation
- Noise
Connected Sectors:
- Fundamental science
- Astronomy, astrophysics (radioastronomy, VLBI, gravitational waves sensors)• Virgo
Einstein Telescope
- Astronomy, astrophysics (radioastronomy, VLBI, gravitational waves sensors)• Virgo