Actualités FIRST-TF – 18 juillet 2017


Actualités du réseau FIRST-TF

18 juillet 2017

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Toutes les conférences.                  Tous les workshops.

Discussion Day on the Foundations of Quantum Physics

On 28 August 2017 at the Université de Technologie de Troyes in Troyes (France).

We will hear talks and exchange on issues concerning Quantum Foundations, including experimental work. Registration is free but mandatory.

Deadline for abstracts (1/2 page): the 16th of July. 

=> Read more.

Symposium: “The fundamental constants of physics: what are they and what is their role in redefining the SI”

On 7 September 2017 at BIPM (Sèvres, France).

The main topics of the discussion will be: the profound nature of the different fundamental physical constants; the different types of fundamental constants as well as their role in the evolution of physical theory, in particular in gravitation, cosmology and in string theory. The role of the fundamental constants in the forthcoming definition of the SI will be examined.

Deadline for registration: 24 July 2017.

=> Read more.

Workshop: “How best to communicate the revised SI?”

On 17 and 18 October 2017 at CMI, Prague (Czech Republic).

The two-day workshop, organised by EURAMET, will contain:

• An introduction to the planned revision of the SI

• Information about the BIPM Brand Book ‘Future Revision of the SI’

• A workshop on how to convey the SI at school

• Best practice examples of communicating the SI

• Practical sessions on how and when to communicate the future revision of the SI

Deadline for registration: Friday, 15 September 2017.

=> Read more.

Winter school on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles

On 8-19 January 2018, at Les Houches

In continuing the successful Winter School on the Physics with Trapped Charged Particles held in Les Houches (France) in January 2012 and 2015 (lecture notes available) we are happy to announce the third such school to be held this coming January 2018.  The school will take place from January 8-19, 2018 and applications are now open.

Deadline for applications: September 17th.

=> Read more.



Toutes les ressources.

The Impact of quantum technologies on the EU's future policies: Part 1 Quantum Time

The Impact of quantum technologies on the EU’s future policies: Part 1 Quantum Time

The Impact of quantum technologies on the EU’s future policies: Part 1 Quantum Time. Atomic clocks are a quantum technology, used in national metrology laboratories to define UTC and in various networked infrastructure. Developments in the clocks themselves, and in the distribution of precise time, can be expected to affect several application areas of importance to European policy.

                                    => Read more.

The economic impact on the UK of a disruption to GNSS


The economic impact on the UK of a disruption to GNSS

This report researches and assesses the impact of a 5-day loss of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems on the UK economy. The report had 5 aims:

• identify the economic sectors and industries supported by GNSS in the UK

• quantify the economic benefit that these technologies and services bring to the UK

• estimate the economic impact (both government and private sector) of a disruption to GNSS of up to 5 days

• identify the cost and effectiveness of mitigation strategies

• carry out a high-level assessment of the impact of UK public funding of GNSS

=> Read more.



Liste des appels d’offres.

Appel à idées R&T 2018 CNES pour les systèmes orbitaux

L’appel à idées R&T 2018 pour les Systèmes Orbitaux est ouvert sur le site Les dates d’ouverture, de fermeture et  les conditions de l’appel à proposition de sujets de thèses seront précisées ultérieurement sur ce site.

Date limite : 11 septembre 2017 à 23H59.

=> Plus d’informations.


Post-doc position on “Instabilities in a magneto-optical trap”

PhLAM, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules (Lille, France).

The aim of the project is to study the instabilities that can be observed in a dense magneto-optical trap. This field has close connections with astrophysics or with the physics of plasma.

=> More détails on this offer.

Post-doc position on “Searching for Dark Matter with a network of atomic clocks”

SYRTE, Laboratoire Systèmes de Référence Temps-Espace (Paris, France).

Exploiting global and local networks ofatomic clocks time and frequency comparisons in order to detect or constrain such models. Identifying the best strategy to reach this goal and then applying it in order to perform themeasurements and the analyses that will detect or constrain dark matter in the form of a massivescalar field.

=> More détails on this offer.

Ingénieur de recherche en photonique/lasers

ARTEMIS (Nice, France).

Travail d’expérimentation/instrumentation dans le cadre du consortium sur la future mission spatiale LISA, essentiellement sur la lumière diffusée et sa mesure par rétro-injection (self-mixing) puis  par mesure hétérodyne.

=> Plus d’informations.


MOOC : “Création d’entreprises innovantes : de l’idée à la start-up”

Ce MOOC se propose de décrire en 6 semaines chacune de ces phases essentielles à la réussite du projet entrepreneurial. En suivant ce cours, les apprenants auront donc un aperçu global de la création d’entreprise et seront capables d’en comprendre les différents aspects. Des éléments de réponses aux questions indispensables de la création d’entreprise seront abordés : 

• Comment évaluer la validité, la faisabilité d’une idée innovante ?

• Comment passer de l’idée au projet grâce à un Business Model adapté ?

• Comment monter un Business Plan financier ?

• Comment financer l’entreprise innovante et quels sont les critères des investisseurs ?

• Quels aides et conseils sont à la disposition des porteurs de projet ?

Début du cours : 12 octobre 2017.

=> Plus de détails.


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