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FIRST-TF: Network of Excellence of ‘Investissements d’Avenir’ program

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Les Houches cold atoms school: “Quantum metrology: from optomechanics to tests of fundamental physics”. October 20th-31st, 2025Les Houches cold atoms school “Quantum metrology: from Optomechanics to tests of fundamental physics”, will take place in Les Houches, France, from Oct 20 to Oct 31, 2025. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2025. Please pre-register on the website:
2nd PCQT Workshop on April 4, 2025Paris Centre for Quantum Technologies (PCQT) organizes its second workshop on April 4, 2025,  from 2 pm to 6 pm. It will once again bring together the community of researchers of the main research teams in Quantum Technologies in Paris Centre.  Registration is free but mandatory by filling out this form. Location: Centre International de conférences […]
Conference: De l’astronomie aux horloges atomiques, une fabuleuse épopée de la mesure du temps – May 15th 2025, 6pm – LNE – ParisConference on measurements and time The LNE is continuing its “Les mesures et…” series of conferences, with the fifth “Les mesures et le temps : quel futur ?” conference on May 15, 2025. “. De l’astronomie aux horloges atomiques, une fabuleuse épopée de la mesure du temps [conference in French] Since ancient Egypt, humans have […]
Société Française de Physique – Demi-journée scientifique : Aperçu des potentialités offertes par la révolution quantique – March 22nd 2025This half-day event will follow the General Meeting of the Société Française de Physique, to be held on Saturday March 22 at ENS Paris, starting at 10:30 am. It is organized as part of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. [conference in French] Program: