Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica
Category: Research or metrology institute
Activities Time-Frequency:
Expertise :
- Oscillators
- RF and microwave oscillators and synthesis
- THz technologies, THz signal generation
- Optical oscillators, lasers
- Laser sources
- RF and microwave oscillators and synthesis
- Synchronisation, frequency transfer and time scales
- Fibred optical links
- Data transfer on a fibre network
- Fibred optical links
- Specific methods of time-frequency metrology
- Noise
- Phase noise, PLL
- Systematics, Accuracy, Calibration
- Systematics in atom-light interaction
- High resolution spetroscopy
- Molecular spectroscopy
- Noise
Connected Sectors:
- Network synchronisation
- Transportation networks
- Environment and health
- Atmosphere physics